Prophecy, End Times Biblical perspective of American politics, God glorifing music, Bible studies, the Rapture, Dispensations, biblical teaching, pre -Trib, The Ignorant Fishermen, Unto the Chief Musician Music
Saturday, October 31, 2009
What is a Christian?
What is a Christian?
A Christian is one whose sins are forgiven, Who possess eternal life and knows it, In whom the Holy Spirit dwells, He is accepted in and associated with a risen and glorified Christ, He believes the Bible as the sole authority and revelation from Almighty God, He has broken with the world, is dead to sin and to the law, He finds his object and his delight in the Christ who loves him and gave Himself for him, he seeks God's will for God's glory and for whose coming he waits everyday of his life.
Take the Gospel of John Challenge and see if you are truly one!