The American Left today rejoices greatly as it seeks diligently and aggressively its "lawless revolution" against our Founding Father's vision of America. Today the Left celebrates the establishment of a new nation to replace our old one, which was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.
Almighty God and His moral absolutes for this physical world have been
finally ousted from our schools, public squares, lives, and three branches of government. Godlessness, secularism, technological tyranny,
lawlessness, moral relativism, and Big Government are now the new gods of America and as we
look back at what once was America we now must understand that we are now in a
new era, a new realm, a new estate ever evolving into a fascist
tyrannical state of despotism and anarchy.
The new EXPONENTIAL demonic, euphemistic, gaslighting and subtle chant by the Biden deep state, leftist media and social media titans is; DEATH TO AMERICA! DEATH TO AMERICA!
The new EXPONENTIAL demonic, euphemistic, gaslighting and subtle chant by the Biden deep state, leftist media and social media titans is; DEATH TO AMERICA! DEATH TO AMERICA! They are with full intentions, zealously seeking the full destruction of America to accomplish their godless utopian world view and new world order under godless communism (Rev. 13)! Make NO mistakes about it; they are EXPONENTIALLY succeeding!
The god of this world and the individuals behind the American Left's fascism have hidden for years behind the smiley face of change, peace, human rights, liberation, and social justice all of which are the subtle euphemisms of lawlessness.

Make no mistakes my friends more is at work here than the hands of lawless man.

but honestly dear friends... who will hear Almighty God's saving message!
Our nation's inhabitants ONLY hope in this dire hour is for each American to personally turn to Almighty God and to His saving grace before the Day of Almighty God's Wrath arrives... but honestly dear friends... who will hear Almighty God's saving message (John 3:16-17, Acts 16:29-31)?
For this ETERNAL REALITY is what this little existence here in this fallen world is all about. Almighty God has provided a Savior for time and ETERNITY and may you be sure that you truly know Him (John 3:16-17).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Amen! Thank you for always speaking the truth, whether people want to hear it or not. Your heavenly reward will be great my friend. Keep up the good fight, and God bless!
3450rsorshadDear Sir,
I have seen your blog on numerous occasions, usually through FreeRepublic. I thank you from the bottom of my heart (and soul), for speaking God's truth unabashed and unafraid. These are alarming times, indeed, and it is strange that so many cannot see how far we have fallen. We have three children, and we yearn for them in this world. But we are Christians, and we know that our true destiny lies beyond, and is good and beautiful. - - - I just want you to know that you speak for me and I am sure, many, many other Christians in this world. Keep up the good work. In Christ, RWB
TGBTG!,Amen and thank you for your very encouraging reply! We receive many visitors each day but very few leave a reply as yours.
God speed!
It is always encouraging to see those who love the Lord, and His Word, take a strong stand for biblical truth. I also look forward to reading and forwarding your messages on to those I know and love. May God bless you and give you strength and courage to continue being the watchman on the wall. May we all keep our eyes upon Jesus! Thank you and God bless!
Jan, Thank you and to God be the glory!
You are indeed an ignorant fisherman (woman)!
Eph. 5:16-17!
So true. Frightening times.
I fear for my unsaved family members. Will you pray for us.
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