Here we go America… We have been warning you that things are only going to get worse and we as a nation haven’t seen anything yet as the secular Lefts war on the Right reaches new heights of depravity, double speak and evil euphemisms. With in the next four months expect to see the most slanderous rhetoric used and directed at the Right and towards Judeo/Christianity. Lies and slander are and will be the heavy artillery used by the white Left as they seek to arouse the subjective rage of 90% of the black population with lies falsehoods and instigation. The American black family has been decimated by the white secular Left for countless decades and they are under the tyrannical hypnotic spell of the Leftist white masters. These masses are one of the many attack dogs which the Left will let loose on conservatism. The other attack dog in the Lefts cage is the radical gay lobby.
Both of these groups are tortured in their hearts and full of subjective rage as they have subjected themselves to decades of the Lefts secular oppression and lawless delusional liberation Leftist ideology.
Both of these groups are tortured in their hearts and full of subjective rage as they have subjected themselves to decades of the Lefts secular oppression and lawless delusional liberation Leftist ideology (Rom. 1:18-32). The consequences of adhering to the Lefts lawless ideology has imprisoned millions in poverty, decadence, disease, philological and emotion damage, drug, alcohol and sex addiction, murder, violence, false utopian hopes and sins horrific oppression (Rom. 1:18-32, Gal.6:7).
President Obama and the American white Left today are the most lawless representatives in our US history. After years of eroding the foundations of this nation’s moral compass and seeking to redefine morality with critical theory the lawless harvest is now here and the Left is seeking to reap the godless harvest and change the tide of history and overthrow American, Judeo/Christian absolutes and eradicate Almighty God and His followers from off the world stage. My dear friends, this all has a final destination as the Holy Scriptures has warned us of for centuries. That destination is the Day of Almighty God’s Wrath and the Battle of Armageddon (Eph. 6:12, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13, Rev. 6-19).
President Obama and the American Left today are the most lawless representatives in our US history.
The time we live in today is unprecedented in all of our American history. All of our founding fathers warnings about the consequences of abandoning the Republic's constitution and Almighty God's moral laws are now prevalent in our nation’s society and culture. With the technological advances in media Satan and his lawless minions in the media can alter the course of a nation’s moral bearings in mere months and years. What took decades and even centuries can now be transformed and accomplished by the continual 24/7/365 bombardment of Leftist propaganda and lies. To America’s subjective lawless masses, the Lefts lies are taken in as Kool aid to a thirsty soul and because of their subjective and lawless nature they are full of wrath, ever seeking to defame, destroy, lash out and rage out at the manufactured villains of the Left. The gay life style is the most destructive of all life styles and their practitioners are the most enraged of all people. That is not my mere opinion but the facts of overwhelming statistics.
As the 2014 mid-term elections are at hand Obama and the Left will now be seeking to divide America even more and stir up the rage of the radical gay lobby and invoke the race card slander at will to intimidate weak minded moderates by there slanderous accusations. All of this slander is to apply great pressure on moderate Republicans get them to cave on the God ordained definition of marriage (Gen. 2:22-24, Matt. 19:4-6, Heb. 13:4). The Obama agenda has been horrific to our nation, society and fiscal state. With nothing to run on but destructive lies and make believe villains to blame, the Left is going for broke and banking on the last bastion of secular liberalism's godless ambitions, the legitimization of the marriage between two of the same sex (Rom. 1:23-32, Heb. 13:4).
As the 2014 mid-term election is at hand Obama and the Left will be now seek to divide America even more and stir up the rage of the radical gay lobby and invoke the race card slander at will to intimidate Romney and weak minded moderates by there slanderous accusations.

No nation has ever survived sodomy’s destructive deception and ravishing consequences (psychologically and physically). The graveyard of nations throughout the world’s history is a witness to the validity of this statement.
What is most tragic today is that those who seek to promote sodomy seek to IDENTIFY themselves with this base practice thus creating in the mind of weak individual’s, sympathy for any who engage in this practice. These seek to promote and identify their person-hood with their sexual perversion and state that any attack on their base behavior is an attack on their person-hood. My friend, nothing could be farther from the truth. These will slanderer and defame any who oppose sodomy because they cannot abide in the truth and reality of sodomy's psychological and destructive effects and addiction. The most slanderous hatred is spewed at those who align themselves with Almighty God, the designer and Creator of ALL humanity. True Biblical Christianity does not hate the one who practices homosexuality but seeks to share the glorious saving Gospel with them and with all people. The saving message is that Almighty God LOVES you and sent His Son to pay the price for your transgressions for you (John 3:16-17). The radical gay lobby is truly the lobby of rage, hate, bigotry and violence. Once they are set in motion by Obama and his “political endorsement” of gay marriage these will hijack and aggressively dominate the 24/7 news cycle until November. These will continually seek to put on the defensive the moderate wing of the Republican Party and seek to force them to change their opinion for the acceptance and passing of sodomy marriage as the new law of the land.
Once they are set in motion by Obama and his “political endorsement” of gay marriage these will hijack and aggressively dominate the 24/7 news cycle until November.
All the Left has this 2014 mid-term election cycle is their oppressed and enraged base to help them keep power and maintain their lawless agenda. Do not get sucked into the manufactured false compassion and defensive attacks of the Left during this hour. They will come with all that they have to preserve their power. Nothing is beneath them. They will seek to twist moral definitions, create false guilt, continually keep conservatives on the defensive, redefine absolutes and keep this debate going right off the cliff if need be to promote and have accepted their godless and lawless designs for this nation and country. NEVER has our nation been at the crossroads as this hour and no Tea Party endorsed candidate win will stop the Four Horsemen from riding my dear friends. The hour is at hand for the whole world to fall into tribulation and only those who cry out to the Lord will be saved (Acts 4:12, 16:29-31, Gal. 1:4). For us who know the Lord may we be praying and ever seeking Almighty God’s will, redeeming the time and getting out His Word (Eph. 5:16-17)! Even so come Lord Jesus!
For us who know the Lord may we be praying, ever seeking Almighty God’s will, redeeming the time and getting out His Word! Even so come Lord Jesus!
In this hour - as we are witnessing the total collapse of our nation - Almighty God calls out to all (straight and gay) to repent of their personal transgressions against Almighty God and be saved! (John 3:16-17, Acts 16:29-31). Jesus Christ is the ONLY hope for America in our last days as a nation. There is a BIG BAD UGLY tribulation heading our way and nothing is going to stop this (Rev. 6-16). May Almighty God be your Savior and rock!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Silencing Christians
SBM Worldwide!
A great article! Thanks for devoting so much of your time to informing the world about these turbulent last days! To God Be The Glory!
In his interview with Good Morning America yesterday, Obama said that he is a practicing Christian and he acknowledged Christ's sacrifice for us. My question is, do you believe that Obama is a true Christian? In other words, can a "devout Christian", as he calls himself, be okay with supporting gay marriage? How do you feel about Obama calling himself a Christian, based on everything that you've written about him?
After reading your post today. I wept. Your words are the Sword of Truth and the Breath of the Spirit. Thank you my Dear Brother in Christ.
Now that President Obama has endorsed his approval of Gay marriage, this will undoubtedly have a knock on effect in the United Kingdom. Evil will strike back. We recently submitted 500,000 signatures against our government who want to introduce undemocratically legislation for Gay Marriage. But what we are seeing is that it will eventually come our way in full force.
Lord Jesus Have Mercy on us all!
Anonymous, thanks and To God be the Glory! (TGBTG!). It is truly my pleasure (Eph. 5:16-17)! It is what the Lord has called me to do.
My dear friend, always remember what Jesus stated. He gave us this simple test to apply to any who profess Christ. “You shall know them BY their fruit”.
“Beware of false prophets (believers), which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matt. 7: 15-23”
President Obama might have a “Christian culture back ground” and went to an apostate church but all his actions war against Almighty God’s moral laws and RIGHTEOUS absolutes. He holds Jesus in a relative neutral position and not in an absolute one. Here is a link to a post we did little bit ago on this subject.
God speed! Eph 5:16-17!
To God be the Glory! It is precious to see you so moved. That is what is missing in the believer’s life today.
ALL these things must be before our Savior’s return (Rev. 19:11-21). Always remember that He is coming again and in a very special way for all who know Him as Savior at the Rapture (John 14:1-3, 1 John 3:1-2)! And then we will be with Him for all ETERNITY (Rev. 21-22:1-5)
Anne always remember to see the ETERNAL in it all from Almighty God’s precious Word. It will help us keep things in its right perspective and truly set us free (John 8:32,36)!!.
Anne, Try this, this is what I do.
Draw a dot with a pen on your hand and then look down at it from a distance. In that dot project all things that seem to overwhelm you or whatever issue of the things of this world to see them in their right perspective as God sees them. Place “whatever” into that tiny dot that you have drawn and see it all with an objective position. Now… Remember that YOU (Anne in your spirit) are seated in Christ at the Right hand of Almighty God Eph. 2:1-6, Col. 3:1-4, Psalm 110:1) who holds ALL ETERNITY (a dot) in His hand! And remember that YOU (Anne in your flesh) also live in this physical world below. So you are seated in your spirit with Christ in ETERNITY while living at the same time in this physical world of time. If you apply this reality in your life you will see thing as never before and indeed the truth and the Son will set you free (John 8:32,36)
How glorious and precious is that (Eph. 2:1-6, Col. 3:1-4, Psalm 110:1)!! And whatever you look at in this world always see it from this perception and position in Christ who we sit with at the Pinnacle of ETERNITY. That is how our Heavenly Father meant us to live in this world. Always seeing the REALITIES from our position in Christ Eph. 2:1-6, Col. 3:1-4, Psalm 110:1). It will truly set you and whoever free from the confines of Satan’s prison cell (planet earth). Even look at Satan from this perception and perspective He is a thug while you are a daughter seated at the right hand of the King of Glory (1 John 4:4).
Eph 5:16-17!
God speed my sister!
Dear David, Thank you for your kind advice I treasure it and have copied it and placed it in my prayer book.
God Bless you always in abundance.
God speed!
Eph. 5:16-17!
There have been reports of Obama being a homosexual. Jerome Corsi of WND wrote an article after sources in Chicago exposed him being involved in those perverted practices at male bath clubs. I hope it's not true, but the fruits of his actions tend to make me believe it is true with his aggressive gay agenda.
I don't know if he is but by his works he continually manifests his disdain for Almighty God and His moral absolutes for time.
Remember to pray for his soul... If Manasseh and Nebuchadnezzar can be save so can Obama.
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