Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Randy Rhoads Remembered 43 Years After His Tragic Death - A Biblical Perspective

Many out there in the Christian, blogosphere might be wondering why I am posting on this topic? The thought that might be ringing through people's heads being, "What does Randy Rhoads have to do with biblical Christianity or prophetic events?" Well… my dear friends let me fill you in... and be a little personal.

Photo by Tom .C (see below)
Randy Rhoads; who was the original guitarist of Quiet Riot in the ’70s and then came to stardom and the height of notoriety as Ozzy’s… yes… Ozzy's guitarist! It is absolutely amazing how time flies. I cannot believe it has been 42 years since his March 19th plane crash! To this day I have NEVER forgotten that anniversary. There has always been something about Randy and his untimely death that still haunts me and his person that has had a very special place in my heart. I cannot explain it. I know it sounds odd and corny (especially to believers) but that is my past, what can I say? Before I came to Christ in 1992, I myself was lock stock and barrel sold into the music industry and a huge cultic follower of Ozzy Osbourne and the rock culture. You could say that I definitely sold my soul to Rock n Roll. I played guitar and played in several bands and all who knew me knew that I greatly admired Randy Rhoads. For what it is worth even my guitar was black with white pock - a – dots! Yes! I was a huge follower.

To this day I have NEVER forgotten that anniversary. There has always been something about Randy and his untimely death that still haunts me and his person that has had a very special place in my heart. I cannot explain it.

To all of us who were (me) and are into the music industry or followed it, Randy Rhoads was a guitar god and a legend. His guitar playing changed all the rules and techniques of his day and brought a more technical, professional, and classical approach and style to the rock genre. Randy’s playing and genius in applying guitar scales were unique. Randy was very passionate in his playing and rooted and grounded in music theory and the list goes on. In light of all the rock’s guitarists, none has ever moved, motivated, inspired and has been more beloved by an industry than Randy Rhoads. Tragically on March 19th, 1982, Randy was killed in a plane crash cutting short his life and his guitar genius. His tragic death left a GAPING VOID in the rock world of that day which has NEVER been filled. The daily countless thoughts of Randy’s fans and admirers ponder and wonder, oh… what could have been and why him? They continually ring throughout the music world even today 43 years later!! Unlike the majority of all rock guitarists in that filthy industry; arrogant, proud, haughty, narcissistic, and lewd, Randy was very different.

His unique and humble personality has stood out in a narcissistic and opportunist industry and that has left a greater legacy than the genius of his wondrous guitar playing.
In the later months of his life, Randy became highly admired and respected not for just his playing and total professionalism, but for being the complete opposite of those in the rock industry and world. As a 14-year-old boy that is what I admired the most about Randy. I could identify with him on that. Randy was humble, kind, caring and considerate and totally not a poser. He was – as silly as this might sound to some - a role model in a godless and decadent world which kids so desperately wanted. He loved to teach guitar and loved his family very much. Many have been greatly influenced by Randy, not just for his playing but for the kind of person that he was. His unique and humble personality has stood out in a narcissistic and opportunist industry and that has left a greater legacy than the genus of his wondrous guitar playing.

Randy’s upbringing according to his brother Kelle and his beloved mother was that of a strong “Lutheran” Christian rearing and after years of rebelling against those foundational teachings from his youth, Randy’s conscience was beginning to convict him of being a part of that lifestyle.

It has been told by many including Randy’s mother, brother Kelle, Rudy Sarzo and Ozzy himself that Randy in the last year or so of his life wanted OUT of the godless, drug-induced rock industry to further a musical career as a classical guitarist. As told by many Randy did not drink or do drugs which is unheard of in that decadent and godless society. It is also said that Randy had become very serious in his personality and that touring with Ozzy had really changed him. I truly believe that the life in that godless industry was beginning to turn his stomach and he wanted out. I personally know (by personal experience) that at the age of 24 (not that I was ever at Randy’s level or sphere) I could not be a part of it anymore and adhere to my conservative “religious Christian” upbringing. I believe that this is what Randy might have been thinking near the end of his life. What is most mysterious and an important insight is that on the night before Rhoads' death, Sharon Osbourne stated that Randy said to her: "I don't think I want to be a rock 'n' roller anymore". Why would Randy ever make that statement at the height of his fame unless he saw what that industry was all about?  Randy’s upbringing according to his brother Kelle and his beloved mother was that of a strong “Lutheran” Christian rearing and after years of rebelling against those foundational teachings from his youth, Randy’s conscience was beginning to convict him being a part of that godless lifestyle. Randy’s Brother Kelle had shared that touring and playing with Ozzy was causing conflict in his mind due to his upbringing. Who knows? Out on the road away from friends and family, one is more open to evaluating one’s life and what it all means. The big lights of fame and the countless concerts of fans praising you after a while do not seem to satisfy one anymore (Eccl.). There comes a time in one's life that one looks outside of themselves for the TRUE meaning of our existence here in time.

What is most mysterious and an important insight is that on the night before Rhoads' death, Sharon Osbourne stated that Randy said to her: "I don't think I want to be a rock 'n' roller anymore".

One begins to think and evaluate who one is; what is the meaning of life, reflecting on one’s past and upbringing and in the fear of one’s accountability to Almighty God (Job 28:28, Prov. 1:7). All of Ozzy’s drunken, drug-induced lifestyle, demonic cross waving and anti-biblical personality had to affect Randy. It went against all that he was taught growing up and night after night of it must have finally come to a head. It must have been then that Randy shared with Sharon that he wanted out of Rock n Roll after doing it since his early teens. Many of these private ponderings and thoughts individuals keep to themselves as they wrestle with them in their hearts ever seeking to justify them or objectively condemning them. If this was the case with Randy I do not know, it might have been. Whatever the case with Randy there was a change taking place in his life and people saw it. The rest, unfortunately, is a great mystery and that is what hooks people till this day about Randy Rhoads, the countless thoughts of the unknown and the thoughts of what would have been.

One begins to think and evaluate about whom one is; what is the meaning of life, reflecting on one’s past and upbringing and in the fear of one’s accountability to Almighty God.

The thought that I want to share about this anniversary is that no matter who we are or what we are or the manner of our living whether good or evil, in the end, we ALL will give an account to our Creator in that Last Day (Matt. 7:21-23, Rev. 20:10-15). Almighty God is perfectly RIGHTEOUS in ALL that He allows and does not allow in this fallen world (Gen. 18:25, Rom. 3:5). Whether Randy Rhoads had a saving relationship to Jesus Christ in spirit and truth at the end of his life is unknown (John 4:24, 14:6, Acts 4:12, Rev. 21:27). Tragically Randy’s followers on this 42nd anniversary all will picture him to be in “heaven”, a “heaven” which is after THEIR OWN subjective fallen design and delusional reality. My dear friend, it is IN DEATH that our ETERNAL sobering summons to stand before our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator Almighty God to give an account for what we have done in our bodies in this fallen world is called (2 Chron. 19:7, Eccl. 3:17, 12:13-14, Heb. 9:27). We do not want to pretend with our fallen delusional reasoning that we in our own deeds are ABSOLUTELY PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS to stand before our Creator. For who is there that EVER lived (virtuous or vile) that has NOT TRANSGRESSED against Almighty God's ETERNAL PERFECT RIGHTEOUS ABSOLUTES (John 3:36, Rom. 3:23)? My dear friend, REALITY is desperately needed in this hour and day, for we will all give an account, maybe even tonight perhaps to Almighty God (Rom. 14:12, 1 Peter.4:5). We do not know when our hour will be at hand but we must be ready! ETERNITY is always before us (Job, 27:8, Prov. 10:2, 27:1, Luke 12:19-20, Rev. 20:11-15)!

Almighty God is perfectly RIGHTEOUS in ALL that He allows and does not allow in this fallen world. Whether Randy Rhoads had as saving relationship to Jesus Christ in spirit and truth at the end of his life is unknown.

Almighty God has made ETERNAL provision in His dear and precious Son Jesus Christ for the transgressions of the ENTIRE world, which includes YOU and ME (John 3:16-17, 1 Peter 3:18, 1 John 2:2, 4:10)! That is the REALITY that we as individuals most desperately need to comprehend and understand. May I my dear friend ask you this VERY sobering and pertinent question? How can YOU or I (TRANSGRESSORS of Almighty God’s PERFECT LAW) ever stand before Almighty God our Creator who is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT (RIGHTEOUS)? How can we EVER enter into His PERFECT and HOLY Heaven (Isa. 53:6, 64:6, Rom. 7:24-25, Rev. 21:27)? My dear friends, we NEVER can (Rom. 3:23). It is ABSOLUTELY HOPELESS without God's PERFECT Lamb (John 1:29, 1 Peter 3:18-19, Rev. 1:5). We are in a horrific and desperate NEED for Divine propitiation and a Savior (Rom. 7:24-25, 1 John 2:2, 4:10). My dear friends, it is when one places their absolute trust IN Jesus Christ that individuals transgressions are forgiven and removed and the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ – who died in our stead - is transferred unto us (Rom. 4:5, 5:8)! It is IN Christ where our RIGHTEOUSNESS is found alone not in anything we ever can do (Rom. 7:24-25, 10:2-4, Titus 3:5)!

We are in a horrific and desperate need for Divine propitiation and a Savior.

My dear friends as millions reflect on the 43rd anniversary of the tragedy of Randy’s death, may we look OUTSIDE of the box of this fallen and temporal world to see the ETERNAL in light of this little temporal life here on planet earth. My dear friends, it is all about ETERNITY, will YOU be ready?

Almighty God is absolutely just in all that He does and allows. He has allowed and used Randy’s tragic death to get people’s attention and to teach us all just how brief, frail, tragic and temporal our little existence truly is here on planet earth. The question that we must ask ourselves is will we pay FULL attention? Whether Randy in the last days of his life came to know Jesus Christ as his personal Savior no one knows, but Almighty God PERFECTLY gave him every opportunity to do so, just as He is doing for all alive on planet earth at present (John 16: 8-11, Rom. 2:4). No one will EVER die without having every opportunity to hear the SAVING Gospel of Jesus Christ. For, in the END, it is OUR own personal freewill that will make our ETERNAL decision (John 1:12, 3:16-17, Acts 16:29-31). In the GRACE and MERCY of Almighty God, I have personally made my decision. Though I wrestled with Almighty God for years He wondrously in His ETERNAL love and kindness gave me some time to beat my drum and to exhaust all of my delusional thinking (Rom. 2:4). In the end, Almighty God showed me how desperately I needed Him and how gracious to me He truly was. I have received Jesus Christ and His ETERNAL saving solution for me - a transgressor and sinner - and I have NEVER looked back (John 1:12, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Eph. 2:1-10)! How could any look back? You see I can absolutely identify with Randy's life, not that I ever lived on his level, but our lives were very similar. The lifestyle of that industry may be enjoyable for a season, but there is no way anyone can find fulfillment in it let alone serve Almighty God in it. Almighty God is calling OUT any who will hear His voice and have an ear to hear (Matt. 13:18-23, Mark 4:9). Do YOU have an ear to hear? That is the ETERNAL question at hand.

Almighty God is absolutely just in all that He does and allows. He has used Randy’s tragic death to get people’s attention and to teach us all just how brief, frail, tragic and temporal our little existence truly is here on planet earth.

Whatever choice Randy made about his ETERNITY if he could tell us anything he would communicate to all that loved him how desperately crucial it is for one to have Almighty God's ETERNAL pardon and redemption found ONLY in Jesus Christ - pro or con (John 3:16-17, 36, 11:25-26, Rev. 20:11-15, 21-22:1-5). My friends, I am sure many will misunderstand this post and be enraged. They will NOT be objective and evaluated it based on the REALITIES of Almighty God’s Word, but it is my sincere desire that at least one out of the millions will consider the WONDERFUL saving grace of Almighty God. For, in the end, that is what this life and brief existence on planet earth is all about! It's up... TO... YOU... to choose. What will it be?

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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Grave Site Picture of Randy's Grave Provided Tom C. Thanks Tom!!

DEE - by Randy Rhoads - To Hear Song

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

All Is A Mystery to Unbelieving America

Only Almighty God has and offers the answers that Americans so desperately need today in 2025;  WITHOUT Almighty God’s Word and revelation ALL is a mystery! ALL is unanswerable! ALL is despair! ALL is hopeless! A man, woman, boy or girl MUST be born again to FULLY comprehend Almighty God's revelation and the ETERNAL picture of our day (John 3:3-7, Rom. 8:5-9, 1 Cor. 2:9-16)
WITHOUT Almighty God’s Word and revelation ALL is a mystery! ALL is unanswerable!

My friend, do not deceive yourselves with false hopes, false vain ambitions, false saviors, and false Utopian visions that can NEVER come to pass in this sin ravished world (Gal. 1:4). My friend, do the very best that you can in this hour for the critical and fatal condition of our nation, but do NOT place ALL your trust in it my friend, see the BIG picture from Heaven’s ETERNAL perspective and be sure that your trust is in the saving grace of Almighty God which is ONLY found in Jesus Christ (John 1:12, 3:16-17, Acts 4:12)

The Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!


The Confirming of the Covenant - The Commencement of the Wrath of the Lamb!

The official commencement of the seven year tribulation period will begin with the breaking of the 1st seal of the Lamb of Almighty God (Rev. 6:1), the Lord Jesus Messiah; in which the "Confirming of the Covenant" of the Prince shall commence Dan. 9:27). It will be at this precise moment that the man of lawlessness (i.e., the anti-Christ) will be revealed unto the entire world and he will begin his ride seeking to destroy Israel with many (Dan. 9:27, 2 Thess. 2: 3-12). This revealing of the Anti-Christ and the commencement of this seven year tribulation period will begin when this man (i.e., the Prince which is to come) adds his human position of great power and authority to a covenant AGAINST Israel with an abundance of peoples and nations (Ezek. 38:8,11-12, Dan. 9: 27).

 This revealing of the Anti-Christ and the commencement of this seven year tribulation period will begin when this man (i.e., the Prince which is to come) adds his human position of great power and authority to a covenant against Israel with an abundance of peoples and nations.

Israel - at this time of the confirming of this covenant - will simultaneously receive the Divine SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION of Almighty God’s Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah), who will also begin their ministry for 1260 days and possess Almighty God's Divine authority. These Two Witnesses of Almighty God will be EXTREMELY MORE POWERFUL than the Prince of Daniel 9:27 and his global confederacy against Israel. These Two will be used throughout the first half of this tribulation period by Almighty God to make His RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Person known to a full blown godless world and unbelieving Israel (Rev. 11:3-6). Israel - at the Divine hands of these Two Witnesses - will then have rest and dwell in their land in safety from their global enemies and global tribulation for a season because of the Two Witnesses ministry unto them (Ezek. 38:8,11-12, Matt. 24:4-8, Rev. 11:3-7). This position of safety at the hand of Almighty God - via His Two Witnesses - does not mean that Israel's heart will be right with Almighty God, for it will not be (Ezek, 39:26, Rev. 11:8). Though they dwell in safety and unwalled villages, they will be at war with these Two Witnesses and their Divine assignment and message that Jesus IS the Messiah and that they are now to repent for the appointed time of the Kingdom of Heaven is seven years away (Deut. 4:30, Jer. 30:4-7, Ezek. 39:26, Dan. 9:27, 12:1, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 11:2, 8)!.

These Two Witnesses of Almighty God will be extremely more powerful and than the anti - Christ and his global confederacy against Israel and will be used throughout the first half of this tribulation period by Almighty God to make His RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Person known to a full blown godless world and unbelieving Israel.

These Two Lamp stands of Almighty God (Moses and Elijah) will preach salvation in Jesus Messiah, re- institute the altar, seek to build the temple and re-institute the sacrifices and its priesthood. They will have power to wield ALL plagues on the earth at any time and decimate any people, nation and enemy which seeks to hinder their Divine ministry  (Dan. 9:27, Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:4, Rev. 11:3-6). These Two will then prepare the remnant of believing Jews and a chosen 144,000 Jewish men - from the 12 tribes of Israel - (Matt. 24:14, Rev. 7:4-8, 11:13) for their global ministry unto ALL of the nations of the earth after their execution, resuscitation and accession at the hands of the beast whose deadly wound has been healed (Rev. 11:7, Matt. 24:14, Mark 13:10, Rev. 7). It will be at this time - the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period - that the WORLD will seek every and any opportunity to root out and destroy these Two Divinely appointed vessels of Almighty God and the nation of Israel... but all to NO avail (Mal. 4:4-6, Rev. 7,14:1-4,11:3-8). While Israel dwells in safety under the Divine ministry of Moses and Elijah, the world will be experiencing the EXPONENTIAL Seal and Trumpet Judgments of Almighty God (Rev. 6-9).

 While Israel dwells in safety under the Divine ministry of Moses and Elijah, the world will be experiencing the EXPONENTIAL Seal and Trumpet Judgments of Almighty God. .

It will be at this time - at the beginning of this seven year period, while Israel now begins to dwell in their land in absolute safety (Ezek. 38:8,11,12,14) - that the WHOLE GENTILE WORLD will begin to be trodden down by the Divine judgments of the Lamb, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Trumpet Judgments, the release of millions of demons from the abyss, the four fallen angels bound in the Euphrates and 3.5 billion war casualties (Rev. 6-9). This covenant agreement with the Prince and the countless "many" against Israel will begin the demise of the godless nations of the world and all their evil desires and designs against Israel will backfire on them; for the Day of His Wrath has now begun, and the Lamb's kingdom reign is just seven years away (Dan. 2:43-44;7:13-14, Zech. 12:10-14, Rev. 1:7; 8:14-17; 6:19:11-21)!

Do you know the Savior of the world, the Lamb of Almighty God? Dear friends, please be sure that you do, for ALL your ETERNITY depends on it!

The Kingdom of Heaven is ay hand!


Monday, February 10, 2025

AI’s Consuming Dominance and Mankind’s ETERNAL Void, Vacuum and Black Hole Heart Without Their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator!

Lucifer can only succeed when humanity is at it basest and lowest point. That is when he is most powerful. His goal is just that; to reduce man spiritually and reduce him to a carnal and base state of non-absolutes and godless delusions to further his demonic agenda at all cost. It is ALL about him (Isa. 14:12-14)! He is fallen humanity's slave master and exploits man's fallen nature for his evil delusional designs of self-worship and absolute power (Isa. 14:12-14, Eph. 2:1-3; 6:10-12, 1 John 5:19).

The more that a man’s soul consumes, the more that a man’s soul needs to consume!

The fathomless depths of the abyss of man’s black hole soul are as a ravishing dragon ever seeking to be fulfilled and satisfied (Eccl. 3:11, Jude 1:10)! Today; there are EXPONENTIAL growing high tech conveniences and AI vain fillers for mankind's ETERNAL void; these EXPONENTIAL advances in technology, AI, accessibility to lawless and vile desires (sex, drink, drugs, etc), all types of the abundance of entertainment and media, material and produce products, and boundless liberties for one to gorge oneself's soul! In these last days where everything is in an EXPONENTIAL and diverse abundance, one can observe the absolute emptiness of our day of godless mankind as materialism EXPONENTIALLY abounds. But in light of this EXPONENTIAL abundance, mankind is EXPONENTIALLY more depressed, distressed and destitute of the TRUE happiness and joy that ONLY their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator can give them in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Psalm 1, John 15:1-7, Gal, 5:19-23)

But in light of this EXPONENTIAL abundance, mankind is EXPONENTIALLY more depressed, distressed and destitute of the TRUE happiness and joy that ONLY their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator can give them!

The more a man’s soul consumes, the more that a man’s soul needs to consume. The soul of man is ETERNAL. It was designed by Almighty God to “house” the ETERNAL God (Isa. 55:1-2, John 1:4, 4:14). My friend, what or who can replace Almighty God? When a man or woman leaves out their Creator from their temporal existence in this fallen and ravished world, they will ALWAYS end up serving their fallen destructive appetites, all the while seeking to find fulfillment, deceiving themselves and reaping the horrific consequences thereof (Rom 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7, Heb. 13:4, Rev. 20:11-15). Oh! How we need Almighty God’s Savior!!! (Rom. 7:24-25)
Deliverance Only in Christ
My friend, there is NEVER any excuse for serving the vile desires of our heart (Jer. 17:9, Matt 15:16-19). Almighty God has sent His Son to deliver (rescue) us from ourselves and from His coming judgment on our outright display of the transgressions of fallen humanity (John 3:36, Rom 3:23, 7:24-25). The practice of non-absolutes, disorder, chaos, anarchy and lawlessness can NEVER bring about a utopia or harmony let alone peace in this fallen world (Isa. 48:22). One will NEVER enter into Almighty God’s presence and His RIGHTEOUS Heaven without true repentance and the reception of Divine reality and truth (John 3:3-17, 4:24, 1 Cor. 6:9, 15:50, Eph. 5:5, Heb. 13:4).
His Son came to earth, was born of a virgin, suffered, was crucified and died to be YOUR propitiation unto righteousness.

Almighty God calls out to ALL today, “Repent and be saved for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” Almighty God loves you with a PERFECT and ETERNAL love which transcends the limited confines of this little temporal world. (Rom. 10:4, 1 John 2:2, 4:10). My friend, I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that!

In these EXPONENTIALLY growing high tech and AI dominance last days; mankind’s ETERNAL void; want, godless appetite and rebellion know no boundaries (2 Tim. 3:1-6). My friend, may you truly  be the one who embraces Divine reality in a super abounding evil, decadent and licentious day. Only Almighty God can fill and satisfy the ravishing beast of mankind's soul (John 4). May you personally know Almighty God's personal Savior in these last days. You will NEVER be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!




Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Challenging Creation Message and Video on Divine Creation in Light of a 2 Peter 3:1-7 Scoffer World - Accident or Design?

Beloved, our dear friends at "Word of Truth Production" have created this amazing video which causes us to use our God-given common sense as we look at man's inventions versus Almighty God's highly complex creation and design (Gen. 1:1-3, Neh. 9:6; Prov. 3:19, Isa. 45:18, John 1:1-3, Rom. 1:18-32, 1 Cor. 8:6, Rev. 4-5)! The question that we need to ask ourselves is this, "Are we a product of time and chance or have we been designed by our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator with an ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS calling, vocation, and purpose (Matt. 4:19, John 1:12, 2 Cor. 5:17-21)?" As you watch this powerful 30-minute video, may you be challenged to consider our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator, who is also the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Savior of the World (Gen. 1:1; John 1:1-14, Col. 1:15-17; Heb. 1:1-3)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Gog of Magog's Future Destruction at The Hands of Almighty God's Two Witnesses!

The invasion into Ukraine and Russia’s massing of troops on the Israeli border in Syria at present; we can see before our very eyes - in this EXPONENTIAL technological age - that  Bible prophecy's end time last days stage is being fully set; and Gog's invasion alliance being fully established as they all prepare for their invasion into the land of Israel (Ezek. 38-39)!

The Ukraine is on the very eastern border of Magog as historians and history maps tell us!

Is it not sobering and very curious that Israel, even when they are totally out of the will of Almighty God are still the scourge of the world and nations (Deut. 28-32, Lev. 26)? This in its self is a testament to the fulfillment of the Word of the Lord and Bible prophecy and a sign to all nation, a global demonic target and to the Jews Israel is Almighty God's chosen people and people (Deut. 14:2; 28-32, 2 Sam. 7:23-24, Amos 3:1-2, Rev. 12:5). It will be after the destruction of Gog's confederacy that Almighty God will reveal this very point (Ezek.39, 7, 21-26). The nation of Israel at present - though back in the land is out of the will of the TRUE KING of Israel and in the days coming up He will send them the Two Mighty Patriarchs of old (Moses and Elijah), whom Israel has always reverenced but have truly despised what they have represented and stand for (Mal. 4). These Two will be dressed in black sackcloth and will seek to awaken Israel out of her unbelieving slumber and to let them know that their Messiah and His Kingdom is now at hand! These Two will now fully address Israel's unbelief, godlessness and spiritual apostasy and Israel's heart now at the day of their visitation WILL NOT want to hear it (Deut. 28-32, Lev. 26, Ezek. 39:21-24, Dan. 9:26-27, Matt. 23:37, 27:22-25, Rev. 11:2-6).

It will come to be in the near future that Almighty God's Two Witnesses will arrive in Israel and provide supernatural protection for their ministry which also will include the supernatural protection of the nation Israel.

It will come to be in the near future at the beginning of the Day of the Lord (Dan. 9:27, Rev. 6:1-2)  that Almighty God's Two Witnesses will arrive in Israel and provide Divine supernatural protection for their ministry and that of the nation of Israel (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14,39:25-26, Rev. 11:2-6, 10). Under the Divine protection of Moses and Elijah (Rev. 11:2-6, 10) Israel will dwell in unwalled cities in complete safety and security, while the nations go through horrific global war and demonic domination (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14, Rev. 6-9). Indeed, why will Israel need the protection of the pre-beast of Revelation 13 when they will have the Divine SUPERNATURAL POWERS of the Two Witnesses for protection at this time from ALL GLOBAL THREATS (Rev. 11:3-7)?? Beloved, just read Rev. 11:3-7 and tell me why? Indeed my friends, the Two Witnesses of Revelation are the Two most neglected prophetic individuals of the Day of the Lord and need to be properly inserted into Daniel 9:27 and understood in their context, in light of the confirming of the covenant with the abundance or many by the Prince, until the ceasing of the Altar which they will establish!

Indeed, why will Israel need the protection of the pre-beast of Revelation 13 when they will have the Divine SUPERNATURAL POWERS of the Two Witnesses for protection at this time from ALL GLOBAL THREATS?? 

What is most tragic about this time of security and safety (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14, 39:25-26) is that Israel will NOT want to hear the message of salvation which is found in Yeshua presented by Moses and Elijah (the Two Witnesses), who represent the Law and the Prophets (Deut. 18:18, Isa. 53, Jer. 23:5, Matt. 17:3, Luke 24:25-27; 44, John 5:39). Just as their fathers of old did not want to hear redemption's story, so also will the overwhelming majority of Jews at this EXPONENTIALLY technological time be of that  same spirit (Zech. 13:7-9, Matt. 8:11-12; 22:1-14, Luke 14:16-24, Rev. 11:8;13). The Jews at this time WILL NOT let go of their delusional bankrupt religious views and secularism - which excludes the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God (Rom. 10:2-4) - and will continue to seek to outlive their godless existence even in the light of Divine authority and signs and wonders at the hands of Almighty God's two BURNING Lamp Stands (Psalm 76, 106, Ezek. 39:7, 25-26, Zech. 13:6-9, Acts 2, 7, Matt. 27:22-25, John 19:15, Rev. 11:2-6, 8). Israel will rebel against the temple worship established at Moses and Elijah's hand, which points back to Messiah's person and work (Isa. 53), their prophecies and the wonderful REALITY and TRUTH of Messiah's soon GLORIOUS second coming from the RIGHT HAND of the Father to establish His Kingdom reign (Psalm 110:1, Ezek. 39:25-26, Isa. 61:1-6, Dan. 2:44-45, 7:13,14, Zech. 14: 1-4, Rev. 1:5, 11:26, Rev. 19:11-21)!

What is most tragic about this time of security is that Israel will NOT want to hear the message of salvation found in Yeshua as their fathers also did not want to hear.

As the inhabitants of Israel see the world going through HORRIFIC tribulation (Matt. 24: 6-8, Rev. 6-9) they will dwell in security, safety, and unbelief under the protection of the Two Witnesses (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14). As Israel dwells in this safety they will become callous, hard, idle, and will rebel continually against the very ones who are the royal patriarchs of their nation and against their testimony and word. It will be at this time near the middle of the first half of the tribulation period that Almighty God will use Israel and their prosperity in the land - which has been "brought back from the sword" - as bait to bait Gog of the land of Magog and his Islamic confederacy to come and take a "spoil" and a "prey" (Ezek. 38:8-14, 39:7, 25-26). In using this demonically governed man (Gog), Almighty God will seek to get Israel's FULL attention as he once did with Pharaoh at the birth of their nation (Ex. 14:4, Ezek 39:7,21). Almighty God will FULLY manifest His glory and Name among unbelieving Israel and the gentile nations and there will be no doubt to the REALITY of His ETERNAL Name and PERSON; that He is the God of Israel and ETERNAL SOVEREIGN of ALL ETERNITY and the earth (Ezek. 39:7,21-26, Dan. 4:17).

In using Gog as Almighty God did Pharaoh's hardness and godless rebellion, He will FULLY manifest His glory and Name among unbelieving Israel and the war-ravished gentile nations.

Here is some background into Gog's great desire. In the first  3 1/2 years of global tribulation, the world's gentile nations will have been going through HORRIFIC global war, supernatural plagues, demonic domination, and demonic destruction (Matt. 24:6-8, Rev. 6-9). The surviving nations of the world at this time have seen firsthand the Divine SUPERNATURAL protective hand of Moses and Elijah and are suffering greatly from the consequences of the Seal and Trumpet Judgments (Rev. 6-9, 11:2-6). With such HORRIFIC devastation heaped upon Gog and his confederacy during this time the land of Israel is a perfect target for supplies, resources, food, and revenge (Ezek. 38:10-13). Israel during this time will be the most despised nation of the world and much of that EXPONENTIAL hatred has to do with the TREMENDOUS POWER, AUTHORITY, and MINISTRY of Moses and Elijah (Matt. 24:6-9, Rev. 11:2-6, 10).

Because the Two Witnesses of Revelation's ministry to Israel takes place in the first half of the tribulation period and Gog's invasion of Israel also takes place during this time period we have concluded here at the IFB that Gog and Almighty God's Two Witnesses will go head to head!

It will be that this time that Gog will come out of his northern dwelling with his massive army and confederacy and seek to cover the land of Israel like a tremendous storm cloud to plunder and destroy (Ezek. 38). Millions of the surviving inhabitants from the prior Seal and Trumpet judgments (Rev. 6-9) from these nations will mass on Israel, who are unbelieving, unprepared and idle (Ezek. 38:8-14, 39:7, 25-26). Because the Two Witnesses of Revelation's ministry to Israel takes place in the first half of the tribulation period (Rev. 11:2-7) and Gog's invasion of Israel also takes place during this time period we have concluded here at the IFB that Gog and Almighty God's Two Witnesses will go head to head (Rev. 11:5-7, 38:16-23, 39). As Gog's armies approach Israel to destroy and plunder her, Almighty God by the hand of His Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah) will call down GREAT and HORRIFIC destruction on Gog's host and deliver the nation of Israel from utter ruin (Ezek. 38:18-23, 39:1-8). At the hand of Moses and Elijah (Ezek.38:16-23, 39:1-7, Rev. 11:2-6) Almighty God will make known His glory and Name among unbelieving Israel and the raging nations and whether or not these choose to repent and believe they will know without a shadow of doubt that Almighty God is God and that these two messengers are His prophets. As Almighty God delivered Israel from Pharaoh's armies at the Red Sea (Ex.14-15) so will it be on this day (Ezek. 38:23, 39:7,13, 21,22).

As Gog's armies approach Israel to destroy and plunder her, Almighty God by the hand of His Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah) will call down GREAT and HORRIFIC destruction on Gog's host and deliver the nation of Israel from utter ruin. At the hand of Moses and Elijah...

This beyond amazing victory will cause Jews in the land and Gentile nations to FULLY comprehend that Almighty God is GOD and the God and protector of the people Israel (the apple of His eye) and that Israel went into captivity since 70 AD.because of their iniquity, unbelief and rebellion (Ezek. 39:6-7, 23). Most tragically, this will only harden unbelieving Israelites' hearts and they will now be ready to receive the beast which is to rise from the abyss and violently murder Almighty God's Two Messengers after the completion of the 1260-day ministry (Ezek 39:26, Rev. 11). This destruction at the hands of the Moses and Elijah will be so devastating that 5/6 of all of Gog's invading host will be destroyed and their dead bodies will be scattered upon the mountains and valleys in the land of Israel. It will take seven months to bury Gog's dead hordes and they will give a huge portion of Israel to bury Gog and his host (Ezek. 39:9-20).

Even after this massive invasion of Gog and his horrific destruction at the hand of Moses and Elijah (Almighty God's vessels) Israel will still not believe nor repent (Ezek. 39:25-26, Rev. 11:8)! They will know of a truth that Almighty God is the God of Israel (Ezek. 38: 39:7, 22), for they have seen His WONDROUS POWERFUL hand against Gog's invading armies and confederacy but they are not yet ready to repent and to say that Yeshua is the Messiah and the Lamb of Almighty God and receive the testimony of Almighty God's Two Witnesses, Moses and Elijah (Lev. 17:11-14, Isa. 53, John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4).

My dear friends hear me and hear me well, Almighty God is at total war with any (Jew or Gentile) who chooses to stay unrepentant, rebellious, and seeks to violate His ETERNAL established SPIRITUAL ABSOLUTES for ETERNITY and MORAL ABSOLUTES for time (John 3:36). The seven-year tribulation period is a time of PURE WRATH for the ungodly and all who remain unrepentant and hardened in their godless rebellion against ALL that is RIGHTEOUS and ABSOLUTE.

My dear friends hear me and hear me well. Almighty God is at total war with any (Jew or Gentile) who chooses to stay unrepentant, rebellious and seeks to violate His ETERNAL established SPIRITUAL ABSOLUTES for ETERNITY and MORAL ABSOLUTES for time.

Even after the Two Witnesses GREAT and STUPENDOUS victory over Gog's invading millions, Israel will still NOT let go of her secularism, godlessness, rebellion, and lawlessness and will continue to be hostile towards God's message of salvation that Yeshua IS the Savior of the World (Ezek. 39:25-26, Rev. 11:8). As Israel's unbelieving fathers have always done (Psalms. 78,106, Matt. 27: Acts 7), so will also these follow suit. Israel will now find that Almighty God has no other choice but to remove Israel's protective hedge (Ezek. 39:26, Matt. 24:15-21, Rev. 11:6-14) and allow Satan and his demonic human tool the Anti -Messiah to inflict HORRIFIC GREAT TRIBULATION upon Israel and the world (i,e., Jacob's trouble Jer. 30:4-8, 18). - (Dan. 9: 27, Matt. 24:15-21, Rev. 12:6-17, 13).

My dear Jewish friend, Yeshua (salvation) is the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world (Lev. 17:11-14, Isa. 53). He is the FULFILLMENT of the 10 commandments and the end of the Law to RIGHTEOUSNESS to all who believe (Rom. 10:2-4). Israel at present will not place their trust in Him and as the Holy Scripture teaches so very clearly she will go through GREAT tribulation and then receive her Messiah with bitter tears (Zech. 12:10-14).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Related Links

The Two Witnesses of Revelation Web Site

The Two Witnesses are Key for Dan. 9:27

Moses and Elijah the Two Witnesses

What Events Will Lead To The Anti-Christ

Israel's Future Global Super Power! The Two Witnesses of Revelation 


Monday, January 6, 2025

In America's Last Days, Do You Personally Know Jesus?


Do YOU have a personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and in Truth as the Bible clearly teaches (John 4:24)? If not, be sure to challenge yourself, see for yourself and then place your trust in Jesus today. It is absolutely crucial for you to have Jesus' RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION for your ETERNAL well-being (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:10)! Dear friends, Jesus will deliver you from ALL of your transgressions against the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS absolutes of Almighty God and the lawlessness of your fallen humanity and heart; and redeem you from sin's ETERNAL ruin (Rev. 20:11-5)!  

In America's last days (if you know not the Biblical Jesus as your personal Savior), may you place your trust in Him today as the Holy Scriptures so clearly and simply teach!

My friend, one cannot look out the window today and not see that lawlessness and godlessness and its EXPONENTIALLY growing ravishing effects SUPERABOUNDING throughout our world and our land. The Day of the Lord is at hand and nothing will stop that from coming to pass (Rev. 6-19). In America's last days
 (if you know not the Biblical Jesus as your personal Savior), may you place your trust in Him today as the Holy Scriptures so clearly and simply teach (John 1:12; Acts 16:28-31, 1 John 5:13)! That is what this little brief existence here in time is all about. I trust you will, for in doing so, You will indeed NEVER be the same (Eph. 2:1-10, 2 Cor. 5:17-21)! 

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


The Blood of the Lamb (click on the link for the ALL Bible verse which speaks of Christ's precious blood)

What Must I Do To Be Saved?