(the Left) are narcissistic in their heart and subjective to the core. Their
moral compass is all out-of-whack because of their complete and total rejection
of natural law and absolutes.
This godless, base behavior is encouraged by the Father
of Lies – Lucifer, or the Devil (John
8:44). His goal is to make humanity as base as possible in their thinking,
and as callous (hardened) in their morality, so to despise what is right and
wrong. His goal is to brainwash and dupe the masses into doing his
What is Truth?
What is Truth?

They (conservatives) also
rejected this revelation and are subject to the god of this world’s
Sad, that multitudes on the Right today – including the leaders of the New Media - reject ALSO Almighty God's revelation found only in Almighty God’s Word. These look at the Bible – Almighty God’s revelation to mankind - as relative and powerless. They have a form of godliness, but they deny the power of it (2 Tim 3:5). They are “religious” not real. They (conservatives) also rejected this revelation and are subject to the god of this world’s dominion (Gal. 1:4, Eph. 2:1-2). As they fight tooth and nail to "save" America, they are oblivious that they are being taken away in the current flood of the devastating consequences and fall out of today's political and exponential social changes. Conservatism is at the Alamo.
What the Conservatism and all other political ideologies need to do is to place their faith alone in Almighty God’s redemptive plan and program for this fallen world. He is the only hope.
May you place your trust
and hope in Him alone!
My friend, are the many different talking heads of today's media confusing you? There is One that you can trust for the Truth and Reality coverage for your existence in time and ETERNITY future (Num. 23:19, Heb. 6:18, Rev. 1:5). He alone is Trustworthy. He alone is True. He alone is Faithful and Righteous (Rev. 1:5, 19:11).
May the hour in which we live in today drive you to the Savior of all mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ. May you place your trust and hope in Him alone. True hope and security are only found in Him. He will strengthen your heart and give you a sure foundation to stand on (Matt 7:24-27). You will never be the same… NEVER!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Gospel of John Challenge
Saul Alinsky's Mentor - Lucifer - The Master Politician