The after effects of Hurricane
Sandy have left New York City in a horrific panic and disastrous state. There has been for its inhabitants no
power, no food, no gas, no heat and no civil order for these last few days and
the frustrated inhabitants of New York City are at the breaking point.
Lawlessness is making it way throughout the city as a pack of wolves and
looting, violence and anarchy are raising their godless head as frustrated
citizens and lawless individuals react to the lack of their daily comforts. The
national news outlets throughout America
have been reporting on all of this commotion in New York
City 24/7 making Americans fully aware of New York’s dilemma and state. Indeed this
aftermath is a teachable moment for Americans, for these very things will very
shortly be EXPONENTIALLY MAGNIFIED and engulf our entire world (Rev. 6-19).
What then my dear friend? If such a little matter as Sandy
has thrown the entire New York City
region out of kilter what will be then when the Day of the Lord is brought to
full throttle (Rev. 6-19). The attitude among the majority of Americans is that
these things cannot and will not ever happen to us. We as American’s today are
absolutely spoiled by the daily benefits and comforts that our technological
age has afforded to us. From the rich to the poor, to the lazy to the vigorous
all benefit from our 21 century modern luxuries and technological age and when
they are removed the worst in people comes out along with the reality that we
are very ill prepared for the simplest of disasters (Gal. 5:19-21).
If such a little matter as Sandy
has thrown the entire New York City
region out of kilter what will be then when the Day of the Lord is brought to
full throttle.
There is nothing like a POWERFUL
earthquake or VIOLENT storm to bring forth and reveal the heart of man (Jer.17:9, John 3:19-21, Rom. 7:18-25, Gal. 5:19-21), the reality of man’s helpless
estate (Job 14:2, Psalm 144:4, Isa. 2:22, 40:17) and smash any self imposed and
manufactured delusions that we as Adam’s fallen race are sufficient and lords
of our own personal destiny in this lost and fallen sin ravished world (Rom.1:18-32, 5:12-21). Tribulation (aka. great pressure and squeezing) ALWAYS
manifests the godless heart of man and brings out its worst in people (Gal.5:19-21). It is only in rare occasions that the heart of man (in such dire
conditions) is contained and suppressed. The first word or phrase that usually
comes out of the heart of the afflicted is the blasphemous use of the ETERNAL
GLORIOUS NAME of the LORD of glory. Instead of looking to the Almighty for aid
and deliverance, fallen man ALWAYS reverts inwardly (subjectively) and rages
against the very One Who can deliver and bring aid (Jer. 3:22-25).
Such events as Hurricane Sandy
are to be wake-up calls to us to show us how absolutely futile, vain and
temporal we as human beings are to deal with the ravishing effects of this
fallen world and to the magnificent power of nature's raging climate wars and
geological movements (Psalm 144:4). These events should get us to wake up out
of our delusional slumber to the REALITY that we truly are finite and EXPONENTIALLY limited as human beings to survive in this world without our
ETERNAL Creator and Redeemer (John 1:1-5, Heb. 1:1-4).
Such events as Hurricane Sandy
are to be wake-up calls to us to show us how absolutely futile, vain and
temporal we as human beings are to deal with the ravishing effects of this
fallen world and to the magnificent power of natures raging climate wars and
geological movements.
My friends, magnify this event
(Sandy) globally and then multiply the after effects EXPONENTIALLY and then you
will just get a taste of what the Day of the Lord, the Day of Almighty God’s wrath will be like upon ALL the inhabitants of the world (Rev. 6-19). It will
be events like these that will strip mankind from all of their godless
delusions about time and ETERNITY, right and wrong, lawlessness and RIGHTEOUSNESS
and bring them face to face with the ETERNAL REALITIES of their temporal fallen
estate and ETERNAL destinies. Almighty God in His wrath will be also merciful
upon mankind to get them to deal with REALITY and their absolute desperate need
for His RIGHTEOUS Savior and propitiation for the transgressions of the entire
world, but very few will open their eyes to ETERNITY’S reality and choose
rather to perish FOREVER in their transgressions and sins (John 3:16-17, 2 Thess.2:10-12, 1 John 2:2,4:10, Rev. 9:20-21, 14:6, 16:9-11, 20:11-15). How HORRIFICALLY TRAGIC!
New York City’s Future
New York City (as all other cities) in the future will fall to FAR
GREATER horrific devastation then that of Hurricane Sandy. She will fall from
the godless lawlessness of its inhabitants and from the EXPONENTIAL horrific
consequences of the Seal, Bowl and Vial judgments of Almighty God the Son (the
Lamb) – Rev. 6-19). Her final death knell will be the last Vial judgment of
Almighty God, which will be an EXPONENTIAL global earthquake that will shake
the entire earth beyond all comprehension (Isa. 24, Hag. 2:6, Rev. 16:17-21).
So violent is this final global earthquake that the GREAT city of Babylon and ALL of man’s metropolitan cities (including New York City ) will fall
and become nothing but massive buried ruins and tsunami wastelands (Rev.16:19-20). So it will be just before Almighty God the Son’s return from HEAVEN’S GLORY, when at this time He will crush the anti Christ’s armies at
Armageddon and then establish His earthly Kingdom reign FOREVERMORE in
RIGHTEOUSNESS (Dan. 2:44-45, 7:13-14, Rev. 19:11-21). Amen! Amen!
So violent is this final global earthquake
that the GREAT city of Babylon and ALL of man’s metropolitan cities
(including New York City ) will fall
and become nothing but massive buried ruins and tsunami wastelands.
My dear friend, why must any be
taken to this horrific breaking point to realize the sobering REALITY of time
and ETERNITY, of lawlessness and RIGHTEOUSNESS
(John 3:16-17, 36, Rom. 10:2-4)? Almighty God today calls out to ALL to BELIEVE
ON the Lord Jesus Christ (Almighty God’s solution and remedy for mankind’s
fallen estate and transgressions against the established Laws of RIGHTEOUSNESS)
and be delivered from the wrath to come (Acts 16:29-31, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John4:10). Our sincere desire is for YOU our dear friend to personally come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and in doing so you will receive
Almighty God’s pardon, ETERNAL LIFE and the PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS required to enter
into Almighty God’s ETERNITY (John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9). May it be
The Kingdom of Heaven
is at hand!