The Left are masters at putting conservatives on the continual defensive and destroying all of their creditability with their perpetual slandering tactics
(John 8:44, Rom. 3). Anyone remember George “W” Bush? With their 24/7 slanderous and baseless charges they will get whatever remains of the moderate conservative agenda to compromise and abandoned their moderate conservative agenda. By this fall (2012) the Media will have already redefined Romney in the minds of Americans, not as a liberal/moderate but as an extremist, a rich fat cat, a Mormon zealot, a white racist, out of touch with the "middle class" and a callus unfeeling right-winger who does not care for
the "poor". They are already doing it! They also will have redefined all true conservatives as ultra radicals and when it comes to REALITY and America's Bible believing Christians they will redefine them as Satan’s demons, ever marginalizing the right and redefining them to make the lawless, secular leftist agenda normal and mainstream. You think not? It has already happened to this nation in these last four years. Tragically American people have been subtly cooked as the frog in the ever warming water and have received this 180 degree redefining as the new norm. WOE unto us as a nation for the fall out of this secular pluralistic and relativistic ideal will be our nation’s final end.
By this fall (2012) the Media will have already redefined Romney, in the minds of Americans not as a liberal/moderate, but as an extremist, a rich fat cat, a Mormon zealot, a white racist, out of touch with the "middle class" and a callus unfeeling right-winger who does not care for the "poor". They are all ready doing it!

Here is where we lose many conservatives and individuals because of their subjective and godless unbelief in Almighty God’s Word and His prophetic truths… America HAS to be and finally WILL BE removed from the world stage in Satan’s overall plan to set the stage for the unifying of the nations of the world only after horrific global war and environmental disasters
(Rev. 6-9). He will seek this unification under his “lawless one” and finally will achieve the worship of he has so desired
(Isa. 14:12-15, Dan. 7, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). This is all part of Satan’s game plan; to marginalize Christ’s believers as exceeding ultra extremists and to reduce our once Judeo/Christian culture to a pile of ashes. The real goal behind this assault on America is getting to and eliminating the remnant of Christ’s people, putting out the Gospel light and eliminating Israel's greatest ally to leave her vulnerable to destroy
(Eph. 6:12). It is then, when America, which has been a
beacon of light for Gospel outreach for the last 300 years to this world has finally be reduced to a violent and lawless third world country that Satan can then seek to unify the world under his lawless one and bring an end to the nation Israel
(Zech. 14:1-4, Rev. 12, 16:13-16) and thus discrediting Almighty God and His promises for Israel and the world and establishing his lawless and godless delusional utopia and worship. The Word of Almighty God is ABSOLUTELY crucial for insight into our present day and reveals who exactly is behind the orchestration of this world’s present course
(Eph. 2:2-3, 6:12). To exclude its DIVINE AUTHORITY ETERNALLY will be fatal for any (conservative or liberal -
Matt. 7:24-26, John 3:36, Rev. 20:11-15).
The Word of Almighty God is ABSOLUTELY crucial for insight into our present day and reveals who exactly is behind the orchestration of this world’s present course. To exclude its DIVINE AUTHORITY ETERNALLY will be fatal for any (conservative or liberal).

My dear friend may you abandoned your subjective world view and assessment of our current dilemmas and receive the REALITY and ETERNAL TRUTH of Almighty God’s Word and love for you in these troubling days. Things are only going to get worse. Do not deceive yourselves otherwise. America
the Four Horseman are about to ride! And nothing will stop that ride from coming to pass! In these last months, days and hours may you come to
trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior for such is the crucial reality of our hour!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!