Today in
John Adams stated,
"The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God."
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion (Biblical Christianity). Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious (Christian) people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."
Today, we as a nation have forsaken our founder’s warnings and mandates and have replaced and sought hard after a godless, decadent and lawless system. We have corrupted ourselves as a nation and have reaped the whirlwind, socially and fiscally. The Bill of Rights has become the Bill of “my self-centered lawless” Rights. The First Amendment of “freedom of speech” has become the lawless right of “do or say as thou wilt” regardless to how vile or decadent!
The ever shrinking dollar has become our nation’s god and countless American’s are seeking their security and temporal future in their 401K’s, pensions and investments.
As America continues to seek to find its fulfillment by the adherence to lawlessness, the human soul and emptiness of America has become greater and greater, continually reaping the exponential whirlwind as its consequence. As we have seen in the news of late, materialism, covetousness and greed are at the forefront of this nation’s priorities. These vices and the ever shrinking dollar has become our nation’s gods. Countless American’s are seeking their hope,security and temporal future in their 401K’s, pensions and investments. Oh! How deceived are we as a nation to put all of our security and hope in this “end of life” delusion and fantasy (Luke 12:15-21). Instead of preparing for one's retirement as the people of this nation have so invested in, one should be preparing for the Judgment Day of Almighty God and one’s ETERNAL destiny. How amazing is it that these ETERNAL realities NEVER EVER enter into the heart of these worldly lost children of Adam’s fallen race (Rom.3:23, 6:23, 1 Tim. 6:17, Heb. 9:27, 10:27, Rev. 20:11-15).
The key in all of this is to NEVER allow our worldly possessions to possess us (Psalm 49:17, Eccl. 5:5, Matt. 6:19-20, Luke, 12:15; 15:21, 1 Tim. 6:7). Beloved, NEVER allow anything or anyone to replace Almighty God and His will for your life. Sadly, we as Americans have become as spoiled selfish children today. No matter what social class one may find themselves in, we as a nation believe it is our God given right to have anything and everything that our sinful heart desires, for... we are Americans and we deserve it.
The question to ask ourselves is this, if Almighty God takes all of our worldly possessions away (as Job had), that we may be drawn closer to Him and bring much fruit for His glory, will it be well with our soul? Today, believers are much distracted in seeking temporal worldly fiscal security while placing our heavenly calling in the closet (Rev. 3:15-20). Woe unto us if we preach NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last hours before the Day of the Lord arrives (1 Cor. 9:16)! For indeed we must be fully redeeming the time and hours, knowing what our Savior’s will is for our lives (Eph. 5:16-17).
Beloved, NEVER allow anything or anyone to replace Almighty God and His will for your life.
The question to ask ourselves is this, if Almighty God takes all of our worldly possessions away (as Job had), that we may be drawn closer to Him and bring much fruit for His glory, will it be well with our soul? Today, believers are much distracted in seeking temporal worldly fiscal security while placing our heavenly calling in the closet (Rev. 3:15-20). Woe unto us if we preach NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last hours before the Day of the Lord arrives (1 Cor. 9:16)! For indeed we must be fully redeeming the time and hours, knowing what our Savior’s will is for our lives (Eph. 5:16-17).
Scoffers of Those Who Warn
In light of our nation's founding, greed and covetousness was not in our founding father’s vision for America . We as a nation today have forsaken and have violated ALL moral accountability to Almighty God and we are paying the price as a nation (socially and fiscally), are we not?
With the warning bells sounding off at fever pitch, this addicted nation has become numb and dumb to what is at our very door.
Those who DO seek to honor our founder’s vision of responsible capitalism, moral responsibility and godly charity are slandered and demonized as evil and greedy. Those who warn of our nation’s addiction to material things, reckless spending and abuse of fiscal absolutes are again demonized as heartless and callus. With the warning bells sounding off at fever pitch, this addicted nation has become numb and dumb to what is at our very door, the Divine Judgment of Almighty God! Arrogantly, we as a nation have taken hold of the delusional mind set that "absolutely no harm can ever happen to us". We are blinded by our pride and status in this world and know not that the axe is layed at our very roots.
Our nation's decadent philosophy is the ever singing chorus of, "eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" (Eccl. 8:15, Isa. 22:13)! This narcissistic suicidal and callous mindset has increased our lawless bent and our nation’s moral and fiscal condition to dire and critical.
Our nation's decadent philosophy is the ever singing chorus of, "eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" (Eccl. 8:15, Isa. 22:13)! This narcissistic suicidal and callous mindset has increased our lawless bent and our nation’s moral and fiscal condition to dire and critical.
Implosion USA

Our nation’s debt and fiscal situation is at the absolute breaking point and our leadership knows it and is genuinely frightened at the fiscal and social tsunami that is about to take place.
We here in America - at this time in our world’s history - know NOT what it is like to ever lack or want. Our Founders vision for this nation under the rule of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God has been the blue print for sinful man to live with unalienable rights and freedoms in a fallen world. Never in the history of the world has a nation been so blessed and has prospered so rapidly. On the same note, NEVER will a nation imploded so rapidly. We as a nation did not handle our blessings rightly and are at the very verge of social and moral collapse.
Violence and Anarchy
Even today our lazy, spoiled, lawless and uncountable U.S. victicrats citizens (red, yellow, black or white), oh, excuse me… the “poor”, eat the best foods, wear the best cloths, have free medical, dental and housing, have their countless bastard children taken care of mostly all for FREE! These expenses are footed by the ever over burdened American tax payer. These slaves to lawlessness and the state are kept on the U.S. social plantation and are ruled by the Left in this country, but once our money is gone and the dollar collapsed, what will be then when these have their social addictions not met? Only violence, discord and anarchy will follow! The inner cities will be violent jungles where only lawlessness will abound.
The middle class - in their desperation - will delve to levels that they thought unimaginable. In the need to survive they will also become violent and exceedingly desperate.
Sadly the lawless rich will get richer and have the power and will rule as the elite class much like the Nazi’s and Soviets etc. did. Is this not the vision of those here in America on the Left have for themselves as they ever lead this nation into the darken regions of national socialistic and elite rule?
Treasures in Heaven
What will be, cannot be stopped. All things are driving us to the time called in God’s Word, the Day of the Lord!
What came easy for us in these last day America , will go just as fast. What is crucial for all of us to see is that we need to see the ETERNAL and not get caught up in the passing temporal (1 John 2:15-17).
The Lord Jesus stated,
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God , and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33)
"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal" (Matt. 6:20)
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." (1 Cor. 2:9)
As we are on the brink of a new day here in America, one full of adversity, violence, lack, want and despair, there is One who NEVER changes (Heb. 13:8). There is One who wants ALL to come to a saving knowledge of Him for their ETERNAL betterment (John 3:16-17). Do you personally know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? If not, be sure that you do today. That is what this vain little life is all about. He has come to make us RIGHTEOUSLY rich with an ETERNAL inheritance (Eph. 1:7, 14). May you place your trust in Him today! You will NEVER be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!