"Walker’s single act of base totalitarianism was a spit in the face to the 7 million voters in California, 300+ million Americans, our Founding Fathers and - most of all - Almighty God, the Creator and Maker of Heaven and Earth."
Individuals who think like Justice Walker live in a godless delusion and are fully given over to their base, unbridled passions and the radical promotion of them (Romans 1:32; Jude 1:7, 10). This includes the base heterosexual world in America that is dominating our American culture today. Such “judicial reprobates” are seeking to legalize and promote lawlessness in light of their own sexual deviance, base desires and unbridled passions. It is quite insane how they are trying to pass off licentiousness as lovely, normal and acceptable. With the help of the godless media and Hollywood, they have successfully marketed perversity and slandered the opposition to transform the landscape of America into a “red light district” and sexually deviant culture. Just fifteen years ago, who would have believed that the preservation of marriage would be the greatest fight for the heart and soul of our nation? No nation in history who has gone down this road has ever survived the advocacy and espousal of such deviancy. What makes these lawless lefties and progressives think they are any different from their base predecessors?
A Lawless View of the Constitution

"The Left believes that the Constitution must also be changed due to the lawless and godless practices of many (including themselves). The prevailing immoral decadence must likewise be accommodated by calling it 'normal' and 'constitutional.' "
My friends, nothing could be more damaging to a healthy society than holding this pluralistic and relative position. It is a damnable lie, and those who adhere to it will only reap the consequences of its poisonous fruit. Are we not as a nation beginning to reap a whirlwind (tornado) of calamities for abandoning our Founding Fathers’ timeless wisdom and accurate insights? The rhetorical answer is YES, we absolutely are.
"Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are always relevant and absolute, like it or not."
.These Constitutional apostates interpret the Constitution from a subjective and secular worldview. They are driven by their unbridled passions and emotionally dominant reasoning which are contrary to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. These subjective practitioners of lawlessness – to which they are completely enslaved – are for the most part easily offended when their anti-natural law positions are called into question. Have you ever noticed how quickly liberals and progressives get "hot under the collar" when challenged on their anti-Constitutional perspectives and lawless positions? They become enraged, spiteful and vindictive toward any who point out to them the error of their way.
"The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviancy and the promotion of licentious behavior as ‘normal and natural.’ Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishment of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior?"

"Ever notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishment of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior?"
When a nation that was founded on the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God have given themselves over to the basest of all immoral ideals and then call it “normal,” we are truly done (Prov. 14:34). The writing is on the wall folks, and the fat lady is singing. This latest aggression by these Constitutional apostates is just the beginning of our nation’s acceptance of sodomy and redefinition of marriage and our tacit approval of their lawless agenda. WELL does this godless agenda fit into the scheme of the god of this world (i.e., Lucifer), as he seeks to soften up the world and our nation to prepare for its master, the lawless global fascist, the Anti-Christ (Eph. 6:12; 2 Thess. 2:3; 10-12).May you find your hope and stability in these last days in Almighty God and His saving grace. For indeed… The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Edited by BEL I.F.
The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?
Setting In The West and Rising In The East - The Glorious Gospel Message
The Left - Lucifer’s Wrecking Ball
The War on Christianity by the Militant Gay Movement - video
Steven Bennet Ministries -
I Was Once Gay - By Steven Bennet - A POWERFUL testimony of God's saving grace and love!