Monday, November 12, 2012

Chasing Satan's Cattle to ETERNAL Doom

There is absolutely no way that TRUE PEACE and PERFECT HARMONY can EVER be brought about WITHOUT the ETERNAL established RIGHTEOUSNESS of ALMIGHTY GOD (Isa. 32:17, 48:18,22). Almighty God’s whole ETERNITY and physical universe was established based on the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PERSON of the TRIUNE GOD! How deceived are we as humans and totally delusional to think that we as Adam’s fallen race could establish a PERFECT world and enter into ETERNITY without the required RIGHTEOUSNESS that Almighty God demands (1 Cor. 6:8-11, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 21:8, 22:14-15).

We are a smashed and broken egg with absolutely no way our repairing ourselves.

We are a smashed and broken egg with absolutely no way our repairing ourselves. 6000 years of human history testifies to the fact that we are a violent and lawless race with death as our future and destiny (Rom. 3:23) and on our way to total destruction. If it had not been for Almighty God’s outside intervention holding back the full accumulation of violence of mankind we would have been extinct a long time ago (Matt. 24:21-22, 2 Thess. 2:6-8). Isn’t it amazing that as American’s listen to our leaders in Washington D.C., the media (conservative and liberal), Hollywood and the music culture and industry preach utopian ideals unto them that the majority of the world sincerely believe that lie from hell, which is if we just keep working at “peace” (give peace a chance) that we will one day finally achieve it?

How deceived are we as humans and totally delusional to think that we as Adam’s fallen race could establish a PERFECT world and enter into ETERNITY without the required RIGHTEOUSNESS that Almighty God demands.

My friend, let's wake up and get real! There is NO WAY that a smashed egg can EVER again be put perfectly back together and there is NO WAY that this broken world can EVER fix itself. This vain utopian pursuit is the ultimate delusional chasing of the devil’s cattle. At the end of this vain delusional chase the world will tragically finally find out the REALITIES of time and ETERNITY that they have REJECTED their whole lives (Luke 16:22-31, Heb. 9:27, Rev. 20:11-15). It will be in that Day that these will be fully AWAKENED from their self induced godless hypnotic delusion and will FULLY understand that their lawless self willed existence here in time has led them straight into the slaughter house of the ETERNAL Divine Judgment and wrath of Almighty God (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thess. 2; 8-12, Rev.20:11-15).

This vain utopian pursuit is the ultimate delusional chasing of the devil’s cattle.

Almighty God calls out to all in these last days to the receive REALITY, TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS and to be SAVED from the wrath to come (John 3:16-17, Acts 17:30-31, Rom. 2:4, 1Tim. 2:3-4)! My dear friend, your Creator has a glorious future for you IF you would only receive it (John 1:12, 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21, 22:1-5). Have you been living in a delusion about life, this world and your ETERNAL future? My dear friend put aside your subjective pride and be objective and believe and receive the Savior. You will NEVER EVER be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is ta hand!


Haters of Reality

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Almighty God's Post-Election Guarantee

Now that the election is past, we can guarantee the following results:

1. God will still be on His throne (Psalm 11:4)

2. The Lord Jesus will still be King of Kings and Lord of Lords, whose coming is now nearer than when we first believed (Rom. 13:11)

3. The Bible will still have all the answers to every problem (2 Tim. 3:16-17). 

4. The tomb will still be empty and believers can still abide in the risen Saviour who is our LIFE (Col. 3:3-4)

5. Jesus will still be the only way to heaven (Acts 4:12)

6. Prayer will still be effectual, and God will show His prayer warriors great and mighty things which they know not (Jer. 33:3)

7. The cross, not the government, will still be our salvation (Gal. 6:14).

8. There will still be room at the cross for every seeking sinner (John 6:37; Matt. 11:28)

9. Jesus will still save to the uttermost anyone who places his faith and trust in Him (Heb. 7:25)

10. God will still be with us always; He will never leave us or forsake us (Heb. 13:5-6)

No matter what difficulties or disasters we may face in the coming days, God is faithful and will preserve His own (Jude 1 and 24).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!