As last days America celebrates Palm Sunday and Easter, let us not forget about the history of the false perception that 2.7 million visitors of Jesus' day had (Jews and Gentiles) from all over the land of Israel and the known world during the Week of the Passover. Countless multitudes in Jerusalem at that time had totally misunderstood who Jesus was (Matt. 23:27; Luke 19:14). These countless multitudes that Jesus healed from demonic oppression and all kinds of diseases had soon forgotten His wonderful works for them. His 3-1/2 year preaching ministry was beginning to wear thin, and they had had enough of Him and His message of “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”
The very city that shouted cries of praise by the hundreds of thousands turned to vengeful shouts of 'Crucify Him!
By the middle of the Passover Week, the very city that shouted cries of praise by the hundreds of thousands had turned to vengeful shouts of "Crucify Him!" How could this be? My friend, as they really began to comprehend just who Jesus was (Isa. 53, Psalm 22), they wanted nothing to do with Him. Their shallow "love" for Him had quickly turned stone-cold to hate and abhorrence. For their vain, temporal and sinful existence, Jesus had become tiresome and of no benefit to them at all (Eccl. 9:3, 9; 11:8; Isaiah 53: 2-3).
The very One whom they had praised to the Heavens and welcomed with thunderous applause just hours before (Matt 21:5-11; Mark 7-11; Luke 19:35-40) was now the very One they shouted down: "Crucify him... Crucify him!" (Mark 15:12-14), "We have no king but Caesar!" (John 19:15), "May His blood be upon us and our children!" (Matt. 27:25). Again, how could this be?
As they really began to comprehend just who Jesus was, they wanted nothing to do with Him. Their shallow love had quickly turned stone-cold to hate and abhorrence.

When it comes right down to it, these have created their OWN Jesus and have REJECTED the very One of the Holy Scriptures.
On this Palm Sunday and Easter (if you do not already) may you come to personally know the Christ of the Holy Scriptures. May your praise and admiration be towards the Christ of the Holy Scripture in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).
Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?
Do your thoughts, upbringing, religious background, or personal beliefs about Jesus line up with God’s Christ of the HOLY SCRIPTURES? You might ask, “Well, does it make a difference?" My friend, I say unto you, "It sure does!"
Take the Jesus Challenge!

Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ!
Jesus said, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify [speak] of me" (John 5:39).
The purpose of this Bible study video is to bring a person through God’s simple plan of salvation using only the Gospel of John. This video is explained in such a way that a person can see for themselves what the Bible really says about who Jesus Christ is, what He has done for us, and the necessity of putting our faith in Him.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Dear brother in Christ, I read your blog every day. When I decided to answer the questionaire attched to this blog, I thought I would have no problem ansewering the questions from the Gospel of John. To my great shame and horror, I found that I needed to look up almost EVERY reference verse and reaslised how woefully deficient my knowledge of the Word really is. I know I'm saved, but my heart is so deceitful. How can I share the Good News without proper knowledge of His Word? I cannot unless I study it prayerfully by His Holy Spirit and this I have utterly failed to do.
Thank you for this very timely message in such a dark hour and insane world. Please pray that I take up His cross and put on the WHOLE armour of God.
Dear friend, Thank you for your honest evaluation of your current state and may God help you to know His Word better. You are not alone for many professing Christians are very weak when it comes to this and at one time also so was I.
We have a biblical correspondence courses (top of our web page) if you are interested to get you on the cutting edge and learn God's Word that will help you grow in excitement and in wisdom. My dear friend, God 's Word is your sword today against deception and the enemy and all need to know and possess its power and authority. We will be praying for you as you seek to grow the more in knowledge and in spiritual truth.
God speed my dear friend!!
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