"In other words, surprisingly enough, Hitler’s trumpeted 1,000 year millennial Reich was going to painted green along with the so-called brown"
In other words, surprisingly enough, Hitler’s trumpeted 1,000 year millennial Reich was going to painted green along with the so-called brown. Indeed, with so much newly acquired lands captured in the East, the grand dream of a ‘local only’ sustainable economy, untainted and cleansed from the exploitation of international Jewish commercial markets, will become a reality. Indeed, Poland will become Germany’s green Ireland, and the Russian-Ukrainian steppe will be re-afforested and converted into many large frontier farms for the SS to enjoy in vast, natural, park-like surroundings. In 1941, Hitler predicted that, “in 300 years, the country will be one of the loveliest gardens in the world!” Indeed, Nazi landscape planners were impatiently chomping at the bit to move in behind German lines to start drawing up environmental plans for the newly acquired eastern territories.

"Not surprisingly, vegetarians and environmentalists have largely downplayed the historical record of Nazi Germany’s green streak"
..Not surprisingly, vegetarians and environmentalists have largely downplayed the historical record of Nazi Germany’s green streak. Some have been quick to point out that Hitler apparently cheated on occasion with ham, sausage, and seafood dishes. Hitler was also inconsistent with regard to environmental preservationist values and practices, largely because of the need to place Germany on an all out war footing throughout the 1930’s in a vast economy busting arms buildup. Hitler was also a fond of grand building projects National Socialism style and was planning on exploiting the natural resources in the East as much as possible to win the war. However, with great interest indeed, Hitler attributed his vegetarianism to the famous German opera composer Richard Wagner who provided the musical background to the Nazis. Why, one might ask? Because Wagner preached a racist socialism based on vegetarianism that would cleanse Germany from the Jews. Wagner was a revolutionary anti-Semite who hated the Jews for commercializing art.

"Schopenhauer, perhaps the original animal rights guru of Europe, was appalled by the fact that John the Baptist wore animal skins"
That the first noteworthy political accomplishment of National Socialism was the 1933 passage of an animal rights law should thus come as no surprise. As a part of the law, Jewish ritual slaughter related to Passover was henceforth forbidden. This was certainly the Romantic fruit of Schopenhauer’s prophetic thesis in the 1800’s that Europe owes “the animals not mercy but justice, and the debt often remains unpaid in Europe, the continent that is permeated with the odor of the Jews … it is obviously high time in Europe that Jewish views on nature were brought to an end … the unconscionable treatment of the animal world must, on account of their immorality, be expelled from Europe!”

"To many Nazis, the great sin of modern international civilization, which was characterized as Jewish Bolshevism in the East and Jewish Capitalism in the West, was its incessant concern in trying to overcome nature according to Judeo-Christian values"
The fact of the matter is that the Nazis adopted an extreme literal reading of Nature. More than a few Nazi ideologues characterized Nazi ideology as “politically applied biology.” They were thus naturist fundamentalists. Since biology is a part of ecology, what the Nazis meant with regard to politically applied biology was that nature was to have primacy over politics and the economy. Biology and ecology were thus everywhere applied socially and politically. This of course would have devastating consequences with regard to the Jews in particular. To many Nazis, the great sin of modern international civilization, which was characterized as Jewish Bolshevism in the East and Jewish Capitalism in the West, was its incessant concern in trying to overcome nature according to Judeo-Christian values. Such an endeavor Hitler called “Jewish nonsense.” In the eyes of the Nazis, this self defeating effort would finally come to an end through National Socialism. Indeed, Germany’s eugenic survival depended upon the success of the indigenous-Aryan-tribal instinct to ‘authentically’ counteract the Judeo-Christian international rebellion against Nature and her Social Darwinian laws.
The Nazis were thus hell bent in ushering a new apocalyptic world order based on the literal application of Nature’s Social Darwinian laws to social and political life. Hence, just like Marxism, which envisaged a secular eschaton of socialistic utopia at the end of history based on the literal socio-economic conditions on the ground, so the Nazis countered them with the much heralded 1,000 year Reich based on literal biology and ecology, which Himmler’s SS especially took to heart with their “Blood and Soil” doctrine. German blood and German soil were principles that were presumed to be according to Nature’s Social Darwinian laws of life that must be adhered to if Nazi Germany was to enjoy the eschaton. While the Marxists, however, viewed the eschaton as more open ended, the Nazis seized upon the 1,000 year Reich as the perfect counterfeit to the whole idea of the 1,000 year Judeo-Christian Millennium predicted in the book of Revelation. Both the Marxists and the Nazis thus extracted from the Judeo-Christian worldview its apocalyptic view of history, yet discarded its sacred and supernatural framework for the latest political and social-scientific-evolutionary fads of the times. In short, whereas the Marxists believed that the eschaton would be realized through the socio-economic dialectical conflict between the capitalists and the proletariat, the Nazis believed that the Aryan Millenium would come about through the application of proper biological eugenics into the fray of Nature’s ecological battles and struggles. Contrary to popular opinion, the Master Race was the best precisely because it was most in tune with the laws of Nature.

"Adolf Hitler is thus one of the most outstanding modern forerunners of the Antichrist yet to date"

"Hitler signed an animal welfare law which forbid Jewish ritual slaughter on Passover. The Antichrist will put a stop to Jewish sacrifices in the rebuilt last days Temple"
Hitler defined Fascism as a “spontaneous return to the traditions of Rome.” He was, in fact, infatuated with the Greco-Roman world before it became infected with what he considered to be the Judeo-Christian disease. The prophet Daniel and the apostle John both identify the Roman Empire as the government of the Antichrist. The Nazis had plans to change the Judeo-Christian calendar. The prophet Daniel predicts that the Antichrist will make evolutionary changes in times and in law. The western Roman Antichrist will head east and make Babylon his fascist-religious-commercial headquarters of the world. Immediately before the battle of Moscow, Adolf Hitler made this remarkable statement, “the great migrations set out from the East. With us begins the ebb, from West to East.”
"Lastly, the Antichrist will demand that the entire world worship him or face death"

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Mark Musser was a missionary to the former Soviet Union for 7 years. He is now a pastor. Mark is the author of two books – “Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrificial Offering of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust” and “Wrath or Rest: Saints in the Hands of Angry God.”
All of the quotes from Adolf Hitler are taken from the book entitled “Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-44” and the infamous “Mein Kampf.”
The quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer are taken from the unabridged version of "Parerga and Paralipomena."
The quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer are taken from the unabridged version of "Parerga and Paralipomena."
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