May I ask you this very sobering question? Do you POSSESS the Beauty of RIGHTEOUSNESS that is found ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:4)?
Only the Beauty of Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS (state of perfection) will endure FOREVER. '
My friend, you do not know what will be tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1). If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your PERSONAL Savior, may you do so even now by making that conscious decision to receive Him into your heart and life (John 1:12, Acts 16:28-31, Rev. 3:20). The Bible states; "though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:18b)"
It is then my beloved - WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR TRUST IN CHRIST AS SAVIOR -that Almighty God will give you Christ's RIGHTEOUSNESS and your beauty shall shine forth FOREVER as the stars of FOREVER, and in the bliss and joy of RIGHTEOUSNESS will YOU know FOREVERMORE. It will ALL become reality because of what Jesus Christ has done for you (Matt. 13:43; 1 Cor. 2:9, 1 Peter 3:1, Rev. 1:5). That is why Messiah had to die, to be the propitiation of the world (Isa. 53, 1 John 4:10). My dear friend, may you put aside your bloody rages of "righteousness" and place your complete trust in Him TODAY. Behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2)! My friend, You will NEVER for all FOREVER be the same!
It is then my beloved - WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR TRUST IN CHRIST AS SAVIOR -that Almighty God will give you Christ's RIGHTEOUSNESS and your beauty shall shine forth FOREVER as the stars of FOREVER, and in the bliss and joy of RIGHTEOUSNESS will YOU know FOREVERMORE. It will ALL become reality because of what Jesus Christ has done for you (Matt. 13:43; 1 Cor. 2:9, 1 Peter 3:1, Rev. 1:5). That is why Messiah had to die, to be the propitiation of the world (Isa. 53, 1 John 4:10). My dear friend, may you put aside your bloody rages of "righteousness" and place your complete trust in Him TODAY. Behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2)! My friend, You will NEVER for all FOREVER be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
David my brother
This is so true "The Day of the Lord" is upon us.
I am led by the Precious Holy Spirit to try and "wake up" the ones already saying they are saved.
I am calling out ALL pretribbers.
Why have you put yourself in a named group?
Are you not a child of God,A child of Love,A child of truth?
I ask that ANY and ALL pretribbers just give me one verse that says our precious Lord Jesus Christ will save them from the tribulation(Daniels last 7 weeks(7years) of the 70 week prophecy.
Just one verse, show me and I will believe you!
How can you say the Lord will save you from the tribulation?
Are you any better than John the Baptist Jesus earthly cousin, who came in the voice and the Spirit of Elijah and they knew him not.
He was beheaded because of a womans wickedness.
Are you any better than the deciples that walked with our precious savior while He taught them, all but John suffered (being exiled to the Isle of Patmos completely alone would be suffering) unimaginable deaths Paul being hung upside down and filayed alive?
In the year 2009 there were 165,000followers of Jesus Killed. Are you any better than they?
The white horse was surely conquoring the Lords believers as he rode forth to conquor.
Are you any better than the Christians of Egypt, Africa,Pakistan,Iran,Israel,Syria etc.
How can you say that the Lord Jesus Christ will save you from the tribulation?
Don't you see that the tribulation has started. Christians are watching their families being torn from them and murdered in front of their eyes right before they themselvess are killed.
This is waying very heavily on me.
Show me one verse that says our precious Lord Jesus Christ will save us with being raptured before the tribulation. One verse and I will believe you.
Don't tell me that you will be saved from the hour of temptation by being raptured and using this as your verse because that is when the Holy Almighty God puts forth a stong delusion so that the ones are made to believe a lie because they received not the love of truth that they might be saved.
Thess 2:
A lie so strong that even the elect would be deceived if possible,but it is not possible.
While seaching for that one verse to show me that Jesus Christ our Lord and savior will save His own from the "TRIBULATION" by catching us away to meet with Him in the clouds to be with Him forever, please find out what the character of "VANITY" is.
Is it a Characteristic our Holy Father wants us to have?
Just one verse!
Peace be unto you
Ok 1AMone2 please stop with the staw man arguments and the "one verse" trap. Seriously, its getting tiresome hearing these arguments as a justification for no rapture. I challenge you to find the word Bible in the Bible. If the word Bible is not in the Bible does that mean the Bible is unbiblical? Or how about Trinity? Do we stop teaching the concept of the Trinity because neither the word Trinity or a verse with Trinity in it doesn't exists? Or how about abortion? Name for me one verse that has the word abortion in it and one verse that says its wrong? If we use this line of logic then we need to abandon fighting against abortion because the word is not in the Bible and neither is there a verse condemning it, we need to get rid of teaching the Trinity, and we should just throw our Bibles away all together because the word Bible is not in the Bible! The concept of the Rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4:13-18. Compare that with Christs' 2nd coming in Revelation 19. Look closely at the differences. In 1 Thess 4 Jesus comes for his saints. In Revelation 19 he comes WITH them. In 1 Thess the church goes UP to meet him. In Revelation 19 they come DOWN with him. In 1 Thess it is Christ himself. In Revelation 19 Christ is riding a horse. Consider what the angles told the disciples in Acts chapter 1 when Jesus ascended into heaven "this same Jesus will so come in like manner AS YOU SEE HIM GO INTO HEAVEN" Did Jesus ascend into heaven on a white horse with crowns on his head wearing a robe dipped in blood? Were the disciples in tribulation? You keep asking over and over again for a verse that says we won't go through the tribulation. How do you explain 1 Thess 5:8 "For God hath not appointed us unto WRATH but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" You repeatedly confuse persecution with wrath. Was God's wrath ever poured out on the disciples? Did Noah suffer God's wrath by being drowned in the flood with the wicked? Did Lot suffer God's wrath by being burned to a crisp with the wicked in Sodom and Gomorrah? Give me a verse from scripture that shows God pouring out his wrath on Christians. You need to seriously go back and study the scriptures more carefully and with attention to detail. Yes, the bible promises persecution because of following Christ (2 Cor 12:10) but that is persecution, not WRATH. Furthermore, if the church has been given the everlasting gospel to proclaim, then why does God appoint 144,000 Jewish males to do this in Revelation 7 ? Why does He send the two witnesses in Revelation 11 ? Even more so, if the church is going through the tribulation then why does God command an angel in Revelation 14 to proclaim the everlasting gospel to those that dwell on the earth? Isn't that the church's job? Please do your homework. Your theology of Post Tribulation fails to understand the purpose of the tribulation, confuses the church with Israel, confuses persecution with wrath, and fails to adequately explain the crucial differences between 1 Thess 4 and Revelation 19.
IAMone2.....i can give you the character of the word VANITY...look in the mirror..Your call name and twice after you use the word Iam in reference to yourself. This is a sign of arrogance not humility. Lose it, those words out of reverence and respect should ONLY refer to God himself, Becuase after you use that you have no worthy discernment i would care to listen to.....
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