In the news of late it has been revealed that the Haitian people have still not received the promised $1.15 billion in U.S. aid which they so desperately need.
"This Divine remedy cannot be provided by the U.S. and the world. This Divine remedy only comes from and through the Lord Jesus Christ, Almighty God's precious Son"
The Haitian people have become very dependent on foreign aid and global humanitarian relief organizations to help them in their desperate time of need, but all of this human effort and aid has NOT brought total relief to Haiti’s inhabitants. The Haitians need something and Someone more that will absolutely set them free from their bondage and oppression. They need something and Someone more that can give them an eternal hope and joy in light of their current crisis and dire situation. This Divine remedy can NEVER be provided by the U.S. and the world. This Divine remedy ONLY comes from and through the Lord Jesus Christ, Almighty God's precious Son.
Haiti's True Oppression
Today’s Haitian people are oppressed by demonic voodoo and superstition. Immoral and decadent behavior abound. Their social status and standard of living is found to be one of the poorest of all nations in the Western Hemisphere. Their poverty - as of other poor nations - is because of their outright rejection of sound spiritual and natural laws. Does this constitute a “judgmental attack” on the nation of Haiti? No, of course not! It is a sound observation expressed in terms of the law of cause and effect, which is timeless. Seeking to make any “hay” of it is resisting reality and natural law.
What the Haitians and the rest of the world truly need more than “band-aid” rescue efforts conducted on their behalf for the here and now is the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Haitians need to know and comprehend that they will one day stand before Almighty God to give an account. They need to know and comprehend that God has provided a Savior for them on account of their transgressions against the RIGHTEOUS STANDARDS and ABSOLUTES of Almighty God (Rom. 3:23). They need to know that Almighty God LOVES them and sent His Son to SAVE and DELIVER them from the wrath to come and this present evil age (Gal. 1:4)

What the Haitians and the rest of the world truly need more than “band-aid” rescue efforts conducted on their behalf for the here and now is the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Haitians need to know and comprehend that they will one day stand before Almighty God to give an account. They need to know and comprehend that God has provided a Savior for them on account of their transgressions against the RIGHTEOUS STANDARDS and ABSOLUTES of Almighty God (Rom. 3:23). They need to know that Almighty God LOVES them and sent His Son to SAVE and DELIVER them from the wrath to come and this present evil age (Gal. 1:4)
"They need to know that Almighty God LOVES them and sent His Son to SAVE and DELIVER them from the wrath to come and this present evil age."

“For God SO LOVED the world, THAT HE GAVE his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him SHOULD NOT PERISH, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved - John 3:16-17."
“Who GAVE himself for our sins, that he might DELIVER us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father - Gal. 1:4."
How wonderful is that?! God does care, and our eternal destiny is that which is His greatest concern for you and me.
God’s Rescue Effort

In these Last Days of increasing global trouble and turmoil, may we look outside of ourselves and place our faith and trust solely in Almighty God. HE ALONE is our Provider of Heavenly Aid. HE ALONE is our Hope for deliverance from death and the grip of its terrible fear. HE ALONE is our Help for rescue from the tyrannical oppression of sin and its terrible consequences (Heb. 2:14-15 ). May you place your trust in Him today! You will NEVER be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?
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