My dear friends, just in the last 10 years I personally cannot believe how far our country has gone to the brink of absolute absurdity and stupidity! Idiocy and narcissism have now gone viral! Godlessness and lawlessness are mainstream in America! The majority of America's youth today are nothing more than spoiled selfish, narcissistic babies who have zero common sense, despise objective truth and reality, look at this world through the drunken eyes of moral relativism, are fully addicted to technology and abhor and hate our capitalistic society and Democratic Republic; which has only provided for them and blessed them beyond all comprehension! These are godless, profane, self-loathing, cynical, fatalistic, full of bitterness, vindictive rage and have a vendetta with all in authority (Jude 1:10)!
After 70 years of American socialism creeping into every facet of our nation, we have now finally reaped the horrific tornado and have come to America's last generation and hour.
How else could socialism, lawless tyranny, abortion's barbarity, secularism, idiotic green policies, and idiotic politicians arise and be elected to office if they were not willing to be embraced with open arms! After 70 years of American socialism creeping into every facet of our nation, we have now finally reaped the horrific tornado and have come to America's last generation and hour. American optimism and naivete have blinded the eyes of those who seek to fight against the EXPONENTIAL lawless disintegration and erosion of our nation and the full rejection of moral law throughout our land. The Day of the Lord is truly at hand! One of many abounding signs that a nation's judgment is nigh is when homosexuality, heterosexual depravity and no value of human life is mainstream and dominate in a nation's culture (Rom. 1:18-32). My friends, this is not my personal opinion, but Almighty God's ETERNAL insight and declaration to this fallen world (Deut. 28:15, Prov. 14:34, Isa. 1:1-24; 3:1-6, 11; 5:20; Jer. 2; Rom. 1:18-32; 3:10-18, 2 Tim. 3:1-7, Jude 1:10)!

These haters of moral absolutes are personally responsible for the EXPONENTIAL growing godless social consequences present in America today; which are due to their lawless "social change" policies. The moral and spiritual relativism and godless religious ideology of the secular Left has permeated into all aspects of our once dominant Judeo/ Christian heritage and culture. The social climate of today’s America is so decadent, so immoral, so polluted, so base and so lewd that it has passed the point of remediation to the point of no return.
The fact is that our American society is contaminated to the very core and saturated with pornography and lewdness.
The majority of Americans look at the surface of our societal ills and gullibility think that things aren’t as bad as they seem. They have deceived themselves and have been absolutely desensitized. Their moral compass has been made hard and callus to comprehend how absolutely decadent we have become as a nation. The fact is that our American society is contaminated to the very core and saturated with pornography and lewdness. The American steak - as it were - has been left out of the refrigerator too long, and no “conservative ideology” revival or leadership can restore this rotting slab to its former state (Isaiah 1:5-6). Once a nation has given themselves over to the basest of thinking (i.e., secular socialism and moral practices), it is just a matter of time before it implodes on itself es(Romans 1:18-32). As one who loves my country and its founding, I take no delight in declaring this, but the present status of our society and culture compels making an objective assessment for all to take heed by. May we as a people learn the lessons of history, and may she be our wise teacher. Every nation that has gone down this path has become a third world nation or has NEVER survived.
A Steak and Its Environment

When a steak is left out at room temperature, the corruption process accelerates due to a higher rate of bacterial growth that takes place in a warm environment. Such is the Moderate (Centrist, compromising) ideology.
When a steak is left out in the direct sunlight and high heat, the corruption process accelerates exponentially. Such is the Liberal (Leftist, secular) ideology.
The tremendous impact from the 60’s counterculture revolution is akin to a steak left out at room temperature. In the last 50 years or so since the corruption process in our society has increased to an extent such that we can see the radical and fundamental changes that have produced countless social ills and catastrophes.
O America! We are at the very door of social implosion. Almighty God cries out to ALL to repent and be saved!
O America! We are at the very door of social implosion. Almighty God cries out to ALL to repent and be saved! ONLY in Almighty God is there deliverance from the corruptions of this fallen world and hope for ETERNITY (Gal. 1:4). As we see our day deteriorating right before our very eyes, may Almighty God and His Word be our strength and consolation in these very uncertain times. For one thing, is VERY certain, the Rapture is at hand, then the Day of the Lord and then the establishment of Almighty God's Kingdom of RIGHTEOUSNESS!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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The right is equally corrupt.....they lust for money while the left just lusts.
Indeed! Both need Jesus Christ Almighty God's Savior and propitiation! Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 4:10
The corruption has filtered to the minds of young school children who are now protesting in favor of climate change action. What do they know? They know what the brainwashed, demon led adults teach them!
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