My dear friends, this is not my own opinion or point of view, but an objective biblical observation and evaluation of President Obama’s life through and by his very words and deeds (Matt. 7:15-20). Obama has always had this burning vindictive "Anti American" raging blazing in his heart and in these last months of his presidency expect him to hold nothing back as he parades his vindictive rage to new heights. For He knows his time is short and he will break and destroy as much of America as he can before his power expires. Obama's vision for America is anything else than that of our Founding Fathers.
Obama's Gangster Marxist rage is on parade for all to see as he is seeking to continually divide America racially, morally and fiscally.
In the end Obama (in his own mind) will despise and hate the American people and even his faithful supporters because they have failed him and could not understand his “greatness”, “genius” and “vision” for America; for my friends that is what full blown narcissists always do. Obama's Marxist Gangster rage is on parade for all to see as he is seeking to continually divide America racially, morally and fiscally while seeking to obtain sympathy and solidarity from lawless Americans (red, yellow, black or white) who adhere to moral relativism, lawlessness and subjective narcissism.
Obama has always had this burning vindictive "Anti American" raging blazing in his heart and in these last few months of his presidency expect him to hold nothing back as his presidency comes to a massive defeat.
Obama’s democratic totalitarianism and lawlessness anti-constitutional bent has sent this nation into its final death spiral. Tragically the American people on board, who are against this radical pilot’s “course”, truly believe that they can regain control of this plane before impact. That final act of optimism will find harsh reality when our nation implodes after the soon Rapture of Christ; but by then it will be too late (Prov. 1:22-33).

My dear friend, Almighty God has absolutely flooded the world market today with His Word, Witness and saving grace, for absolutely no one is without excuse from this Heavenly cry unto repentance and deliverance.
This next four years we will witness from Obama and the Left the horrific slander against absolutes, truth and peoples who adhere to our Founding Father's vision. This vindictive rage will know no bounds and will seek to destroy all that they can. In the midst of an America's Marxist gangster demonically induced subjective and vindictive rage and slander may our sanity be found in the TRUTH and ETERNAL REALITY of Almighty God's Word and Person (Isa. 26:3, Phil. 4:7, 1 John 2:15-17); for there we are safe as can be!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Praying For President Obama's Salvation
What is Marxism?
Dave, Have you read or seen the video of 'The Harbinger' by Jonathan Cahn? It is most alarming, the warning signs are among us. A wonderful and stirring read.
Blessed be God Forever!
No I haven't... I will have to check that out. Be sure to check out this link. It says it all about where we are here in America (Isa. 5:20)
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