Many conservatives want to address the fiscal crisis in America first, then maybe look at the social train wreck after the fact. My conservative friends, please forget about America’s EXPONENTIAL fiscal debt of 15 Trillion dollars. That is just peanuts and a little baby straw man that has been erected by the god of this world and his lawless minions of moral relativism to distract you from the massive disintegration of the dam of moral fiber and absolutes (Eph. 2:2-3). This dam has been eroded way these last 60 years and has finally fractured. The deluge from this collapse has sent forth the torrents of tsunami like waves across the American social structure and has ravished all that it has flooded over. Oh… how deceived you are America! Thou wretched fool! You are on your death bed rotting away and in light of ETERNITY are about to give FULL account to your Creator and all that consumes you is the infinitesimal vain matters of your temporal worldly estate (Matt. 6:19-21, Luke 12:19-20, James 5:1-5)! This outright rejection and willing ignorance of Almighty God, reality and sound morality is what is at the root of the evil subjective mindset of Americans today. It is this godless immoral evil that is far EXPONENTIALLY greater than our nation’s fiscal debt!
The deluge from this collapse has sent forth the torrents of tsunami like waves across the American social structure and has ravished all that it has flooded over.

In these last days the key is to be sure that you have a saving relationship and personally know the Savior, for that is what ALL life is about. For those of us who do know Him, may Almighty God, the God of ALL truth and ALL comfort be our refuge and hope. May we personally find ALL of our expectations in His wonderful Person and infallible Word (2 Cor. 1:2-4, 20). May we continually be redeeming the time and encouraging our hearts and minds in these troubling days knowing that Almighty God loves us and His Son is coming again for us at any moment (Psalm 110:1, John 14:18, Rom. 8:28-39, 1 John 3:1-2).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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