Was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Saved? This is a question that I have often asked myself. There is no doubt that he had the trappings of a “Christian”, but was he saved as the Word of Almighty God requires (Matt. 7:21-23, Rom. 10:2-4)? This is not a black or white issue but a sound biblical one, for in the END that is what life is ALL about.
Yes, Dr. King had a great dream, vision and was fearless about bringing civil rights to
The very world it's self is seeking to achieve this "peace", unity, harmony and oneness, but sadly they leave out one key and crucial piece to this utopian equation... ALMIGHTY GOD!
.No matter how noble, no matter how heroic, no matter how virtuous, no matter how selfless, no matter how passionate, no matter how courageous, no matter one's color etc.. etc... When anyone (red, yellow, black or white) leaves out the ETERNAL Creator from time’s hopeless dilemma and His ETERNAL absolutes of RIGHTEOUSNESS all is doomed (Eccl. 12:13-14, Rev. 20:11-15)! There are NO utopias here and there will NEVER be, yet the world in their subjective GODLESS delusion seeks to achieve this la-la land fantasy with relativism, lawlessness, decadence and Machiavellianism. This world seeks true peace through the labors of lawlessness, but in the end all they find is endless war and oppression (Isa. 48:22, 57:21). History is full of valiant men and women who sought to make this fallen world a better place and in some ways they have and we thank Almighty God for them, but in the light of ETERNITY if they knew not the Savior of the world it was ALL vanity and these noble - yet unregenerate men - must stand before their Creator in that Day to give an account (Eccl.). Good and noble deeds with all of its works can NEVER manufacture the PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS demand by Almighty God for fallen man and tragically that is how this world perceives and deceives themselves about the last Day (Rom. 6:23, 10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9, Rev. 20:11-15).A broken egg is still a broken egg no matter what good it was used for.
There are NO utopias here and there will NEVER be, yet the world in their subjective GODLESS delusion seeks to achieve this la-la land fantasy with relativism, lawlessness, decadence and Machiavellianism.
We need as Adam’s offspring (race) to see things from Almighty God’s ETERNAL perspective. We need to fully understand - as a human race (Adam’s offspring) - that this world is NOT our home (Rom. 5:12). For in the final end, ETERNITY is the final destination of ALL mankind. Whether rich or poor, black or white, man or women, virtuous or vile, saved or unsaved (Heb. 9:27), either a child of Adam HAS the required RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God provided by His Son or He does not. That is the cross road of this world. Either you will receive Almighty God’s propitiation in spirit and in truth or you will not (John 3:16-17, 1 John 2:2, 4:10). It is just that simple.
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36)”
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life (1 John 5:12)”
Below is a link to a paper written by a black author and believer in Jesus Christ. It was very insightful and uses Almighty God’s infallible Word to discern whether Dr. King was a true believer in Jesus Christ based on the teachings and sound doctrine of the Bible. I thought this was excellent and wanted to share this with you.
Was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A Christian? - link to article

The issue is not going to be solved here in this dimension. One would have loved to see his writings, sermons, tell his black as well other congregations worldwide, that repentance for sins, total trust in the blood of Christ for said forgiveness was the way to salvation. If this was not done then questions can arise but no one will ever be able to see MLK's spirit, heart , soul or mind to see if he trusted in Jesus' blood alone was the only means of personal salvation.
Of a truth my friend... in all honesty DR. MLKJ, Rush Limbaugh etc.. and other men who are greatly respected are used here at the IFB to cause individuals to think and see the ETERNAL. For the ETERNAL is all that matters and what one does with the Word of God, Jesus Christ and the ETERNAL spiritual absolutes in the end is all that matters in this brief and vain life.
Whatever decision that MLKJ made up to his last is between him and Almighty God but while we are here in this world with breath in our mouths we must make our decision and our decision must be based on the ETERNAL absolutes of Almighty God and His RIGHTEOUS Word.
That is the message of this IFB post
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