My friends, the longer I walk with the Lord and exercise His Word in my life, the REALITIES of time and ETERNITY are ever more clear to me (Psalm 119: 98-100, Prov. 1:5-7, 1 Cor. 1:18-31). No matter who you are, whenever one seeks to abide and take on the Lord of ETERNITY'S yoke (Matt. 11:28-20), one will be illumined beyond ones wildest dreams to the REALITIES of time and ETERNITY.
The REALITIES of time and ETERNITY are absolutely horrific! No wonder men love darkness instead of light.
The REALITIES of time and ETERNITY are absolutely horrific! No wonder men love darkness instead of light and seek to hide themselves from the accountability of Almighty God (John 1:5, 3:19-21, Rom. 1:18-32)! ETERNITY awaits mankind yet they are totally consumed with the now, temporal and vain (Eccl). All that is done outside of the ETERNAL Creator's will in the end is absolute vanity (John 3:16-17, Acts 17:30, 1 Tim.2:3-4) and all that is done outside of Almighty God's saving grace is ETERNAL ruin (Rev. 20:11-15). In today's America, the horror of all horrors is that Americans and all of mankind have fully embraced death and ETERNAL ruin and want nothing to do with their Creator (Prov. 8:36, John 1:10-12, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 20:11-15).
They have zero desire to turn to Him and they have fully embraced Satan's "do as thou wilt" godless philosophy.
They have zero desire to turn to Him and they have fully embraced Satan's "do as thou wilt" godless philosophy (Rom. 1:18-32). From progressives to conservatives, from moderates to liberals, from Jews to apostate Christians, from secularist to atheist, from Muslims to Buddhists... etc... etc... these have absolutely no room for ETERNAL REALITY, ABSOLUTE TRUTH, Almighty God's saving grace and solution (Rom. 1:18-32). They are no different than their fathers of old from Babel, who chose to live out a godless existence and delusion saturated in vanity without their Creator and His RIGHTEOUS absolutes (Gen. 11:1-9, Rom. 1:18-32).
They are no different than their fathers of old from Babel, who chose to
live out a godless existence and delusion saturated in vanity without
their Creator and His RIGHTEOUS absolutes.

The bottom line for all of Adam's fallen race is that we as fallen human beings need salvation, redemption and the COMPLETE PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS which Almighty God has provided in His perfect propitiation, the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:12-21,1 Cor. 1:29-31, 1 John 4:10).
My friend, UNBELIEF is UNBELIEF no matter who you are or no matter how sincere you are.
It has been my personal exercise and experience over the last 24 years that the overwhelming majority of humans love their delusion and its destructive fruits of death, darkness and ETERNAL destruction (John 3:19-21). They absolutely love it and WILL NOT LET IT GO! They WILL NOT repent and turn to the Savior! Whether they be liberals, moderates, conservatives - who adhere to many different spiritual philosophies (aka religions) - they all seek an existence removed from the sound Biblical REALITY of ALMIGHTY God's basic ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS ABSOLUTES and ETERNAL destiny (Rom. 1:18-32).
Whether they be liberals, moderates, conservatives - who adhere to many
different spiritual philosophies (aka religions) - they all seek an
existence removed from the sound Biblical REALITY of ALMIGHTY God's
In this day in which society is traveling at EXPONENTIAL speeds, man's EXPONENTIAL advances in technology, abounding resources and abundance for the majority of the common man have advanced EXPONENTIALLY! The majority of Americans today think that they have no need for the ETERNAL things that their Creator offers them in RIGHTEOUSNESS and have deceived themselves into believing that their dead works are sufficient for the redemption of their souls (Rom. 3:23, 6:23, 10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9, Rev. 3:14-22) Today's EXPERIENTIAL advances have opened wide the door for apostate christian Americans and the West to gorge themselves on their basest desires, material wants and narcissistic ambitions and have left them deceiving themselves and rejecting the Christ they claim to profess (1 Tim 4:1-3, 2 Tim 3:1-7, Rev. 3:14-22).
Today's EXPERIENTIAL advances have opened wide the door for apostate
christian Americans and the West to gorge themselves on their basest
desires, material wants and narcissistic ambitions and have left them
deceiving themselves and rejecting the Christ they claim to profess.
In this last day "Laodicean Church Age" - which sets the stage for the Day of the Lord - professing Christendom proclaims that because of increasing goods and wealth that they have need of nothing from Almighty God (Rev. 3:14-22). Is this not our day! We as a post Judeo/Christian nation have EXPONENTIAL technological advances in medicine, farming, social conveniences, world and national travel, the sciences, tools, an abundance of all foods that are accessible to all from top to bottom and our souls are famished, ever wanting NEVER being satisfied (Eccl. 3:11). The average government dependent today lives like a king and has access to nearly all the luxuries of this day. It is this very complacent mindset of being content that has deceived Americans from top to bottom from their desperate need for the Savior (John 3:6-17, 8:24, Rom. 10:2-4). Once the Rapture takes place, these will be left behind to face the EXPONENTIAL REALITIES at hand, the ravishing of the Four Horsemen and the EXPONENTIAL catastrophes of the seven year tribulation period (Rev. 6-16).
We as a post Judeo/Christian nation have EXPONENTIAL technological
advances in medicine, farming, social conveniences, world and national
travel, the sciences, tools, an abundance of all foods that are
accessible to all from top to bottom and our souls are famished ever
wanting NEVER being satisfied.

What is wonderful to know is as our society and technology is moving
at EXPONENTIAL speeds the GRACE and MERCY of Almighty God far exceeds
those speeds allowing all to turn to Him.
What is wonderful to know is as our society and technology is moving at EXPONENTIAL speeds the GRACE and MERCY of Almighty God far exceeds those speeds allowing all to turn to Him (John 6:37, Rom. 2:4, Eph. 1:7). My friend now is the time of salvation! Today is the day to do business with the Almighty! For tomorrow you might not be. The Day of the Lord is TRULY at the hand and you do not want to be one of those who is overtaken and mowed down by the EXPONENTIAL destructive forces of a world in a supersonic death spiral (Rev. 6-19).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

What you write is so very clear to my husband and me. Our hearts break for the many in our country that, apparently, will be left behind to suffer at the hands of Antichrist. What will it take to wake up the church? We believe the rapture. Thank you again for these important posts. In Christ, Pam
Pam, Thanks for your kind words and great encouragement! To God be the glory! I believe our nation and world are at the point of no return! The Four Horsemen are about to ride. Praise the Lord that we will not be here!
The man centered theology and Christ-less gospels that permeate the visible church today have led to a false sense of spiritual satisfaction that has nothing to do with the Word of God wrought in the heart of sinners by the Spirit of God to bring repentant sinners to faith in Jesus Christ. The deception is deep and wide. Praise God He calls out for Himself a people for His very own. May Christ equip us to share the gospel. Amen!
The man centered theology and Christ-less gospels that permeate the visible church today have led to a false sense of spiritual satisfaction that has nothing to do with the Word of God wrought in the heart of sinners by the Spirit of God to bring repentant sinners to faith in Jesus Christ. The deception is deep and wide. Praise God He calls out for Himself a people for His very own. May Christ equip us to share the gospel. Amen!
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