We are presently at a time when we are constantly seeing Israel’s border enemies ever more emboldened to stir up strife and lash out against Israel. We have now just witnesses the demonic rage towards Israel by the Islamic Brotherhood that has taken over the country of Egypt. As Israel sees it self ever alone in this big bad evil world DO NOT expect them to just idly sit by and watch their nation be wiped off the map of planet earth. With Iran ever breathing threats at Israel and Israel's border enemies doing like wise, the tentisons are high in the Middle East and in the world. We as Bible believers know without a shadow of a doubt that Almighty God has GREAT things for Israel but until they believe they will find that they are all alone in Satan's big bad Israel hating world (Zech. 12:2-3, 13:8-9, 14:2-3)!
WARNING Egypt! Don't Mess with Israel!
Just in the last few days alone we have seen Gaza who have ties with Egypt lauch countless rockets into Israel seeking to bait her into war and provoke
Under Obama and the progressive Left we have seen America forsake Israel and thrown her under the Middle East Islamic bus.
Also - as of late- we have seen the world led by the United States seeking to strip from Israel it present day borders and bullying them into a forced agreement with those who absolutely abhor them and seek their utter destruction. Sadly, America has always been Israel ’s strongest ally, but at present - under Obama and the progressive Left - we have seen America forsake Israel and thrown her under the Middle East Islamic bus. With an anti-Israeli Europe and now a current anti-Israeli U.S. administration, Israel ’s back is totally up against the wall and they know it.
Let me give a most solemn warning to ALL NATIONS of the EARTH, DON'T MESS WITH THE APPLE OF ALMIGHTY GOD'S EYE.
May I - a gentile - who personally knows the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through my saving relationship to the Messiah of Israel as the Holy Scriptures dictate (Psalm 110:1, Isa. 53, John 1:12, 3:16-17) - give a most solemn warning to ALL NATIONS of the EARTH. DON'T MESS WITH THE APPLE OF ALMIGHTY GOD'S EYE (Gen. 12:3, Zech. 2:8)!! Even though Israel - at this moment - is OUT OF THE WILL of God, they STILL represent Almighty God's future plan and promises for the nations of the world under Jesus (i.e., Salvation) Messiah in the Kingdom Age and for ETERNITY (Isa. 11:1-10, Micah 4:1-3, Zech 12:8-14, 13:1, 14:1-4, Rom. 9-11, Rev. 1:7, 20:6).

It will be at this time that Israel will TOTALLY institute the "Limbaugh Doctrine" against their border enemies and absolutely secure their borders.
It will be after this time that a man from Europe will rise up, broker a deal and lend his might to a covenant (peace treaty) on behalf of
As we draw closer to that FINAL HOUR, expect Israel’s demonic wrathful psychotic enemies to continue to rage and fight AGAINST Israel and their right to existence in the world (Zech. 12:2-4,14:2-4, Luke 4:5-6, Eph. 2:1-3, Rev 12, 16;13-16), all the while knowing that Israel can NEVER be eradicated - (2 Sam. 7:24, 1 Chr. 17:22, Jer. 31:35-36, Rom. 9-11) and driven out of their land again, even when the Anti Christ wages his ALL OUT war on Israel and establishes his seat there - in the last 3 ½ years called the GREAT tribulation - yet he will still fail, but Israel will abide FOREVER (Dan. 11:45, Zech. 12:2-4,14, 2 Thess. 2:8, Rev. 19:19-20)!
As we draw closer to that FINAL HOUR, expect Israel’s demonic wrathful psychotic enemies to continue to rage and fight AGAINST Israel and their right to existence in the world.
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It will be at the END of all of these events (seven years to the exact day from the strengthening of the covenant) that Almighty God’s Son, the Messiah of Israel will RETURN from Heaven's glory and destroy the armies of the anti Christ which have gathered against Israel and then He will establish His glorious Kingdom reign for a thousand years in Jerusalem (Isa. 11:1-10, Micah 4:1-3, Zech 12:8-14, 13:1, 14:1-4, Rev. 1:7, 20:6). In these brief seven years,
It will be at the END of all of these events that Almighty God’s Son, the Messiah of Israel will RETURN from Heaven's glory and destroy the armies of the anti Christ which have gathered against Israel.
It will take the Divine judgment and the natural and SUPER natural ravishing of planet earth and her godless inhabitants (Isa. 24:5-6, Matt. 24, Rev. 13) - which concludes with the final blood bath of the Battle of Armageddon (Zech. 12:2-4, 14:1-4, Rev. 16:13-16, Rev. 19:11-21) - to bring Israel to the place of repentance and deliverance (Isa. 25:9, Zech. 12:8-14, 13:1,9).
My friend, as these events continue to unfold right before our very eyes may you be sure that you know the Savior of the world, King of the Jews and Lord of ALL creation, the Jesus Messiah as your personal Savior. All depends on what you will do with ALL that He has done for you (John 3:16-17, 2 Cor. 5:12-21)!
The Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!