A few have great ideas and solutions but
are absolutely oblivious that there is not have enough time to execute
these solutions to save our nationally doomed "Titanic" ship.
Can we save America my fellow Americans? That question is asked every day by the conservative media and its followers as we ever spiral unto our national doom at EXPONENTIAL speeds. My personal opinion is that we cannot and that Almighty God has given this nation over unto a reprobate mind and are now presently under His Divine judgment (Rom. 1:18-32). It is not hard to see this if we but have the courage to see. In these dire hours with not much time left as a nation. I would personally - as an American - point American's to the ETERNAL salvation which is found in Almighty God's ETERNAL Son (the Lord Jesus Messiah) rather than Republican candidates to deliver this sinking doomed nation.
Can we save America? That
question is asked every day by the conservative media and its followers
as we ever spiral unto our national doom at EXPONENTIAL speeds.

My dear friends, stand back and objectively look at our nation just in these last five years and please tell me that we will come out all right in the end?
We are at a time right now in America’s history when we are about to experience the full collapse of our Republic (socially and fiscally). Our nation’s debt and fiscal situation is at the absolute breaking point and our leadership knows it and is genuinely frightened at the fiscal and social tsunami that is about to take place. For the Left, this is their “perfect storm” and “the ideal crisis” to move their godless agenda forward. For this is their time to seize final control and power, set up a godless secular state and tyrannize the America people into making them absolutely dependent on them for everything. Thus is the fate of a republic when lawlessness has over come its inhabitants and has saturated their minds. When the collapse of a nation’s currency and social order takes place (After the Rapture), the massive vacuum will be filled with fractured nation, civil war and a fascist dictatorship and state. History continues to bare witness to this. We in our world of today have no where to go but straight into the Wrath of Almighty God and global tribulation (Rev. 6-19).
When Americans out right reject Almighty
God's Person, RIGHTEOUSNESS, people and moral absolutes for time for a
healthy society they are left only with Satan, tyrants, thugs,
reprobates, immorality and its horrific consequences, violence and their
godless selves.
When Americans out right reject Almighty God's Person, RIGHTEOUSNESS, people and moral absolutes for time for a healthy society they are left only with Satan, tyrants, thugs, reprobates, immorality and its horrific consequences, violence and their godless selves (Rom. 1:18-32). How much "peace" do you think that will bring to our nation?
My dear friends, lose the optimistic
delusion that we will save America, for that is the greatest demonic lie
of our hour and open your hearts and minds to Almighty God's saving solution, His Word and ETERNAL future of RIGHTEOUSNESS.
The key to surviving today is to face the REALITY of our day and hour and to see things rightly from Almighty God's ETERNAL perspective! My dear friends, lose the optimistic delusion that we will save America, for that is the greatest demonic lie of our hour and open your hearts and minds to Almighty God's saving solution, His Word and ETERNAL future of RIGHTEOUSNESS (Mark 13:31, John 3:16-17, 36, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 21-22:1-5)! My dear friends TRUE PEACE will only come when one acknowledges one's dire need for the Savior of the world and abandon one's fallen subjective worldly perspective and have faith (believe/receive) in Almighty God, His Son and His Holy Word (John 3-7, 16-17, Gal.1:4). See the ETERNAL picture!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Barry Goldwater saw it all coming, way back in 1964:
He warned about man's desire for the fast buck, easy living and having "fun" without restraint.
The Bible indicates in the Psalms, that man's own evil actions are what destroys him, as God lets a people go their own way instead of doing things God's way. "We the People" have become "We the Progressives", but all that's being progressed is a deeper descent into depravity. The way of Sodom...the way of Rome...the way of America. "Truth, justice..." is no longer part of the American way.
Christians are regarded as a intolerant, hateful bigots, homophobes and racists now, while depravity is celebrated as diversty. Abortion, homosexuality and atheism are applauded as individual ways of achieving personal happiness in life. It doesn't matter that abortion kills children, homosexuality confuses children, and atheism inspires children to commit crime without any worry of eternal hell. Now, the children have rings in their faces and tattoos all over their bodies as they watch Miley Sirus parade her depravity on stage as the desensitized public barely takes notice of the shock value anymore.
Thanks for the reply! Love the truth and passion!
All true my friend! It is all heading to one place... Global tribulation (Rev. 6-19)!
Eph. 5:15-16!
Whatever else can be said for Goldwater, he had the sense to keep Falwell and the religious right at arms length. Don't count him as one of your own. He wasn't: "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
And, Goldwater was pro-choice.
An example of the total lawlessness in the Catholic Church is the refusal of almost every American bishop to deny Communion to pro-abortion "Catholics."
Canon 915 exists BECAUSE giving Communion to a publicly known sinner is itself a mortal sin. To do so is always to give grave scandal--always a mortal sin. And it is to participate knowingly in a sacrilegious reception of Communion--always a mortal sin--FOR THE MINISTER OF COMMUNION.
Bishops all over the U.S. claim the authority to command or pressure their priests to give Communion to pro-abortion politicians.
But not bishop has the authority to command his priests to commit mortal sins!
What this means is that the majority of bishops in America are walking around habitually in the state of mortal sin! They see scandalous mortal sins being committed--and the literally ORDER their priests to continue committing them.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington suspended a priest not long ago, because the priest refused Communion to an aggressive lesbian who made a point of informing the priest that she is a lesbian. This fact was known also to the entire congregation--who refused to receive Communion themselves because it was refused to the lesbian!
Let that sink in: Cardinal Wuerl suspended this priest for refusing to commit a mortal sin.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan recently sent a shout-out to a man who recently "came out." There are a million compassionate things Cardinal Dolan could have said--without CONGRATULATING a man for practicing homosexuality.
In view of the fact that only a handful of American bishops have a problem with scandalous sacrilegious reception of the sacraments, it is no wonder that some are now peeking out of the closet, and coming out for Communion for the divorced-and-remarried.
The Catholic Church in America is being strangled, poisoned, and stomped on by her own bishops! Cardinal Wuerl, Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop Chaput, Cardinal George, Cardinal O'Malley--all are on record as PRO-SACRILEGE. Their priests all know they will be punished if they refuse to commit these mortal sins.
Given this leadership, the Catholic Church is hastening the collapse of this country.
Amen. You speak truth in love.
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