The radical lawless "white" secular progressive media outlet - cannot help but pepper ALL of their "political commentary" with the race card. The "white" media progressives who are lawless to the bone. Their bizarro world view and adherence to godless secularism provides the reservoir which their political commentary flows from. Rush Limbaugh coined the term "drive by media" and in deed they are just that. The progressive "white" media are godless, raging, vindictive, hateful agitators and slanderous to all who do not adhere to the Left's lawless and oppressive secularism (Rom. 1:18-32, 3, Jude 1:10). The progressive "white" media - by using the race card tactic as often as they do - truly shows their hand by seeking to agitate the black population which they oppress to do the Left's bidding. The black community has been absolutely devastated by the "white" Left's lawless and oppressive policies of the past and present. 70 % of the black population today have been purposely oppressed and kept down by the "white" Left in this country. The black community have been made guinea pigs of the Left's lawless Utopian social engineering and have been made addicts to tyrannical socialistic programs imposed by the Left robbing the African American of the American dream.
The progressive secular Media continually uses the race card and rejects
all policies to help deliver the black man from the lawless policies of the
Left, he is by his very nature a hard core racist and a advocate as Margret
Sanger of old for the continual oppression and elimination of the African
The black community has been made slaves to godless immorality, their children made sacrificial lambs on the Left's alter of infanticide (abortion) and the horrific consequences which have followed have ravished the black family beyond recognition.The "white" progressive main stream media truly DOES NOT care a wit about the black man's plight but only in furthering the Left's stranglehold on America and America's black community. When a progressive media and "white" multimillionaire such as Chris Matthews continually uses the race card and rejects all policies to help deliver the black man from the lawless policies of the Left, they are by by their very nature hard core racists and advocates as Margret Sanger of old for the continual oppression and elimination of the African American. To continually use America's black population as Chris Matthew's and the "white elitist" main stream media has is the pinnacle of racism and the pinnacle of hypocrisy. My dear friend's do not be deceived by the main stream media's "white" demonic talking points and godless euphemisms, for the Lord Jesus Christ stated Himself; that you would know all men by the fruits (deeds) (Matt. 7:15-17). The lawless fruits of the"white" progressive media and their vigorous opposition to morality and Almighty God display that they are totally under the demonic influence of the god of this world and his host (Rom. 1:18-32, Eph.2:1-2, 6:12). Does this Biblical evaluation of the progressive "white" main stream media sound extreme or crazy to you (John 3:3, Rom. 8: 5-8, 1 Cor. 2:14)? If so then you too my friend are under the influence and till you come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ you will continue to be deceived (Luke 4:5-6, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12, Heb. 11:1,6).
The White progressive media truly DOES NOT
care a wit about the black man's plight but only in the furthering the Left's
strangle hold on America and America's black community.
As the 2012 elections conclude,
expect nothing less from Matthew's, the Drive by Media and the Left to stoke the
fire of race and arouse the subjective oppressed hatred and godless passions of
the black population - which have been made slaves to the white lawless
Democratic Party and state - against any who represent our Foundering Father's vision. This
demonic reaction to a Romney victory
is already in the works and is being prepared by the Left and their apostate
reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan to go race card
nuclear after the November 6th election. This fear mongering tactic is at
present already being used and there is NO WAY in HELL... that these apostate
Americans - who are draped in socialistic red and who adhere to the
lawless Leftist ideology will stand by as they lose their power. These American
apostates will pull out ALL of the stops, even to the destruction and
collapse of our nation and will super aggressively put into action the artillery
of defamation which is the 24/7 MSM's slanderous media machine. It will be
after Obama's defeat and the Left's loss of power that we in America will witness
one of the most
violent mob induced riots in American history. This reaction and lawlessness
will be just another affirmation and sign that our Republic is in a critical state.
Our day here in America is a lawless one and the fruit thereof can ONLY be anarchy! The Media from November 6th onward will then FULLY engage in an all out war driven by hatred, vindictiveness and slander with any who adhere to our Founder's vision and any who appose national secular socialism. After November 6th the Main Stream Media (MSM) will NOT be tied down in having to protect Obama and his left-wing agenda as they have been doing 24/7. They will then be absolutely free to go nuclear (24/7) on Romney, the moderate controlled Republican Party, Conservative Media, conservatives and .. Christianity agitating the lawless of America causing fear and panic to enter into the hearts of Americans and its newly elected leaders. The Left will not let go of this race card agenda even until the end of Republic. The race card slander will be the spearhead of the Left's movement to regain their lost power. It will be FULLY implemented for the maximum effect causing great division and damage to our already fragile our Republic. The "race card" is the Lefts greatest weapon and last desperate act when they lose all control and power.
demonic reaction to a Romney victory is already in the works and is being
prepared by the Left and their apostate reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and
Louis Farrakhan to go race card nuclear after the November 6th
Our day here in America is a lawless one and the fruit thereof can ONLY be anarchy! The Media from November 6th onward will then FULLY engage in an all out war driven by hatred, vindictiveness and slander with any who adhere to our Founder's vision and any who appose national secular socialism. After November 6th the Main Stream Media (MSM) will NOT be tied down in having to protect Obama and his left-wing agenda as they have been doing 24/7. They will then be absolutely free to go nuclear (24/7) on Romney, the moderate controlled Republican Party, Conservative Media, conservatives and .. Christianity agitating the lawless of America causing fear and panic to enter into the hearts of Americans and its newly elected leaders. The Left will not let go of this race card agenda even until the end of Republic. The race card slander will be the spearhead of the Left's movement to regain their lost power. It will be FULLY implemented for the maximum effect causing great division and damage to our already fragile our Republic. The "race card" is the Lefts greatest weapon and last desperate act when they lose all control and power.
The Main Stream Media will NOT have to protect Obama and his left-wing agenda 24/7 and will then go nuclear (24/7) on Romney, the moderate controlled Republican Party, Conservative Media, conservatives and .. Christianity.
True Freedom for the Black Victicrat
It must be noted that the black victicrat must
abandon his/her subjective viewpoint and leftist dependency and objectively find
his/her salvation (deliverance) and hope in Almighty God's Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17; Acts 4:12), and in His perfect
righteousness alone (Rom. 10:2-4). This statement is by no means a
racial statement but an objective reality which has been brought forth by countless
Black Christian leaders and people who truly know the Lord Jesus Christ as
Savior as the Holy Scripture's so teach.
"FREE" means that you are able to enjoy the liberties of your Creator, by the
adherence to His natural and moral laws.
Today in Washington D.C's socially oppressive climate, only the solutions of lawless and godless tyranny are to be found for the subjective socially dependent black victicrat. Being "FREE" as Almighty God sees it, does not mean that you are to be dominated by the consequences of one's transgressions against the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God. It does not mean that for a price that you are to remain "stunted" as you are. Being "FREE" means that you are able to enjoy the liberties of your Creator, by the adherence to His natural and moral laws. By being fully accountable to Almighty God and to one's fellow man (Matt. 22:37-40). In Christ ALONE is there TRUE freedom from sin (John 8:36, Gal 5:1), TRUE freedom from its tyranny (Rom. 7:24-25), TRUE freedom from the wrath to come on all men who know not God's Savior (John 3:16-17, 3:36) and TRUE freedom from death and the Second Death (John 11:25-26,Rom. 6:8-9, Rev. 20:11-15).
Oh, how true the words of the Lord Jesus Christ!
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!" (John 8:36)
As these days are coming to a grand climax called the Tribulation Period, a time of lawlessness and the Day of Almighty God’s wrath, expect the slanderous activity of godless men and women to intensify at exponential speeds (Matt. 24; 2 Tim. 3:1-7).
There is only One who is totally trustworthy and true (Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18). There is only One who is worthy of all praise and honor (Rev. 4:11, 5:9). Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? In these last days make sure and certain that you truly know the One whom alone we are to be totally dependent on.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Rev. Wayne Perryman Cleans Up Revisionist History
Thomas Sowell – Race Riots If Obama Loses
The Race Card’s Absolute Futility in the Day of Judgment
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