Thursday, March 15, 2012


Of late Rick Santorum has made some statements referring to the spiritual war - led by Satan - that is all around us and against Judeo/Christianity and its institutions (Eph. 6:12). For a Catholic (an apostate Christian philosophy) that is a remarkable statement and he should be praised for it!

There IS a GREAT spiritual war raging ALL around us which is preparing this world for the soon reception of Satan’s manifestation and global worship, along with his anti Christ and his global worship (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13).Does this REALITY sound like a crazy fairy tale? It is NOT my deceived one. It is truly amazing how this Judeo/Christian nation is SO oblivious to this reality and to the Word of God. What is also amazing is how conservatives and “of course” liberals are also oblivious, but what is most ASTOUNDING is that how many Evangelicals and the majority of all Catholic are also oblivious to this reality. Yes REALITY!!

No wonder Almighty God’s Word states OVER ABUNDANTLY that Christ’s return will come as a thief in the night!

But of course we are living in post Judeo/Christian America where lawlessness, sexual decadence and narcissism abounds (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Tim. 3:1-7)! Where the Bible, our founding institutions and foundations are loathed and despised by countless Americans. We are very near to the Day of the Lord in which Almighty God will unleash His wrath on the lawless and violent delusions of this nation and the world (Isa. 24:5-6, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 6-16). No wonder Almighty God’s Word states OVER ABUNDANTLY that Christ’s return will come as a thief in the night (Luke 12:34, 1 Thess. 5:2, Rev. 16:15), for ALL are a sleep at the wheel. No wonder this present godless world will enter into global war against Almighty God their Creator and His messengers, for all the symptoms and conditions are ripe (Psalm 2, Zech 14:1-4, Rev. 16:13-16).

Today’s present world - including that of our nation - is absolutely blinded by the very god of this world in which they deny and scoff at his existence (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12). Those who do acknowledge his existence and the soon coming Day of the Lord are laughed to scorn by a godless, Christ rejecting and hating, blinded, sin laden world (Rom. 1:18-32,2 Cor. 4:3-4,2 Peter 3:1-3).

Wake up America and stop trying to find your delusion saviors (conservative and liberal) and solutions to this nation’s social, moral and fiscal disasters in a fallen man!

Wake up America and stop trying to find your delusional saviors in fallen man (conservative and liberal) and utopian solutions for this nation’s social, moral and fiscal disasters (Psalm 40:4, Isa. 2:22, Jer. 17:5-9). The jig is up and only destruction and the wrath of Almighty God is left for this nation. The Day of His wrath is at hand, we are far past the point of NO RETURN, do NOT fool yourselves and seek to war against the very One who hold’s ETERNITY in His hand (Luke 21:8, 1 Cor. 6:9, Gal. 6:7, 1 Thess. 5:3)!

What is the most tragic of this entire demonic media blitz against Santorum is that Rick Santorum is so close but yet so far away (Matt. 7:21-23, 15:1-9). Lucifer himself is seeking to divide and destroy America by using three UNBELIEVING parties (i.e., conservatives, liberals and the masses of clueless, unbelieving, Bible rejecting American’s which covers the entire political spectrum (Matt. 7:21-23, Rom. 1:18-32). Santorum himself is being used as an "angel of light" by the very one He seeks to out (Rom. 10:2-4, 2 Cor. 11:13-15, 2 Tim, 3:5, 7). Tragically Santorum adheres to ANOTHER Jesus of tradition and Catholic lore and to another solution for ETERNAL salvation which is absolutely contrary to sound Biblical doctrine (Rom. 4:21-24, 5:1,10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9, Titus 3:5-7).

My dear friends, the deception in EXPONENTIAL today. If one is NOT rooted in the Word, sound biblical ABC’s, doctrine of salvation, faith and prophecy they WILL be carried and swept away in the tsunami of Satan’s spiritual war against REALITY and TRUTH (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 3:17-21, 1 Peter 5:8).

Santorum himself is being used as an angle of light by the very one He seeks to out. Tragically Santorum adheres to ANOTHER Jesus of tradition and Catholic lore and another solution for ETERNAL salvation which is contrary to sound Biblical doctrine.

My dear friends, Jesus gave countless warnings NOT to be deceived for He knew all to well that people tragically would choose biblical illiteracy over sound biblical doctrine, ETERNAL absolutes and REALITY (Jer. 17:9, Matt. 24:4, Mark 13:5, John 2:24-25, 2tim 3:1-7, Jude 1:10).

As the world and America focuses on the here and now, the temporal over the ETERNAL, the physical over the SPIRITUAL, the lawless over the RIGHTEOUS be NOT deceived, for all these things are going to intensify and are to be (Matt. 24:4-8). The ONLY escape for mankind in this crucial hour is a saving relationship to Almighty God, which is found ONLY in the Person of His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:2-4, Gal. 1:4, Eph 2:8-9).

The ONLY escape for mankind in this crucial hour is a saving relationship to Almighty God, which is found ONLY in the Person of His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dearly beloved, DO NOT be distracted and deceived in these last days of America by the false prophets of conservative optimism, the leftist drive by media and all the “he say - she say” of the 2012 election buzz. Those are all snares and straw men to get you to take your eyes off of Christ and His UNCHANGEABLE Word. They are to distract you and to get you to reject the soon coming of the Day of the Lord. Be sharp, rooted, focused, prayerfully watching, alert, redeeming the time, getting the Word of Almighty God out and most of all have your armor on my beloved for indeed the battle is raging (Eph. 5:15-17, 6:10-19, 2 Tim 2:2-4)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!


The One I Thought I Knew - (Former Catholic (me... DJP I.F.)

Do or Done
What Does It Mean to be Saved By Grace?
By Faith or Works


The Left’s False Perception of Sarah Palin

It is amazing to watch the abominable lying liars of the secular godless main stream media and Hollywood always doing their best to politicize, destroys, advance their secular agenda, and take advantage of any news story or headline that fits their narrative. These on the Left have absolutely no conscience and are quite willing to state whatever it takes to maintain and achieve power (Jude 1:10). These totalitarians of lawlessness – to provide cover for their masters - do what they ALWAYS do best: that is to exploit any occasion and to slander as many of their “enemies" as humanly possible, all in an effort to advance their lawless agenda (Rom. 1:18-32).

One name in particular that has stood out on their “public enemy number 1” most wanted sheet is the very bold, confident, brilliant, mother of 5, social and fiscal conservative/ evangelical… Mrs. Sarah Palin.

These totalitarians of lawlessness – to provide cover for their masters - have done what they do best: that is to exploit this occasion and to slander as many of their “enemies" as humanly possible.
Ever since Sarah Palin entered the national political arena three and a half years ago as the Republican VP nominee, she has caused sheer panic in the hearts and minds of the Leftist liberals and Rhino moderates in America. To these Sarah is the boogie man, the monster under their bed and Jason Voorhees all rolled into one. It is a twisted trait of the godless subjective lawless mind to create perceptions on individuals’ base on their upside down rational and reprobate logic all in an effort to continually seek to justify their godless living and lives (John 3:19-21).

Rush recently shared on his show about Obama running adds against Palin with the timing of the release of the new HBO movie “Game Change” which is nothing but an outright slander of Sarah’s character, her intelligence and virtuous conservative practices and evangelical faith. Rush shared also that HBO chose to focus this entire movie on Sarah because of her popularity (aka.. to bring in the money for their slam project) and choose not to go into details about the 2008 elections in which the book was based on. It would seem that Obama - who failing in receiving the women vote - is seeking to go after Palin to win support. How crazy is that more. Since the Lefts dog and pony show with the Fluke charade that cost Obama 10 points it seems that now Palin's conservatism would be the next move in their deceptive tactics to mislead women voters to his side.

The Leftist media and Hollywood is hell-bent on doing all they can to discredit Palin’s accomplishments and destroy her character at any cost even if they have to spend millions making movies to do it.

The Leftist media and Hollywood is hell-bent on doing all they can to discredit Palin’s accomplishments and destroy her character at any cost even if they have to spend millions making movies to do it. To these reprobates money is no object when it comes to redefining a personal’s noble character to fit their distorted narcissistic reality and lawless perception (Rom. 1:18-32).

Even now, much effort and energy is being expended to deceive the American people regarding her considerable achievements. Her popularity among conservatives is astounding and her books have been flying off of the shelves. Sarah is more popular and powerful then ever since she chose not to run in 2012. The media has a harder time slandering and destroying her and she has the pulpit to tell it like it is on a moment’s notice and this drives the Left crazy. They are left to spending millions on a movie and trying to turn public opinion in their sycophant favor.

The Leftist media is hell-bent on doing all they can to discredit Palin’s accomplishments and destroy her character at any cost.

The Hollywood Left and the State-Run Media are now extremely busy trying to discredit Palin and have set up an perpetual, unparalleled and an unprecedented smear campaign to derail any future presidential run.

Remember how the Left loathed and eschewed George W. Bush? Their daily bombardments and slander of this man's character utterly destroyed his reputation and achievements. It didn’t help that he sat by and took it and never went after his political enemies. The New Tone destroyed Bush and weakened the Republican Party so to strip it of any power.

Although with Palin, the Left have a fight on their hands and they know it.

This destructive and slanderous tactic worked so well against GWB that the Left is now applying the same politics of personal destruction against Sarah Palin. Although with Palin, the Left have a fight on their hands and they know it.

Palin, a social and moral Conservative, sends chills up the spines of the Leftist Media Elite. They are honestly horrified of her fundamental core values and belief in moral absolutes. There is something about moral absolutes, core values, accountability and faith in Almighty God that absolutely terrifies the liberal-progressive mindset. The Liberal mind utterly abhors and rejects these tenets. They live in a “relative,” pluralist reality and any threat to their delusional world must be attacked and destroyed. There are no depths of the destructive slander, no depths of baseless acquisitions, no lawsuit too frivolous, and no tactic beyond the hate-filled secular-leftist, “Democrat” organization that they will not use to hold their power base and autocratic position of national leadership. This is an all-out war to them and any threat must be exterminated. It is a Leftist trait. Look at the history of Hitler and the Nazis, Stalin and the Communists, Castro, Mao, etc. Seek and destroy to preserve the position of power at any cost.

I hope that if Sarah is saved as she has professed, that she will start preaching the Word out there in Talk Radio and 24/7 news cycle interviews for there is NO hope today for America except for a saving relationship to Jesus Christ! May it be so!

Who truly knows what Palin’s political ambitions are for the future? For all we know, she might just be calling it quits, but I think not! Who can endure such a supernatural movement of the demonic world and of the fallen, base mind of the political Left machine (Eph. 6:12)? I hope that if Sarah is saved as she has professed, that she will start preaching the Word out there in Talk Radio and 24/7 news cycle interviews for there is NO hope today for America except for a saving relationship to Jesus Christ! May it be so!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

