A man I know who was one of the biggest scoffer's of biblical fundamentalism (A B C's), the Bible and God's people, finally after years of pride, arrogance, subjective reasoning, spiritual relativism, beating his vain drum and the horrific consequence of alcohol addiction came to know Christ as His Savior! This man tried everything under the sun to help himself and his demons but in the end the very last thing that he tried was the very thing that saved his life and his soul (Psalm 19, Acts 4:12, 2 Cor. 5:17-21). The very things that he scoffed at for years; the Savior (in Spirit and Truth), the Bible and its RIGHTEOUS truths, righteous absolutes, precepts and moral absolutes had done what nothing else could do... it set him absolutely free (Matt. 11:28-30, John 8:32,36, 2 Cor. 5:17-21)!
It was when this individual was at the bottom of the abyss in his
personal life that he finally turned to Almighty God's saving grace and
mercy in Spirit and Truth and found that God the Son was waiting for him
there with nail pierced hands.
This man had beaten every drum that this nasty fallen world has to offer. He had tried every solution for his addictions and in the "name" of Almighty God sought justification for his godless actions and ways (Prov. 14:12, Matt. 7:21-23, Rom. 10:2-4, Jude 1:10). Religion, spiritual philosophies and subjective fallen solutions always are bankrupt in themselves and are vanity at best in the end (Prov. 14:12, Eccl. 1:1-3). It was when this individual was at the bottom of the abyss in his personal life that he finally turned to Almighty God's saving grace and mercy in Spirit and Truth and found that God the Son was waiting for him there with nail pierced hands (John 4:24, 8:32,36, 17:17, Gal. 1:4, Eph. 2:1-13, Rev. 1:5)!

My dear friends, isn't it tragic that we as human beings have to beat our godless drum and go through the mill of unbelief and pride in our rebellion against Almighty God until God's Word teaches us how vain we are and how dead our logic is in light of all ETERNITY and the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God.
What is most amazing to me is that out of all the people I knew this was the last individual I ever saw coming to Christ! I saw Almighty God being super-abundantly gracious and merciful to him for years, for he should have been dead countless times, however God saw in him something that I and others could not. He saw a heart that in all of his self inflicted pride was truly searching to know God (Jer. 29:13).

This fallen world has redefined absolutes with demonic euphemisms and
excluded Almighty God from all of its thoughts. We need the light of His Word to help us see ourselves and
this world as they truly are.

One day a friend of this individual came up to him and started asking some questions about his new way of thinking and living. He was a friend of his past who in times past he use to run with in the course of this world (Eph. 2:1-2, 1 Peter 4:4). After talking with this individual for a while this man finally stated, "What have you become brainwashed?" This individual was thrown off guard by this inquiry but reply, " Yes I have." The man looked at him funny and this individual stated, "I need my brain washed from my thinking so that my thinking will be Christ's thinking." It was after this concluding statement that these two men went on their ways. When this individual told me of this account I thought to myself, "Wow! the wonders and marvels of the grace and mercy of Almighty God in an individuals life to bring about this radical change." To God be the glory! In it I praised Almighty God for being a Savior for all men especially those who have received His saving grace and have let Him do a great work in one's heart and life.
It is by our application to the Word of Almighty God and our life lived
for Him that demonstrates what Christ and God's Word has done for a son
of Adam.
This is the question we need to personally ask each one of ourselves. Is our thinking lined up with Almighty God's Word? Beloved, there is absolute freedom and liberty and never tyranny to all who truly trust in and exercise Almighty God's Word in ones personal life (John 8:32,36). This scoffer and mocker had personally come to know that truth and reality and is now celebrating victory in his life looking forward to the Savior's coming (Phil. 4:13, 1 John 5:4).
My dear friends there is absolutely no shame in being labeled brainwashed or thinking contrary to the way this fallen world thinks, for the ways of this world in the end are death and wrath (John 3:16-17, 36, Rom. 1:18-32, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 20:11-15). As a matter of fact the world calls us ignorant, brainwashed, deceived, gullible and fools and understands us not for it did not understand Him either and crucified and murder the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 17:14-17, Acts 3:14-15, 1 Cor. 1:18-31, 4:10).
My dear friends may we all continue to let Almighty God's Word change us and help us to think rightly and to see things rightly from Almighty God's ETERNAL perspective. For the TRUTH will indeed set us free from the bondage of the tyranny of this fallen world! I rejoice that I can have my brain washed by the blood of Christ and the ETERNAL absolutes and realities of His Word for in doing so i am FREE (John 8:32, 36)!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Sir. I admire these blogs that you post. I most sincerely hope that you are the man behind all of them. If you are the same man that I keep trying to defend on the blog posted about President George Washington's Religious quotes, I only wish to tell you that God will bless you abundantly. But I also have a question. Does one have to be baptised to be saved? I only ask this because I was baptised as a young child and did not quite understand it deeply nor had the strong relationship with God that I now have.
My friend, Thank for your reply and TGBTG!! I am the main writer and head I.F.. (DJP I.F. --Dave/David)
My friend, I was raised Catholic and was baptized as a baby but what the Catholic church teaches about baptism and what the Bible teach are two different things. When I receive Christ I was baptized again since the first time was down without any knowledge and I was not saved when I was as a baby.
If you received the Lord as your personal Savior then you should be Baptized in obedience to Christ's command (Matt. 28:18-20). Baptism is a picture of what Christ has done for you and that is all it is. There is no mystical magic that takes place as apostate churches teach etc...
Here is a link to a Biblical study of Baptism that people at where I go to church do before being baptized. I believe that you will find it most helpful! There is also countless other Bible studies that you can do also etc.. Dig in!!
P.S. Any questions that you have please feel free to email us! We also have a I.F. newsletter and a correspondence course etc if you are interested.
God speed!
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