The Coming Day of Christ/ Messiah for His body the Church (i.e., the Rapture) just before the great and dreadful Day of the Lord is truly at hand! Many current events and signs throughout the world are strongly pointing to that reality today. Never before in the 6000-year history of mankind has such great global turmoil and calamities plagued mankind's consciousness. The spirit of the nations today is crumbling and human optimism is absolutely unable to support the EXPONENTIAL weight of REALITY of the certain unknown doom that awaits this world and the pending horrors that stand at the very door (Rev. 6-19).
Almighty God's Two Jewish Witnesses Are At Hand!
Just after the Rapture of the church takes place (which the so called "christian" scoffers and haters of the Grace of God totally reject), there will be a massive void of LIGHT and TRUTH here on earth, (i.e., there will not be one true believer left on earth at that time). However, there will be left billions of unregenerate (unbelieving) human beings in great darkness along with millions of individuals "possessing" a godless form of Christianity (Matt 7:21-23). This final form of apostate Christianity (i.e., "Christendom") is referred to as the “Mustard Tree” and “Leavened Loaf” (Matthew 13:31-33). These "Christian" apostates who are left in this spiritual darkened world will present a FALSE perception and deception of Almighty God to a lost and darkened world; clouding and deceiving the turbulent world even more with their delusional teachings and assessments of the hour. The world at this time will be absolutely void of TRUTH, REALITY and LIGHT but Almighty God is NEVER without two witnesses in a world highjacked by Satan (2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2) and will send two BURNING torches (as it were) to proclaim, "REPENT!! For the Day of the Lord is at hand!
At this time there will be billions of unregenerate (unbelieving) human beings in great darkness along with millions "possessing" a godless form of Christianity left behind.
At the very moment in which the Body of Christ is caught up to meet Christ in the air (see 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-53; 1 John 3:2-3), Almighty God will send down his Two Witnesses from Heaven, His Two Mighty Candlesticks. These Two Candlesticks will dominate and burn exceedingly bright through out the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period (Rev. 11:3-6). These Two Heavenly Agents - with great power and Divine authority - will mightily rebuke the post "Christian" Church age/ post Age of Grace world for their gross transgressions against Almighty God. These Two will preach repentance unto all (Apostate Christianity, Islam, Buddhist, Secularists, Atheists, Hindu's etc..), but most specifically to the house of Israel; to bring this nation to full repentance and prepare them for their Messiah's return (Zech. 12:8-14, 13:1-3, Mal. 4:4-6, Rev. 19:11-21). These Two individuals will proclaim the Glorious Gospel of the resurrection of Jesus Messiah throughout Israel and the world (John 1:29, 3:16-17, Acts 2: 17-47, Rev. 11:3-12). They will establish the temple sacrifice and priesthood (Dan. 9:27) and prepare Israel for their King's glorious return and His Kingdom reign (Isa. 11, Ezek 40-48, Zech. 14, Matt 24:29-30). These Two will - with super natural power - shelter Israel from the seven Seal Judgments, the first five Trumpet Judgments and the Gog's confederate invasion during these first 3 1/2 years (Ezek. 38-39, Rev. 6-9, 11:4-6). These will call down fire from heaven upon their enemy nations, turn the world's waters into blood, cause dire droughts and destroy any that seek to devour them (Ezek 38-39, Rev. 11:3-6). These two will be absolutely invincible and unstoppable during their 1260 day ministry and with their words and works will absolutely terrorize and torment the godless Gentile world and the majority of unbelieving Jews (Rev. 11:10).
God will send down his Two Witnesses from Heaven, His Two Mighty Candlesticks. These Two Candlesticks will burn brilliantly in this darkened, post Church/ post Age of Grace world to share the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Messiah.
Almighty God is NEVER without a human witness upon His earth. There has been much debate about the identity of these Two Witnesses. The Bible clearly indicates that they will be Elijah (see Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:10-13) and Moses (see Malachi 4:2; Luke 9:29-30; Matthew 17:1-3), two great patriarchs and torches of light from Israel’s past sent to a presently unbelieving Israel. Under their leadership and powerful preaching, a small remnant (which will include 144,000 Jewish men) will be saved (see Rev. 7:3-8). These 144,000 saved Jews shall then be sent (Dan. 12:3, Matt 24:14) into all the world during this time of Great Tribulation, preaching the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ (i.e.,the Messiah) before His eminent Second Coming. Multitudes of Gentiles will come to a saving knowledge of the Messiah of Israel through their ministry (see Rev. 7:9-17). At the climax of His return (Rev. 19:11-16), Christ-Messiah will establish His Millennial Kingdom in Israel (Rev. 20:6).

Jesus said, "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God" (John 3:19-21).
How real and how true is this! People run for the hills, change the subject, run for cover, hide their children, tremble and shake whenever the TRUE Gospel message of Jesus Christ is declared.

The world's mourning will turn into great joy at the resuscitation of this man. 'He's Alive!,' will be their cry. 'Our great leader and humanity's savior is alive!'
It is during this time of great despair and godless anguish that the “deadly wound” of this man will be miraculously healed (Rev. 13:3)! The world's mourning will turn into great joy at the resuscitation of this man. “He's Alive!,” will be their cry. “Our great leader and savior is alive!” At this key moment he will absolutely solidify his global allegiance and power base (Rev. 17:11-12, 17). His first act of authority is to destroy Almighty God's two witnesses (Rev. 11:7-8), which bare witness to the Saving Grace of Almighty God. For three and a half years these two witnesses have been unmovable and unstoppable. They have tormented the ungodly world with their message from Heaven: “Repent and be saved!,” and “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” (John 3:18-19; Rev. 11:10). After the execution of God's Two Witnesses, their bodies are left in the streets of Jerusalem to rot and for all to see. The world will greatly rejoice at the barbaric murder of these two men! The Two Witnesses of Almighty God have finally been destroyed! The godless world will have a "Christless Christmas" celebration and send gifts to one another (Rev. 11:7-10). This execution of God's two messengers will temporarily enhance the power and authority of the Beast (Anti-Christ)! The global chant will be: "Who can make war with our great leader?” (Rev. 13:4, 8). It will be a time of great rejoicing for the godless inhabitants of the earth! Such rejoicing, however, will be very short-lived.
The world will greatly rejoice at the barbaric murder of these two men! The Two Witnesses of Almighty God have finally been destroyed! The godless world will have a 'Christless Christmas' celebration and send gifts to one another.

With his mighty enemies eliminated and the absolute devotion of the world secured, the ultimate power-grab and godless coup of all time and eternity takes place. This is called The Abomination of Desolation (Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14-15; 2 Thess. 2:3-5; Rev. 13:4)! This is when all Hell literally breaks loose! It will make the recent destruction of Haiti look like a Sunday School picnic. Woe unto those who are alive at this time! Woe indeed!
My friend, God loves us and sent his Son Jesus Messiah/Christ to be our Savior, and to save us from the wrath which is to come on the ungodly. You don't have to hide from Him. He is there to receive you as you receive Him, and to love you and deliver you from the judgment and consequences of sin. The Day of the Lord is at hand! Will you be ready?
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If not, trust Him today! Quit hiding in fearfulness and receive Him today. Only Christ can TRULY CHANGE your life for the better. If you will but allow Him to do so, you can never be the same again - nor will you want to! He says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!