Friday, November 9, 2012

Non-Zombie Americans Brace for Obama’s ‘Flexibility’

Back in March, we heard Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) tell Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,
“This is my last election.  After my election, I have more flexibility.”
At the time, news outlets reported this as if Obama did not realize he was being recorded, yet there were cameras and microphones all over the place recording every second.  Obama had to know the world could hear his words, but I am certain he did not care.  When I heard those words, I knew the fix was in, although I still hoped I would be wrong.  Obama knew he would “win” the election.  We have seen elections around the world where dictators routinely “win” reelection, and we shake our heads in wonder at such corrupt election systems.  We wake up and find we have one, too.

No, I am not going to dwell on the unknown number of dead or otherwise illegal Obama voters or potential voting machine hacks or Barcelona vote-tally whackers, because it is futile.  By hook and crook and a preponderance of moron votes, the communist, criminal fraud Barack Obama was reinstalled in our presidency, and we will never know how many fraudulent votes or altered vote counts contributed to his victory.

To the millions of morons who stupidly voted for this anti-American demoniac, ignorance is currently bliss, but for the sentient Americans who understand that our nation has been solidly taken over by evil enemies within, it is mourning in America.  What we now face is Obama’s promised “flexibility,” with all the further America-killing, freedom-robbing, Constitution-burning wickedness it entails.

We now face the fact that we will not be able to kill “Obamacare.”  We face the fact that a corrupt, incompetent government, packed with affirmative action trolls, will now control our formerly private health care system—the same government that does so well running the United States Postal Service, Social Security and Medicare.  Yeah, that government.  We now face the ugly reality that we will be compelled to endure a socialist medical system, complete with treatment rationing, death panels for Grandma and forced taxpayer funding of pre-born baby killing.  And, I know the morons do not understand this, but we now face massive tax hikes to fund the monstrous government takeover of our health care system, even though the high taxation and fees will not be enough to pay for it.

We face Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Gestapo continuing to spit in the face of Congressional authority and further put the “cap and trade” vice to energy production so that our electricity rates will “necessarily skyrocket.”  And, drilling and fracking?  I doubt we will see an increase on federal lands, because Obama has not yet seen his policies stick us with ten-dollar-a-gallon gas.
We face a lawless Justice Department that will continue to prevent common-sense voter identification laws from going into effect.  It will continue to allow the flood of illegal aliens to trample our nation’s laws, and it will continue to sue states that attempt to protect their residents from the criminal alien invasion.
We will continue to see the homosexual movement make gains under Obama, who is fully on-board with its tyrannical goals.  Yes, the goals of the homosexual movement are tyrannical.  Those goals include the killing of free speech, freedom of association and freedom of religion, and the destruction of the meaning of marriage and the family unit as the bedrock of a strong nation.  The militant homosexual movement will not tolerate criticism of its unhealthy, unnatural and immoral behavior, and ultimately we will go the sorry way of other socialist nations that outlaw speech critical of degenerate, homosexual behavior, and that will include speech from the pulpit.

We will continue to see our military shredded to bits and America’s national security dangerously degraded.  We will not likely see justice done for those killed in Benghazi, and Obama will not be held accountable for his refusal to allow help to be sent to our Ambassador and the others murdered by Muslim animals.

We will not see Obama punished for any of the criminal actions he has taken since his likely fraudulent obtaining of the office of President as an ineligible candidate.  He will not be held accountable for ignoring the limits on his power and for bypassing Congress and disregarding court rulings against him.  No one will be able or willing to stop him from finishing the destruction of our nation’s economy to bring us down to size with the rest of the pitiful world.

It has been bad in his first term, but I am certain we are going to see terrible theft of our God-given rights and freedoms as we have never before seen in America. So, we brace ourselves for Dictator Obama’s hellish “flexibility.”

The entitlement drones have won, and while they think the world is roses because their hero is still in office, reality will one day pierce their painfully stupid heads.  One day, the government taxpayer money pig trough will be empty, and then they will take to the streets to burn and destroy what little order still remains in our once-great nation.

Our country is indeed gone, but to paraphrase an e-mail message I received today, forwarded by Dr. Theo from his former battalion surgeon leader in Vietnam:  God is still on His throne.  Jesus is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He is still the only Way to salvation.  The Bible still has every answer to life’s problems.  Prayer is still our most potent weapon.  Jesus will save anyone who puts his trust in Him, and there is always plenty of room at the Cross for newcomers.

God has turned his face away from the United States of America, because America first turned its face away from Him; however, God has promised He will never leave nor forsake those of us who have put our faith and love in Him through His Son Jesus.  The only source for real hope and real peace in our lives is Jesus Christ, Who is God.  If you stand apart from God today, please consider seeking Him now.  Our world will soon be worse than anyone can imagine, and when the dark days fall, the only eternally safe place to be is in the all-powerful hands of the Lord God.

Article written by;

Gina Miller
American Clarion

Posted with permission

How to Personally Know Jesus Christ?
What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Romney Loss - Evangelicals "Again" Stayed Home

Many of us could not imagine that Romney could lose this election, especially after four years of Obama’s radical Marxism and its social and fiscal consequences that America will NEVER recover from. All the hype and all the Romney rallies; it indeed looked like a sure victory for Romney except for one equation, the Evangelical vote. We here at the IFB have talked back and forth among ourselves since the RNC convention and with others also in the know; that if the Evangelical vote did not show up on Nov. 6th the jig would be up and Romney would lose big… and indeed he has.
Remember, the GOP and Romney gave NO place to the Evangelical vote at the RNC convention. They outright snubbed us and that act rubbed Evangelicals the wrong way.

Remember, the GOP and Romney gave NO place to the Evangelical vote at the RNC convention. They outright snubbed us and that act rubbed Evangelicals the wrong way. The Evangelical vote consists of the TRUE social and moral conservatives of the party (i.e., the Right). Romney and the GOP also gave very little time to the Tea Party who is the heart of the grass root movement and the engine of the Party! The viewer ratings for the 2012 RNC convention were way down, some 40% and many of us- including myself - did not watch one lick of it. Why should we have? We knew what we were getting and many of us felt “diss’d” being left out as we were. That in its self should have set off warning bells to the RNC but in all honesty many of us who are Evangelicals were still going to vote for Romney holding our nose. It is our duty as Believers and an Americans to be salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16) and even though Romney was who he was; he was the better choice still and the lesser of the two evils for our nation. We were not going to trust in a Romney win but that a Romney win would slow down the final deterioration of our nation.

Many Evangelicals who voted for Bush in 2000 and in 2004 felt betrayed by his agreeing with and passing many of the Marxist policies of the progressive Left. To this day it still has left a bad taste in our mouth and many have NOT forgotten it. Evangelicals felt betrayed and many did not vote for McCain in 2008 which gave Marxist Obama the victory. When you add the convention snub of Romney and the GOP that was the straw that broke the elephants back.

 Many Evangelicals who voted for Bush in 2000 and in 2004 felt betrayed by his agreeing with and passing many of the Marxist policies of the progressive Left. To this day it still has left a bad taste in our mouth.

Now we come to today, the day after the election and we once more again see that the Evangelical vote has stayed home; and in doing so have given Obama another four years to finish the job of transforming our nation and fundamentally changing our culture and way of life which includes the elimination of sound biblical Christianity. I know I am going to get a ton of hate mail for this statement, but SHAME ON YOU for sitting home and not choosing to be light and exercising your God given right to vote (Matt. 5:13-16)! I know all sides of this argument and there is still absolutely NO excuse (Matt. 5:13-16). Your self righteous pride, biblical ignorance and foolishness has open wide the door now for Christian persecution in our nation and the end of the freedoms we have for the furtherance of the Gospel. My friends, indeed the Day of the Lord is at hand, but WOE to any who seek to bring it about who call on the Name of Jesus Christ by being idol and slothful.This is NOT a sanctification matter and God will hold you accountable for hiding your light and voice.

In the end, this 2012 election has revealed without a shadow of a doubt that the Evangelical element has lost its salt and light and that America has absolutely no problem in FULL LIGHT re-electing a radical progressive secular Marxists to reign over us.

In the end, this 2012 election has revealed without a shadow of a doubt that the Evangelical element has lost its salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16) and that America has absolutely no problem in FULL LIGHT re-electing a radical progressive secular Marxists to reign over us. I think of Samuel when all of Israel wanted a king and not the Lord (1 Sam. 8). It broke his heart and rightly so! He knew what was coming. Thus America in this election has said quite loudly that we DO NOT want the God given freedom to exercise what our Founding Fathers envisioned, which was based on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. In doing so we have REJECTED the Judeo/ Christian values and ideals which once made this country great. We have now as a nation fully taken on the mantle of Lawlessness and the spirit of Anti Christ as our nation’s ideology and culture.

Indeed, we as Evangelicals will now see what we must surely endure under lawless administration of Barack H. Obama and many Evangelical will be sifted and found wanting. That there... you can take to the bank!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Mitt Romney: A Liberal's Liberal Republican - American Thinker link

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2012 Elections - TRUE Conservatism at the Alamo - The Day of the Lord is at Hand!

If anyone is being real with themselves about the day and hour in which we live in they would have to come to this very sobering conclusion; that the TRUE Conservative movement (social/fiscal) in America - much like those who fought valiantly at the Alamo - will shortly be overrun and butchered at the hand of the GODLESS and LAWLESS fallen world in which we are living (Gal. 1:4; Eph. 6:12, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). This sobering reality is way too much for the majority of American conservatives to think on, and understandably so; to even try to entertain this though is to come to the sobering conclusion that the gig is up. It is at this very quandary that they flee to the false prophets of delusion false optimism with all their might as their last hope (i.e., the Alamo). What is even more alarming is that multitudes of conservatives are oblivious or have very little understanding of what Almighty God’s Word has to say about today's events which are transpiring into the Last Days of godless mankind (Matt. 24; 2 Tim. 3:1-7; Jude 1:18; Rev. 6 - 19). With the elections today, if TRUE conservatives truly believe that a Mitt Romney presidential win will revive TRUE conservatism and save our nation from its lawless implosion they are super- deceived and oblivious to who and what our day is and who Mitt Romney truly is.

The TRUE Conservative movement (social/fiscal) in America - much like those who fought valiantly at the Alamo - will shortly be overrun and butchered at the hand of the godless, LAWLESS world in which we are living.

If conservatives truly had faith in Almighty God and believed His Word, they would fully comprehend the day and hour in which we live and having the liberating knowledge that Almighty God is still on His Throne (John 8:32, 36; Rev. 4-5)! Fallen humanity (conservative or liberal) is doomed to failure without their Creator and Savior. Unfortunately, many conservatives want to remain subjective and willingly ignorant about the harsh realities at hand. They cannot let go of their “Conservative Optimism” that insipidly insists that “all will be well in the end" (Jer. 6:14, 8:11; Ezek. 13:10; 1 Thess. 5:3).” Such delusional optimism is rampant in the conservative movement, preached by its false prophets of optimism to the optimist Kool-aid drinkers” on the right. We must see “outside the box” of time and look at the whole, ETERNAL picture. That is the only way to truly comprehend the day we live in.

..Our hope should not rest upon the American people or the conservative movement; and our expectations should not be focused on the outcome of future (e.g., the 2012) elections (Psalm 146:3; Jer. 17:5-9).

Our only hope for today - and tomorrow - is found in Almighty God’s Son Jesus Christ. He alone can set men free from the bondage and tyranny of sin and its dire consequences (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Rev. 20:11-15).

At the end of the horrific seven-year tribulation period wherein global LAWLESSNESS and anarchy reigns (Isa. 13:9-11; Zeph. 3:8-9; Matt. 24), Jesus Christ will come back to earth from Heaven’s glory to crush the godless world’s rebellion (Isa. 24; Daniel 2:44-45; 2 Thess. 2:8-9; Rev. 19:11-21). Jesus Christ will then establish His 1000-year reign on the earth in righteousness, and banish all those who rebelled against Almighty God’s natural laws and spiritual absolutes (Matt. 25:31-32). These lawless ones will be held fully accountable and their punishment will be severe, swift and eternal (Dan 7:27; Matt. 25:41). At this time Christ will establish His kingdom and will rule the world with a righteous rod of iron (Isa. 9:7, Micah 4;2-3, Rev. 2:27, 12:5, 19:15). Peace, liberty and justice will be the fruit of the Reign of Christ (Isa. 2:2-4). The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s Creator will be established and honored throughout the world, and harmony and peace shall be the fruit thereof (Isa. 2:1-5, 11:1-10, 65:25; Hab. 2:14; Zech. 14:16-21). The 1000-year reign of Christ will be a TRUE social and fiscal “Conservative Utopia” of RIGHTEOUSNESS perfection for all who truly want it (Psalm 27:7; Isa. 2:;2-4, 32:17, Micah, 4:1-4, Zech. 14: 16-21; Matt. 5:3-12; Rom. 14:17; James 3:18).

The 1000-year reign of Christ will be a 'Conservative Utopia' of righteous perfection for all who truly want it.

It is ONLY through and by God’s Son Jesus Christ that we can find peace with God and peace in our lives (John 14:27; Eph. 2:14; Philip. 4:7). The tide of our day is inexorably moving, and it is a losing battle no matter how valiantly we try to fight or stem it. Godless mankind cannot overcome or alter the oppressive nature of the flesh (fallen unregenerate humanity). It will eventually succumb to its power and destroy itself. This is exactly what Almighty God’s Word tells us (Jer. 17:9; Rom. 7:18, 23-24).
May I ask you this serious question? Do you have the perfect righteousness needed to enter into the holy presence of Almighty God? That is exactly what Almighty God has provided in the person of Jesus Christ for all those of Adam’s fallen race (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 10:2-4; 2 Cor. 5:21).

Do you have the perfect righteousness needed to enter into the holy presence of Almighty God?

These turbulent and troubling days are only going to get worse. There is nothing we can do to stop what is happening and that which will come to pass. We are indeed at the Alamo in our world today with lawlessness and moral relativism abounding. May it be your sole desire to look “outside the box” of your time-constrained worldview, and have faith in Almighty God who so loved the world that He sent His Son to die for your sins and mine, i.e., the sins of the entire world (John 3:16-17). That is what LIFE is all about - having a living relationship with our Creator in spirit and truth (reality) - John 4:24.

May you place all your expectations in Him alone for your ETERNAL - as well as temporal - well-being (1 Peter 5:7; Rev. 1:5). You will never be the same, no, NEVER!



Monday, November 5, 2012

The IFB Pre-Election Rally Cry!

My dear friends, many today including Rush and the majority of conservative talking heads are being swept away with a false hope and a delusional optimism about the "ever evolving" Mitt Romney and what a 2012 victory would mean. Indeed we should do all of our part as Americans by praying and voting for the lesser of the two evils in this election but remembering NOT to place our trust in the outcome. I know that this appraisal might sound fatalistic and doom and gloomy but this is the REALITY of our hour. Our nation is EXPONENTIALLY past the point of no return (socially and fiscal). Godlessness, immorality, moral relativism and lawlessness rule and dominate our day (2 Tim. 3:1-7). We as a nation are as a steak that has been left out in the hot sun for days. There is no chance now of saving it to be used for good. Until there is a sobering repentance here in America like Nineveh of old (Jonah) - which is very unlikely - we will continue to EXPONENTIALLY decline and implode on ourselves until our final demise.

Indeed we should do all of our part as Americans by praying and voting for the lesser of the two evils in this election but remembering NOT to place our trust in the outcome.

In our IFB newsletter we have sent you some of our writings that deal with this verdict in more in-depth detail. We pray that you read them and allow Almighty God speak to your hearts. Our job as believers and heirs of ETERNAL LIFE is to honor Almighty God and be a vehicle and vessel in proclaiming the Gospel and salvation message to ALL (1 Cor. 1:23, 2:2, 10:31). These Words of Life have ETERNAL benefits to all if received and may we be not distracted by the temporal events of this doomed world and our nation’s 2012 elections. May we stay focused and keep our eye fixed on the ETERNAL price (1 Tim 6:12)!

The Four Horsemen are about to ride my beloved and nothing will stop that from coming to be. The signs are everywhere my dear friends and may we all have eyes to see.

The Four Horsemen are about to ride my beloved and nothing will stop that from coming to be (Rev. 6-19). The signs of His coming are everywhere my dear friends and may we all have eyes to see it! In a declining and lawless world, we are heading straight into the Tribulation Period and Day of Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS wrath as God’s Word so clearly teaches (2 Thess 2:3-12, Rev. 6-19). Heaven’s ETERNAL perspective is greatly needed in our day and we as believers need to be Almighty God’s watchmen and voices preaching out to America and this lost world that the Kingdom of Heaven surely is at hand! May our sole desire be whatever may be the election out come to proclaim the Glorious Gospel message to all (John 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 15:1-4) and to be lights to our nation and fellow Americans (Matt. 5:13-16) as we await the Lord’s soon glorious coming (1 John 3:1-3).

To those of the Ignorant Fishermen brigade and our readers, God speed my beloved!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
 (DJP I.F.)

Mitt Romney: A Liberal's Liberal Republican


Media "White" Progressives and Their Tyranny Over the Black Man

The radical lawless "white" secular progressive media outlet - cannot help but pepper ALL of their "political commentary" with the race card.  The "white" media progressives who are lawless to the bone. Their bizarro world view and adherence to godless secularism provides the reservoir which their political commentary flows from. Rush Limbaugh coined the term "drive by media" and in deed they are just that. The progressive "white" media are godless, raging, vindictive, hateful agitators and slanderous to all who do not adhere to the Left's lawless and oppressive secularism (Rom. 1:18-32, 3, Jude 1:10). The progressive "white" media - by using the race card tactic as often as they do - truly shows their hand by seeking to agitate the black population which they oppress to do the Left's bidding. The black community has been absolutely devastated by the "white" Left's lawless and oppressive policies of the past and present. 70 % of the black population today have been purposely oppressed and kept down by the "white" Left in this country. The black community have been made guinea pigs of the Left's lawless Utopian social engineering and have been made addicts to tyrannical socialistic programs imposed by the Left robbing the African American of the American dream. 

The progressive secular Media continually uses the race card and rejects all policies to help deliver the black man from the lawless policies of the Left, he is by his very nature a hard core racist and a advocate as Margret Sanger of old for the continual oppression and elimination of the African American.

The black community has been made slaves to godless immorality, their children made sacrificial lambs on the Left's alter of infanticide (abortion) and the horrific consequences which have followed have ravished the black family beyond recognition.The "white" progressive main stream media truly DOES NOT care a wit about the black man's plight but only in furthering the Left's stranglehold on America and America's black community. When a progressive media and "white" multimillionaire such as Chris Matthews continually uses the race card and rejects all policies to help deliver the black man from the lawless policies of the Left, they are by by their very nature hard core racists and advocates as Margret Sanger of old for the continual oppression and elimination of the African American. To continually use America's black population as Chris Matthew's and the "white elitist" main stream media has is the pinnacle of racism and the pinnacle of hypocrisy. My dear friend's do not be deceived by the main stream media's "white" demonic talking points and godless euphemisms, for the Lord Jesus Christ stated Himself; that you would know all men by the fruits (deeds) (Matt. 7:15-17). The lawless fruits of the"white" progressive media and their vigorous opposition to morality and Almighty God display that they are totally under the demonic influence of the god of this world and his host (Rom. 1:18-32, Eph.2:1-2, 6:12). Does this Biblical evaluation of the progressive "white" main stream media sound extreme or crazy to you (John 3:3, Rom. 8: 5-8, 1 Cor. 2:14)? If so then you too my friend are under the influence and till you come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ you will continue to be deceived (Luke 4:5-6, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12, Heb. 11:1,6).

The White progressive media truly DOES NOT care a wit about the black man's plight but only in the furthering the Left's strangle hold on America and America's black community.

As the 2012 elections conclude, expect nothing less from Matthew's, the Drive by Media and the Left to stoke the fire of race and arouse the subjective oppressed hatred and godless passions of the black population - which have been made slaves to the white lawless Democratic Party and state - against any who represent our Foundering Father's vision. This demonic reaction to a Romney victory is already in the works and is being prepared by the Left and their apostate reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan to go race card nuclear after the November 6th election. This fear mongering tactic is at present already being used and there is NO WAY in HELL... that these apostate Americans - who are draped in socialistic red and who adhere to the lawless Leftist ideology will stand by as they lose their power. These American apostates will pull out ALL of the stops, even to the destruction and collapse of our nation and will super aggressively put into action the artillery of defamation which is the 24/7 MSM's slanderous media machine. It will be after Obama's defeat and the Left's loss of power that we in America will witness one of the most violent mob induced riots in American history. This reaction and lawlessness will be just another affirmation and sign that our Republic is in a critical state

This demonic reaction to a Romney victory is already in the works and is being prepared by the Left and their apostate reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan to go race card nuclear after the November 6th election.

Our day here in America is a lawless one and the fruit thereof can ONLY be anarchy! The Media from November 6th onward will then FULLY engage in an all out war driven by hatred, vindictiveness and slander with any who adhere to our Founder's vision and any who appose national secular socialism. After November 6th the Main Stream Media (MSM) will NOT be tied down in having to protect Obama and his left-wing agenda as they have been doing 24/7. They will then be absolutely free to go nuclear (24/7) on Romney, the moderate controlled Republican Party, Conservative Media, conservatives and .. Christianity agitating the lawless of America causing fear and panic to enter into the hearts of Americans and its newly elected leaders. The Left will not let go of this race card agenda even until the end of Republic. The race card slander will be the spearhead of the Left's movement to regain their lost power. It will be FULLY implemented for the maximum effect causing great division and damage to our already fragile our Republic. The "race card" is the Lefts greatest weapon and last desperate act when they lose all control and power.

The Main Stream Media will NOT have to protect Obama and his left-wing agenda 24/7 and will then go nuclear (24/7) on Romney, the moderate controlled Republican Party, Conservative Media, conservatives and .. Christianity.

True Freedom for the Black Victicrat

It must be noted that the black victicrat must abandon his/her subjective viewpoint and leftist dependency and objectively find his/her salvation (deliverance) and hope in Almighty God's Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17; Acts 4:12), and in His perfect righteousness alone (Rom. 10:2-4). This statement is by no means a racial statement but an objective reality which has been brought forth by countless Black Christian leaders and people who truly know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior as the Holy Scripture's so teach.

Being "FREE" means that you are able to enjoy the liberties of your Creator, by the adherence to His natural and moral laws.

Today in Washington D.C's socially oppressive climate, only the solutions of lawless and godless tyranny are to be found for the subjective socially dependent black victicrat. Being "FREE" as Almighty God sees it, does not mean that you are to be dominated by the consequences of one's transgressions against the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God. It does not mean that for a price that you are to remain "stunted" as you are. Being "FREE" means that you are able to enjoy the liberties of your Creator, by the adherence to His natural and moral laws. By being fully accountable to Almighty God and to one's fellow man (Matt. 22:37-40). In Christ ALONE is there TRUE freedom from sin (John 8:36, Gal 5:1), TRUE freedom from its tyranny (Rom. 7:24-25), TRUE freedom from the wrath to come on all men who know not God's Savior (John 3:16-17, 3:36) and TRUE freedom from death and the Second Death (John 11:25-26,Rom. 6:8-9, Rev. 20:11-15).

Oh, how true the words of the Lord Jesus Christ!

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!" (John 8:36)

As these days are coming to a grand climax called the Tribulation Period, a time of lawlessness and the Day of Almighty God’s wrath, expect the slanderous activity of godless men and women to intensify at exponential speeds (Matt. 24; 2 Tim. 3:1-7).

There is only One who is totally trustworthy and true (Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18). There is only One who is worthy of all praise and honor (Rev. 4:11, 5:9) Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? In these last days make sure and certain that you truly know the One whom alone we are to be totally dependent on.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Rev. Wayne Perryman Cleans Up Revisionist History

Thomas Sowell – Race Riots If Obama Loses

The Race Card’s Absolute Futility in the Day of Judgment