We cringe when ever we think of Bucky Dent, Bill Buckner and Aaron Boone. It just was part of life in our miserable existence in the Sox world.
This 2011 season was to be the “mother” of all seasons. We had a great pitching staff, a deep bench and some new dynamite players! Many sport writers and magazines had picked the Sox to win it all. It was all good and we were psyched! To our amazement… - which we truly are never amazed by being Sox fans - the Sox started out horrible but then picked it up and were in first for most of the season. By September 1st we were totally sure that we would be in the play offs!" There is no way we are going to blow this! We are up by 9 games in the wild card race and it is a done deal! Well... here we are on October 1st and we blew it and are OUT of the playoffs, not to mention that our beloved coach is now also gone. In September the Red Sox totally collapsed! As a matter of fact, it is the worst collapse in major league baseball history! The Sox lost 20 games in September! 20 games!! That is crazy! How can it be! This collapse has Sox fans in Red Sox Nation raging! All the sports shows and writers can’t believe it and are giving their many different opinions and analysis to the “WHY”.
There is no way we are going to blow this! We are up by 9 games in the wild card race! Well here we are on October 1st and we blew it and are OUT of the playoffs, not to mention that our beloved coach is now also gone.
Another Perspective
I would like to give a biblical opinion on why the Red Sox collapsed that you are not going to hear in the sports media world of today. It has been a great over sight by many in the unbelieving godless sports world and is the new “it” girl in lawless secular circles. It is the marketing of destructive sodomy to our nation’s children.
Sadly this summer, the Red Sox organization teamed up with and backed Dan Savage, a lawless Christophobe, sexual deviant and vindictive hater of Almighty God and His Word the Bible (Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32). Savage has been extremely vocal and lewd towards any who adhere to the Judeo/Christian ideology (aka the laws of nature and of Nature’s God) and pornographically slanderous to any who oppose his base ideals.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter (Isa. 5:20)!"
Savage is a producer and director in the hard core homosexual pornography industry. His organization “It Gets Better Project” produced a video which the Red Sox have posted on their MLB website. This video features Red Sox coach and players Terry Francona, Jason Varitek and Kevin “YOOOUUUK” Youkilis. This video is highly subtle and promotes the destructive vice of sodomy by using children and hiding behind anti -bullying . It offers the deadly delusional reality that it “only gets better” by giving their poisonous kool - aid to those young adults and children who are struggling with their sexuality. It is satanic subtlety at its best and the Rex Sox ownership drank it down like they were Mean Joe Green drinking down a Coke a Cola after a long football game. They drank it down and then ran with it lock stock and barrel. The Sox ownership had to know without a shadow of a doubt who Savage was, what he was up to and how millions of fans of Rex Sox Nation would be outraged and left with their stomach turning by such a video. No one EVER in the Christian community has ever endured bullying of any one, at any time straight or gay. These radical reprobates love to breed and create fictitious demons and straw men while violently slandering any who offer the godly and wholesome remedies for these dear young children. These agents of decadence are on a violent vindictive crusade against Almighty God, His followers and the absolutes of morality that help a fallen society remain healthy. If this decadent alliance of Savage and Red Sox ownership has troubled you "it gets even worse!"
These agents of decadence are on a violent vindictive crusade against Almighty God, His followers and the absolutes of morality that help a fallen society remain healthy.
On September 1st after three weeks of relentless protest letters, emails and phone calls from outraged fans and society, the Red Sox leadership coldly replied that they would NOT remove this video and labeled the thousands of protesters who opposed this highly subtle, deceptive and promotional video - which marketed the destructive sodomy life style to children – as haters, discriminators and bigots, which are the standard slanderous labels that the promoters of lawlessness label those who are followers of moral absolutes, Almighty God the Creator and our founding fathers (John 8:44).
Red Sox leadership replied that they would NOT remove this video and labeled the thousands of protesters who opposed this highly subtle, deceptive and promotional video as haters, discriminators and bigots.
It was AFTER this callus reply by the Red Sox ownership THAT the Red Sox began to disintegrated as a team, lost its team unity on and off the field and ended up owning the greatest baseball collapse in major league baseball history. My friends, you connect the dots. Almighty God is NOT mocked and is the RIGHTEOUS Judge and when children are involved WOE unto you (Matt. 18:6, Mark 9:42, Luke 17:1-2)! It just may be that the Red Sox have placed on them them at present a far more horrific curse than that of the Bambino!
Sinners SAVED by Grace!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:16-17).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
10 Commandment Challenge
What is Sin?
Gospel of John Challenge
Links to more on "It Gets Better Campaign"
Speechless - Silencing Christians - An Awesome Video!
SBM World Wide Ministries
Mass Resistance
Sox Dig in on "It Gets Better" campaign
Homosexual News Roundup from Mass Resistance - Gina Miller
The Red Sox Video
That is an excellent explanation of God's punishment for in your face blasphemy as I have ever read. I was thinking yesterday of how God punished me for my disobedience and I cringe when I see what some are doing. These guys on the Red Sox, I just cannot imagine what is coming next.
Joel, my brother, the whole nation is under God's curse even now. I am not saying that as a nut... but as a biblical realist. Sadly many cannot see out side the box in these last desperate hours of our nation. All is excepted today in the name of tolerance! and all who oppose... are haters (Isa. 5:20)
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What I meant by "I cannot imagine what is coming next", I was referring to punishment from God, for their statements they made in the video. Leading young people astray. A lot of people think that these athletes are actually role models. It would be better that they had a mill stone hung around their neck, than to face the judgment that is coming. I am fearful of the road that this once great country is taking, it is the broad highway that leads to hell.
Hey Joel, I totally understood what you were stating and I was agreeing with you. Sorry, for any missunderstanding, sometimes emails and their tones are confusing.
Thanks for your reply!
God speed!
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