Adolf Hitler is thus one of the most outstanding modern forerunners of the Antichrist yet to date, many a Roman Caesar notwithstanding. His Nazi Party number was 555. He is thus not the Antichrist, but close. He later changed his Nazi Party membership to number seven, knowing full well its Messianic implications. The Antichrist is called “the Beast.” In the book of Revelation, he is thus compared to a vicious, wild animal. Hitler’s favorite nickname was “Uncle Wolf.” During his emotional speeches, he even imagined himself a wolf howling the crowds into a frenzy like the call of the wild. Hitler was an also an ascetic vegetarian who at one time even contemplated making Germany vegan after the war. In 1st Timothy 4:3, in the original Greek, the apostle Paul declares that in the latter days men will forbid the eating of meat. In 1933, Hitler signed an animal welfare law which forbid Jewish ritual slaughter on Passover. The Antichrist will put a stop to Jewish sacrifices in the rebuilt last days Temple. Hitler, often agitated by the industrialists, promised to take greater control of the economy after the war. Revelation 13 prophesies that the Antichrist will take total control of the free market by controlling who buys and sells with the dreaded mark of the beast.
Hitler signed an animal welfare law which forbid Jewish ritual slaughter on Passover. The Antichrist will put a stop to Jewish sacrifices in the rebuilt last days Temple.
Hitler defined Fascism as a “spontaneous return to the traditions of Rome.” He was, in fact, infatuated with the Greco-Roman world before it became infected with what he considered to be the Judeo-Christian disease. The prophet Daniel and the apostle John both identify the Roman Empire as the government of the Antichrist. The Nazis had plans to change the Judeo-Christian calendar. The prophet Daniel predicts that the Antichrist will make evolutionary changes in times and in law. The western Roman Antichrist will head east and make Babylon his fascist-religious-commercial headquarters of the world. Immediately before the battle of Moscow, Adolf Hitler made this remarkable statement, “the great migrations set out from the East. With us begins the ebb, from West to East.”
Lastly, the Antichrist will demand that the entire world worship him or face death.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
RMM I.F. Mark Musser - The Olympian Fisherman Author of Nazi Oaks
Hitler’s Millennial Apocalyptic Reich:The Biological -Ecological Fundamentalism of Nazi Germany
'Green' Islam?
'Green' Islam?
Lucifer's Abomination of Desolation - The Global Worship of Himself and His Anti-Christ
The Gospel of John ChallengeWhat is Sin?
Mark Musser was a missionary to the former Soviet Union for 7 years. He is now a pastor. Mark is the author of two books – “Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrificial Offering of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust” and “Wrath or Rest: Saints in the Hands of Angry God.”
All of the quotes from Adolf Hitler are taken from the book entitled “Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-44” and the infamous “Mein Kampf.”
The quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer are taken from the unabridged version of "Parerga and Paralipomena."
A stunning post. I was not aware of a number of things about this evil despot.
I believe that all wars are a punishment from God for turning away from his moral absolutes. The 20th Century shows this up very clearly. We need to understand this message, loud and clear!
Hey Anne, Mark is the man on this topic. Be sure to check out his posts for more insight.
The Bible teaches that wars are a result of self will and the rejection of Almighty God. It is true that God lets man reap his godless out working in His providential will for time (James 4:1-3).
God speed!
The 'forerunners' before the Anti-Christ will each escalate, with the latter ones becoming increasing evil, bold and devious. That is why I firmly believe that Barack Hussein Obama is just another in a successive line of Anti-Christ forerunners, and that the true Second Coming draws ever nearer.
Cynthia, Amen and right on!
BTW the Rsussians actually first used the term for Fascism not the Germans
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