As the great American experiment is coming to a horrific conclusion what hope is there for any American in this present evil world?
As the great American experiment is coming to a horrific conclusion what hope is there for any American in this present evil world? As our Founding Fathers warned us of what would be when immorality and godlessness reign. May the American people look objectivity outside of this world’s limited confines to a place of absolute security and assurance, that place is none other than the heavenly throne room of Almighty God (Rev. 4, 5). Access is ONLY granted by a saving relationship to Almighty God through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Gal. 1:4, Eph. 2:8-9). When one places their trust in Almighty God’s saving solution and remedy in spirit and truth (John 4:24), God will save (deliver) that one from the limited, temporal confines of this fallen world and race (Rom. 5:12-19, Gal. 1:4). (SEE CHART)
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Belated regards and many Blessings for 4th July. I tried to send greetings yesterday but my computer was glitching on me. All well now.
As you know I love all things wholesome American. But I can't help but be saddened by the way American is moving. It will fall like a tree in the forest (the most beautiful tree where everyone wants to shelter in) that when it first starts the fall it moves, slowly but gains speed as it drops. I believe that at the end of six months we will not recognise the face of America.
United always in Our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. The only God who can save us all.
Hey Anne,
Yes indeed last week has brought us over the edge. But as you know our hope is in the Lord and His precious Word.
God speed!
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