Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Rotten Fruit of Entitlement Mentality on Parade in Wisconsin
Rotten Fruit of Entitlement Mentality on Parade in Wisconsin - link
By Gina Miller on February 22nd, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Christian Quotes from Abraham Lincoln

“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right”
"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?"
"In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book."
“When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God"
"Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."
"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
“God loves us the way we are, but too much to leave us that way"“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess"
"Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present difficulty"
"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
"The only assurance of our nation's safety is to lay our foundation in morality and religion."
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."
Abraham Lincoln
Sunday, February 20, 2011
American's Two Poor Classes - The Lazy Victicrat and the Needy Indigent
Today in America we have two different classes of poor: 1) the American Indigent Poor; and 2) the Capable Poor or the “New American Poor” (i.e., “The Subjective Socially Dependent”).
The American Indigent Poor are those individuals who are truly helpless and indigent. These were born with physical infirmities and birth defects who suffer physical traumas or mental issues and are unable to survive through this life without help from society. Some are our valiant veterans of foreign wars and others are rejected outcasts of society. These individuals need and deserve our charity and help, and most of all we are to let them know that Almighty God loves them and sent His Son for them (John 3:16-17). In the midst of this fallen world (Rom 5:12-19), Almighty God has a wondrous plan for their ETERNAL future. All those who place their trust in Him will be restored and healed in that Day when He restores all things unto Himself (Isa. 35:6; 49:10; John 6:35; 7:38; 1 Cor. 15:42-44).
These hide behind the name of “the poor” and identify themselves as the indigent poor class. These have become nothing more than a parasite to the achievements of others and a burden of weight to society and all working-class Americans.
The New American Poor (i.e., the Capable Poor or the Subjective Socially Dependent) are those who through decades of generational dependence on government and social charities have become slothful, immoral, idle and desensitized to life’s demands and responsibilities. These - as we shall see - have absorbed the subjective secular liberal ideology and are fully addicted to and dependent on socialistic government programs. They are quite capable of working but refuse to be accountable and responsible. They suffer no infirmities or handicaps but choose rather the path of dependency and sloth over self-motivation and personal responsibility and achievement. These mascaraed and hide behind the name of “the poor” and associate themselves as the helpless indigent poor class. These have become nothing more than a parasite to the achievements of others and a burden of weight to society and all working-class Americans; and are the most destructive force in our American society. These are the products of FDR’s New Deal, LBJ’s Great Society and the War on Poverty and Obama's new New Deal and the working man and woman have been left to foot the bill of these masses to the point of our current national fiscal ruin. Today we can clearly see that the chickens have come home to roost and the fat lady has stopped singing. The Left’s good intentions and social control have enslaved countless millions to a life of poverty, immorality and narcissistic victimhood and hopelessness.

The fact of the matter is, the phrase “American Poor” is an oxymoron. In light of those throughout the world who are truly oppressed and made destitute by fascist oppressors in third world countries, the New American Poor live as kings and are treated as spoiled children. The New American Poor class have access to food shelters, state housing, possesses free revenue (welfare), free health care, free food stamps, free tax credits, cell phones, iPods, TV’s, Nike shoes, designer clothes, cars, toilets, clean water, free school lunches, free education, free daycare, pay no taxes, come and go as they please, have full voting privileges and God-given freedoms as American citizens, etc. These have countless benefits and rights that the truly oppressed and indigent of the world know absolutely nothing about - let alone hardworking middle-class America. The truly afflicted, indigent poor of the world possesses none of these luxuries, yet the New American Poor with their subjective victicratic mindset love to compare themselves to the truly desolate as though they are on the same par. If one takes an objective view of the case, it is clearly seen that there is absolutely NO comparison between the two groups.
"We have redefined poor in this country as not having enough to satisfy our wants and desires"
The majority of the New American Poor possesses a narcissistic, victicratic, and subjective mindset which has been placed on them as mighty battleship chains by the secular leftist socialists in this country. The sad fact is these are absolutely oblivious to all the care that has been given to them, for which they are truly unthankful. We have redefined poor in this country as not having enough to satisfy our wants and desires. Only in The Land of the Free could these claims ever be made and labeled as poor and victims of society. The true Indigent Poor of America suffers as the New American Poor “milk and bilk” the American taxpayer and system. Which of these three classes is truly the victim? Is it not the hard-working American taxpayer?
It would not be difficult to see the true heart of the matter if one was too simply take an objective and realistic view. The issue, however, is too raw and politically charged to be engaged by a great many individuals. The New American Poor today have reaped a whirlwind of dire consequences due to their rejection of divine accountability and their abandonment of fundamental truths and moral absolutes. They have sold their souls to the secular socialist god of Big Government, which demands no accountability or responsibility from them, only their total support and absolute allegiance. The end result of this rejection of divine accountability is the abandonment of absolutes (moral/ spiritual) to addiction and utter dependency on the Left and its socialistic “Big Government” utopia visions. This has produced the catastrophic consequences reaped by the New American Poor of today.

"They have sold their souls to the secular socialist god of Big Government, which demands no accountability or responsibility from them, only their total support and absolute allegiance"
The consequences of the New American Poor abound (Gal. 6:8): drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography addiction, a licentious mindset, a ravished family unit, multitudes of fatherless children and single-parent homes, violence, murder, numberless incarcerations, rampant sexual immorality, and STD’s, generational psychological and mental trauma from the outworkings of immorality and loss of self-respect, narcissistic behavior, callousness and hard-heartedness, laziness and obesity, inner-city dwellings which have become a wasteland flooded with pollution, poverty, and drugs, etc., etc. These just begin to describe the miserable conditions resulting from the tyranny and oppression, bondage, and slavery in the lives of the New America Poor (NAP). Many scapegoats have been created for the plight of the New American Poor - and some are truly to blame - but the NAP themselves are going to be held personally responsible to Almighty God on that Day. All their scapegoats will be irrelevant on the Day of Judgment. The reality is that only Almighty God can deliver these individuals (NAP) from their current state of poverty, dependency, and sloth. Only Almighty God can rescue them from the bondage and outworkings of their circumstances and situation. Only Almighty God has the remedy to deliver their souls from the wrath to come (John 3:16-17; Rev. 6:17).
"Belonging to the NAP class or the Indigent Poor class is not a virtue to qualify one for Almighty God’s righteous and holy Heaven. The only qualifying virtue for anyone - rich or poor - to enter God’s Heaven is by placing one’s faith in the saving Person and work of Jesus Christ alone"
My friend, hear this very sobering truth backed by the Word of Almighty God. Belonging to the NAP class or the Indigent Poor class is not a virtue to qualify one for Almighty God’s righteous and holy Heaven. The only qualifying virtue for anyone - rich or poor - to enter God’s Heaven is by placing one’s faith in the saving Person and work of Jesus Christ alone (Rom 3:28, 10:4, Eph. 2:8-9). Faith is something we all possess. Red, yellow, black and white, rich, poor, bond or free - all who are outside of Christ must give a personal account to Almighty God at the Great White Throne judgment (Rev. 20:11-15). No one will have any excuse to use (Rom. 1:20). Almighty God is not a respecter of any person, no matter their class or color (Deut. 10:17; Matt. 16:27; Acts 10:34; Col. 3:25; 1 Peter 1:17).
Almighty God’s Love for the Poor!
Almighty God’s Love for the Poor!

My Friend, do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? He has come to set the captives free (John 8:32, 36; Heb. 2:14-15). Whatever captivity that you may find yourself under today, whatever oppression or addictions bind you, He wants to set you free! He has come to seek and save (deliver) that which was lost (Matt. 18:11; Luke 19:10)! He loves you and wants to deliver you from your transgressions and sins against HIS PERFECTLY RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER. Will you trust Him today? Your destiny is to be with Him forever in eternal bliss, don’t let your pride destroy you as it has done countless others (James 2:5; Matt. 5:3). My friend, place your sole trust in Jesus Christ today. My friend, it’s totally up to you. The ball is in your court. You alone will have to make your decision. Will you have Almighty God care for you (Matt. 6:24-33) or Big Government? May you rightly choose Almighty God and His highest and best for you. He will change your life and you will NEVER be the same!
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt 6:33).
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? (Matt. 6:26)
The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!
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