As Jesus (Yeshua - Yahweh IS Salvation/Deliverance) the Messiah entered into Jerusalem for the Passover of the Lord - which had been rendered useless and reduced to a mere traditional religious lifeless skeleton of a feast, renamed the Passover of the Jews (Lev. 23, Matt. 23: 13-15, John 2:13, 5:1, 13:1), all the air was abuzz with the news of Jesus of Nazareth (Matt. 21:8-11, Luke 19:37-40)!
As it were, Jesus had absolutely dominated the “news cycle” of His day for 3 ½ years! Jesus would have been constantly talked about in all of the newspapers and on all of the radio talk shows, blogs and mainstream media outlets. Sadducees and Pharisees talk shows hosts would ignorantly miss represent Him to the kool-aid drinking Israeli masses of conservatives and liberal Jews of Jesus day. His enemies would have be on 24/7 slandering campaigns to change and curb public opinion against Him. His WONDERFUL WORDS OF LIFE and ETERNAL REDEMPTION to a doomed and fallen world would have been called intolerant, hate speech, bigoted and satanic-phobia. There would have been constant polls questioning and asking, “Is Jesus the Messiah?” “Is He good for Israel?” “Do you believe that Jesus is God? etc. Religious and political hacks would have followed Him around Israel protesting, misrepresenting and misquoting His words, miracles and wonders to their godless doom! The oppositional government bureaucrats would have sought to limit where Jesus was to speak and sent their spies out to follow Him to gather incriminating evidence against Him. The unbelieving Israeli socialists would have wanted Jesus to run for leadership as a socialist “cradle to grave” provider of the people without ever addressing their ETERNAL needs. Conservatives would have wanted Jesus to run for office to instill a conservative utopia where the people can honor God according to their “OWN” conservative mindset while REJECTING Almighty God’s ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS provision for ETERNITY (Rom. 10:2-4). The poor would have wanted something for nothing and the rich low taxes to grow the economy and their “worldly” business.
Unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief! If it quacks like an unbelieving duck, and walks like an unbelieving duck it is an unbelieving duck! It was so in Jesus' Day and it is so in our day!
My friends NOTHING is EVER new under the sun! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (Eccl. 1)! Whether conservative unbelief or liberal unbelief (politically or religiously), Unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief! If it quacks like an unbelieving duck, and walks like an unbelieving duck, it is an unbelieving duck! It was so in Jesus day and it is so in our day! What is absolutely key to know the reality of what is going on in our world is that the master of this fallen and godless world of Jew and Gentiles has the same old playbook but repackaged into whatever deception that is needed for the hour. Lucifer has - then and today - countless unbelieving godless demonic kool-aid drinkers to do his will (1 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph 2:2-3) who (conservative, moderate and liberal) REJECT Almighty God’s saving grace which comes ONLY by His dear Son Jesus Messiah (John 3:16-21, 14:6, Acts 4:12). Conservative, Moderate, Liberal, Progressive, etc… ALL are lost and ALL are fallen (Rom. 3:23, 5:12-21). Whatever part of the spectrum one might fall in we are all equally a broken egg who desperately need redemption and a PERFECT (a perfect egg) atoning propitiation (Rom. 3:23, 5:12-21, 1 John 4:10)! That my dear friend is the bottom line and is our greatest need for our temporal existence here in time today (Rom. 6:23).
Lucifer has - then and today - countless unbelieving godless demonic kool-aid drinkers to do his will who (conservative, moderate and liberal) REJECT Almighty God’s saving grace which comes ONLY by His dear Son Jesus Messiah. Conservative, Moderate, Liberal, Progressive, etc… ALL are lost and ALL are fallen.
So we can see that in Jesus' day (2000years ago) the unbelieving mood was similar to our day. It was at that appointed time at the feast of Passover (Isa. 53:1-3, Dan. 9:26, Matt. 23:29-39, 27:25, John 11:47-53) - the sum of all Israel’s unbelief would climax by rejecting, crucifying and condemning their Messiah and ETERNAL Savior (Isa. 53:1-3, Zech. 13:6, John 3:36, Rom. 9-11). What is most astounding is that nation of Israel themselves would be the very vehicle to bring about the FULFILLMENT of this prophecy by Daniel by rejecting their Messiah and having Him put to a horrific death (CUT OFF)! It is by Isaiah’s and Daniel’s prophecy (by the Holy Spirit) some 500-700 years before this event that Almighty God would give His people a window into where their rebellion and continual unbelief would take them (Isa. 53, Dan. 9:26, Matt 27:25). The 70 Weeks of Daniel is given when Israel was in exile because of their gross transgression (Dan. 9). The 70 Weeks of Daniel was given to show what would transpire for the remainder of Israel’s history. It was a timeline that takes Israel from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the institution of the Kingdom age under the most Holy (the resurrected Messiah - Psalm 110:1). It was a burning light to make plain what would be, but unbelief and biblical ignorance led to physical and spiritual destruction (Dan. 9:24-26, Matt 26-27, Mark 14-15, Luke 23-24, John 18-19).
Tragically and horrifically, the nation of Israel was absolutely oblivious to that Scripture text and to the exact date that was given by Almighty God of when Messiah would offer his Kingship to the nation of Israel (Dan. 9:24-26, Matt 26-27, Mark 14-15, Luke 23-24, John 18-19). What horrific event that would transpire after His entrance into Jerusalem at this Passover Feast would change the course of Israel for the next 2000 years (Lev. 26, Deut. 28-32, Ezek 39:26, Dan. 9:24-27, Matt. 23: 37-39, 27:23-25, Luke 19:41-45). It would be at THIS great Passover feast of “the Jews” in which 2.7 million pilgrims would fill the city of Jerusalem that the overwhelming majority of unbelieving Israelites would fulfill this Biblical prophecy and REJECT and CUT OFF their Messiah the Savior of the world (Isa. 53, Dan. 9:26)!
It is by Isaiah’s and Daniel’s prophecy (by the Holy Spirit) some 500-700 years before this event that Almighty God would give His people a window into where their rebellion and continual unbelief would take them.
Many Jews and Gentiles who were visiting from other lands had heard of Jesus fame. Multitudes had seen and heard John the Baptist and his proclamation, that Jesus, "IS the Lamb of God that takes away the transgressions of the world” (John 1:29). Multitudes there had been the recipients of Jesus’ healing miracles and had their temporal lives transformed and unshackled from the bondage of demonic oppression, physical infirmities and incurable diseases (Matt. 4:23-24, 19:21, Luke 5:15, Act 10:38). Multitudes had been fed by his provisional compassionate hand (Matt. 14:14-21). Multitudes have seen the signs and wonders that transcend the realms of this world (John 21:25). Multitudes had seen Jesus’ authority and power over Demons (fallen rebellious angels) and how they with horrific fear begged Him not to cast them into the abyss (Matt. 12:28, Mark 5:7, Luke 8:28, 10:17). They had heard His Words which sounded forth with DIVINE AUTHORITY in which the national religious leaders, elites and scholars could not contest against (Matt. 22, Luke 4:32-36). Multitudes heard Him state that He came to save and that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand! (Matt. 4:17). Multitudes heard Him confront and rebuke the Jewish traditional laws and establishments created by the godless leadership of Israel and lorded their spiritual darkened oppression over the people by their delusional views of righteousness and deeds (Matt. 15:1-20, 23, Mark 8:15).
The 2.7 million Jewish pilgrims ignorantly welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem on that “Palm Sunday” with their unbelieving relativistic subjective thoughts of who Jesus was and in just a few days were fully persuaded by the Satanic leadership's spin machine to outright rejected Jesus Messiah.
Israel during THIS DAY, during THIS FEAST as foretold by the prophet Daniel, was to be FULLY ready to RECEIVE their King, their Messiah! and their God! as He entered Jerusalem! (Dan. 9:24-27). The 2.7 million Jewish pilgrims ignorantly welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem on that “Palm Sunday” with their unbelieving relativistic subjective thoughts of who Jesus was and in just a few days were fully persuaded by the Satanic leadership's spin machine to outright rejected Jesus Messiah and exchanged their King for a murdering insurrectionist (Matt. 27:20). Oh, my beloved!! Be VERY AFRAID! We as a “Christian” nation here in America are no different! Before you point your finger at Israel’s overwhelming unbelief take a look in the mirror for yourself. We are also a nation that has CUT OFF Israel’s Messiah and have replaced Him with our “own” Christian traditions and rituals and are reaping the horrific consequences. We do not have to look very far to see that we as a nation whose inhabitants are from every corner of the world are just as unbelieving if not more so in light of the boundless accumulated biblical resources and teachings available in our day.
Tragically, the horrific after-effects of this event have followed Israel these last 2000 years as Almighty God's Word stated they would.
Tragically, the horrific after-effects of this event has followed Israel these last 2000 years as Almighty God's Word stated they would (Lev. 26, Deut. 28-32, Ezek 39:26, Dan. 9:24-27). It will be in the near future after horrific tribulation called, “the time of Jacob’s trouble – Jer. 30:4-7” that Israel will be pressed beyond all limits (Zech. 13:7-9, 14:1-4, Rev. 12:6-17). It will be near their end as the armies of the Anti Christ close in for the kill under Satan that the resurrected Messiah will come in GREAT POWER AND GLORY (Psalm 2, 110, Dan. 2:44, 7:13-14, Zech. 14:1-4)! It will be at this time that those who remain of the children of Israel will then connect the dots and weep and wail for their Messiah as if it was their only son (Zech. 12: 9-14, 13:1-2, Matt. 23:39, 26:64, Rev, 19:11-21)! Israel’s greatest time is yet to come with their Messiah (Isa. 2:1-4, 11, Jer. 30, Zech. 8), but till then it will be world oppression, hostility and persecution because they have rejected the Law of Moses and Almighty God’s messengers and Son (Lev. 26, Deut. 28-32, Ezek 39:26, Dan. 9:24-27, Matt. 23: 37-39, 27:23-25, Luke 19:41-45).
My dear Jewish and Gentile friends, the Messiah had to come to be our PROPITIATION and ATONING sacrifice to pay the ransom for our countless transgressions against the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS absolutes and Person of Almighty God (Isa. 53, 1 John 2:2, 4:10). In the rejection of the Messiah His murder and atoning death was used by Almighty God to DELIVER any who would trust in the Messiah’s Person and work of ETERNAL redemption (John 1:12, Acts 16:29-31, 1 Peter 3:18).
This Passover or Easter ask yourself this simple question in objective reality. How can I a transgressor of the RIGHTEOUS absolutes and ETERNAL laws of Almighty God EVER stand before Him in the Day of Judgment in my rags of filthy transgression (Isa. 6:1-7, Rom. 7:24-25, Rev. 20:11-15)? My dear friend you NEVER will! You need the RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION that only Jesus Messiah offers and has provided for you at Calvary’s cross (Isa. 53). May that be your sincere desire! The blood of Almighty God’s Lamb – his dear Son is the Savior of the world!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

What Man is This?
What man is this that hangs and dies, on Calvary’s cross is bleeding? Forsaken by a world of men, for their souls is pleading.
This, this is Christ the Lamb, the sinless One, the Son of Man Weep, weep for your sins, for you He gives His life.
Why does He go to Calvary, when He caused the lost and blind to see? Oh, wretch for thee He takes your stead that you through Him may live!
Nails, thorns shall pierce Him through, the cross He bears, for me for you. It is finished is His cry! Redemption’s work is done.
In dark despair and hopelessness, Christ rose up from death’s dark abyss! Oh grave where is thy victory, oh death where is thy sting?
He is risen from the grave, to ransom you oh sinful slave!
Glory! Glory! Praise and laud, He lives FOREVERMORE!
This, this is Christ the Lamb, the Word of God, the Great I Am
Who was this upon the tree? The Man the Son of God!
The Man the Son of God!
The Man the Son of God!

it is all just too beautiful......
What is a layperson/non-Bible scholar to do??
Here is our dilemma: Every Christian Old Testament Bible scholar, apologist, pastor, and priest on the planet says that the Old Testament prophesies the birth and death of Jesus of Nazareth as the Jewish Messiah (ben David). However, every (non-messianic) Jewish "Old Testament" scholar and rabbi adamantly states that there is not one single prophecy in the Hebrew Bible about Jesus.
So who are we poor ignorant saps to believe?
In lieu of spending the next 10 years becoming a fluent Hebrew-speaking Old Testament scholar yourself, I would suggest using some good ol' common sense. Who is more likely to be correct:
1.) Jewish sages and rabbis who have spent their entire lives immersed in Jewish culture, the Jewish Faith, the Hebrew language, and the Hebrew Bible---for the last 2,000 years...or... 2.) seminary graduates from Christian Bible colleges in Dallas, Texas and Lynchburg, Virginia?
Sorry, Christian scholars, but using good ol' common sense, I have to go with the Jewish scholars. And Jewish scholars say that Christian translators deliberately mistranslated and distorted the Hebrew Bible to say things in the Christian Bible that is never said in the original Hebrew---for the purpose of inventing prophesies into which they could "shoehorn" Jesus!
I recommend that every Christian read the bombshell book, "Twenty-Six Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe in Jesus" by orthodox Jewish author, Asher Norman. You will be blown away by the evidence that this Jewish author presents that confirms why Jews have said the following for the last two thousand years: "Jesus of Nazareth was NOT the Messiah."
Wow... the only things left for you to do is to take the Gospel of John Challenge... and see objectively for yourself. Both Jew and Gentile are part of Adam's fallen race including you and me (Rom. 5:11-21) and both need the propitiation of righteousness provided by the Messiah of Israel (Isa. 53, John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4,1 John 4:10).
Hi David,
If two of your friends get into an argument and you want to know who is right, do you only listen to one friend's side of the story to make your decision? I hope not.
The best way to get to the truth of any disagreement is to listen to both sides.
You are very knowledgeable when it comes to Christian theology, but have you listened to the Jewish side of this issue? I would encourage you to buy and read Asher Norman's book which I mentioned above. I think you will find the information that Jews present very surprising and informative.
Gary, thanks for your reply!
To me the divider of men is the Word of God. Many so called "Christians" who reject the simple teachings of salvation (John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4) have been horrendous to the Jewish people over the many years and the overwhelming majority of Jews throughout history and today reject the Law of Moses and its propitiational remedy and have reaped the horrific consequence of their godless lives (Lev. 26, Deut 28-36, John 1:10-12)... so many disagreements are between to unbelieving peoples.
The way a Jew and a gentile can only find full agreement is when both come to personally know the Messiah of Israel who is the ONLY Savior of the world (Isa 53, Zech. 12:10-14, MattActs 4:12, Rom. 3:22, Gal.3:14, 28). All (Jew and gentile) equally need to know Almighty God's Lamb, propitiation and Savior (Isa. 1:18, 45:21, 53, 1 John 4:10).
My friend I am always objective and weigh out all thing by the word of God and its simple ETERNAL absolutes... and that is why I a gentile have come to receive the Messiah of Israel as my personal Savior and have received His propitiational work on my behalf as my own personal Lamb. I love talking to Jews and talking about their Messiah which tragically many reject (Isa. 53, John 1:10-12). If you look at the Bible as a "relative" book then you will never understand me.
Thanks again for your comment!
Blessings in the Messiah of Israel my Lamb and Savior!
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