In light of President Obama's eight years in office, our ex-president has been America's greatest advocate for the barbaric act of abortion in the history of this nation. He loves it! He truly loves it! What else are we to think when we look at his voting record and out spoken zeal to preserve this horrific evil (Matt. 7:20)?
As President and High Priest of Moloch; Barack Hussein Obama vowed in the past to join Planned Parenthood in their war on life and against the efforts by states to turn "women's health" (secular euphemism for: abortion) back to the 1950s and even asked the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS God who made Heaven and earth to bless Margret Sanger's vision and Planned Parenthood' butchery of the unborn child. How crazy is that!!
My friend's, even when Obama's fellow godless secular lefties would not cross the line to vote for the removal of the ban on partial birth abortion , Obama was quite passionate and vocal to get this ban removed. There is no doubt in the mind of countless American’s that President Obama is the High Priest of Abortion and he will do all in his power to protect, promote and to preserve this violent and horrific evil.
There is no doubt in the mind of countless American’s that President Obama is the High Priest of Abortion and he will do all in his power to protect, promote and to preserve this violent and horrific evil.
When it comes right down to it, our ex-President is lawless in the majority of ALL his doings. Behind that media crafted image OF compassion, godless euphemisms and great intellect, lies a godless narcissistic relativist reprobate only interested in destroying anything that has to do with the laws of nature and of nature’s God (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10). President Obama was and is anti constitutional, anti founding fathers, anti morality, anti life, anti conservative, anti business, anti capitalist, anti Judeo/ Christian values, anti Bible and thus anti Almighty God (Rom. 1:18-32). He is pro abortion, pro partial birth abortion, pro homosexuality, pro secular agenda, pro 60’s radical, pro globalism, pro socialist, pro secularist, pro
The most horrific state for any individual to abide - next to the ETERNAL Lake of Fire - is for Almighty God to give him over to a reprobate mind with its delusional thoughts.
So when we put all the evidence on the table and examine it in the light of Almighty God’s ETERNAL revelation (His infallible Word), we can see that when any individual applies godlessness in one’s life there is NO limit to the amount of evil one can do (Gal. 5:19-21). The sky is the limit until Almighty God intervenes and puts an end to it. Tragically, after years of the application of lawlessness in one’s godless life an individual becomes very callus and hardened to things which should arose one’s compassion, sympathy and mercy. Sadly all is lost as the individual goes ever deeper into the darkened abyss of the subjective regions of the vanity of their own godless delusional mind. The most horrific state for any individual to abide - next to the ETERNAL Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15) - is for Almighty God to give him over to a reprobate mind with its delusional thinking (Rom. 1:18-32). It is this mind set that is fatalistic, cruel and there are no moral boundaries.
To go right to the heart of the condition it would seem that our president has passed this point and is driven and motivated by a subjective vindictive hatred towards Almighty God, His laws of nature, His moral absolutes and those that represent Him.
In the days prior to Israel occupying the Land of Canaan, the godless and lawless inhabitants of the land of Canaan practiced the basest and most violent of acts (Deut. 9:4; 12:31; 18:9, Lev. 18:21, 24). One of these licentious and violent practices was the worship of the god Moloch. Moloch (i.e., King) was the god of child sacrifice. This worship was a prime demonstration of the godless spiritual philosophy and depraved ideology of fallen man. The worshipers of Moloch were absolutely consumed with the licentious practice of all kinds of sexual deviance (Rom. 1:18-32). One of the countless destructive consequences of these unbridled sexual practices was the birth of countless unwanted children. These demonic reprobates - callous and scarred from their violent and godless manner of living - would seek Moloch’s favor by placing their unwanted children between the image’s hands, and then the unwanted baby was burnt alive (Deut. 18:10-13; 2 Kings 21.6; Ezek. 20:26, 31; 23:37). When the child vehemently cried out, the priests (intercessors) of Moloch would beat a drum so that the mother would not hear the screams of her child lest her heart and mind be moved to pity and repentance. My friends, how horrific, that any culture and society would heartlessly and callously offer their OWN child in such a cruel and violent way unto death. Of course we as American’s would NEVER stoop that low right? Are we any different today? We are just as base a nation as the Canaanites were, but we are more cultured, chic and rational about it. We have used the technological advances of our day to EXPONENTIALLY make evil more humane and keep a cleaner image of the evil we do. We have euphemized immorality into lovely and flowery acts of kindness and compassion.
We are just as base as a nation as the Canaanites were, but we are more cultured, chic and rational about it. We have used the technological advances of our day to EXPONENTIALLY make evil more humane and keep a cleaner image of the evil we do.
My dear friends, Facts and reality need to be manifested and received in these last days,America will NOT get by with the horrific murder of 55,000,000 aborted babies in 46 years. Oh how deceived we are! We are already reaping the whirlwind. Almighty God has judged us already letting us reap what we have so decadently and violently sowed as a nation.(Gal. 6:7). It will be just a little longer and the implosion of America will happen and the Day of the Lord will begin (2 Thess. 2:3-7, Rev. 6-19).
My dear friends, Facts and reality need to be manifested and received in these last days,
As believers, all we can do is to try to do is to slow down the EXPONENTIAL rapid erosion of society and speak out against the accelerating evil of our day. In doing this maybe Almighty God will be merciful to our nation just a little bit longer so to call out individuals to Himself before the whole world enters into the Day of Wrath. May we as His dear children be redeeming the days knowing indeed that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (Eph. 5:16-17)!

Wow... never heard that line
My dear friend, who is the ignorant one.
We are both ignorant... that there is for sure but what stance of ignorance do you side on? (1 Cor. 1:18-31)
Obama is also a high priest of gay marriage...
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