The "American" Sadducees (aka. the Left) are absolutely hell-bent on transforming this country in the "spirit of Anti Christ", which the fulfillment thereof is to come very shortly (Dan. 7:25). Our nation was founded on the solid bedrock of Judeo/Christian absolutes and it was these absolutes that once exalted this nation to the forefront as a world leader in freedom. Today more than ever, we can see that these lawless American Sadducees absolutely despise and abhor all ordained moral absolutes, the Bible, Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS and His ETERNAL Person and Character. These abhor, detest and hate with a burning passion conservatism (which is the application of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God and the best ideology for containing the unbridled passions of man and maintaining social order); and are insanely enraged by those who adhere to the Bible and hold a fundamental position of the Holy Scriptures, the Day of Judgment, salvation of man in Jesus Christ ALONE, and Divine accountability (John 17:14, Rom. 1:18-32); much like their spiritual Sadducee forefathers in Jesus' day. Today, these demonic creatures of darkness are lawless to the core and in their rebellious heart of hearts, they are at war with their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator! The very One they will give a FULL account in that Day to Almighty God their Creator and Judge (Rom. 1:32, Phil. 2:10, Rev. 20:11-15). These very ones in today's America are setting the stage for the man of sin and lawlessness, who they will be more than willing to receive (John 8:44, 2 Thess. 2:10-12, Rev. 13)!
The "American" Sadducees (aka. the Left) are absolutely hell-bent on transforming this country in the "spirit of Anti Christ" which fulfillment is to come very shortly.
Even today – with a zealous zeal - the lawless Left engages in a slanderous campaign in lashing out against the Bible (the Word of Almighty God) and towards the followers of Jesus Christ (John 17:14). Much like the Sadducees of Jesus time, these believe that this world is all there is and they will protect all that they are in their narcissistic quest for vain mortality.
As our country and world in which we are living today is presently rejecting EXPONENTIALLY the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, expect violence, decadence, carnage and oppression to reach EXPONENTIAL proportions towards conservatives and believers in the King of Kings (Psalm 2, Rev. 6-16). This lawless movement of Anti Christ is already at work and it will reach its climatic lawless pinnacle coming up shortly in Almighty God’s "day of wrath" under the 666 global reign of the Anti Christ (1 Thess. 5:3, 2 Thess. 2:3-13, 1 John 4:2-3, Rev. 13).
This lawless movement of Anti Christ is already at work and it will reach its climatic lawless pinnacle coming up shortly in God’s "day of wrath" under the 666 global reign of the Anti Christ.

May it be that many cast aside their godless delusion for the Godly solution!
After the crucifixion of Jesus Messiah, many of the Sadducees (who were serving priests in the Temple of God came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth (Acts 4:1-4, 6:7). It is truly our sincere desire that many of the American Sadducees will also do the same. When this finite worldly dog and pony show (with a purpose) is over, ETERNITY will stand before each one of us. May it be that many cast aside their godless delusion for the Godly solution - which is rooted in reality - which is found ONLY in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:8-9).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
1 comment:
A pluralistic nation begins with the spirit of antichrist. And with no mention of the Lord Jesus in either the Declaration or the Constitution, it just masquerades as "Christian".
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