There have been many baseless slanders in which the Left has sought to demonize the Right throughout the years. These include the slanderous terms and phrases such as homophobic, bigot, sexist, xenophobe, those who starve children, haters of "equal" rights, the oppressors of the poor, intolerant, radical, extreme and even "Christian". These slanders always take out of context, resist and oppose the moral absolutes and natural laws instilled into this world by the Creator of all (Gen. 1:31, Rom. 1:18-22). However, nothing is more despicable and baseless as the Race Card charge and tactic. One knows that the Left is up against the wall and in a corner when they let this baseless inditement fly. This fully politically charged tactic is only used to incite a vitriolic subjective hatred and rage from the oppressed masses of the Left. The Race Card is the tactic of choice used by the Left White Media and liberal blacks on those who they are seeking to discredit and destroy. This tactic has been used on the likes of GWB, Rush, the Tea Party and Conservatives in general. The lawless Left loves to play this card and no wonder, ninety percent of the black vote in American goes to the white run, secular-socialist, immoral and decadent Democratic Party. That is 90% of the black population in America today is under the horrific oppression and hypnotic trance of the godless secular white man.
What is most troubling and tragic is that those targeted by the Democratic Left's slander with destructive accusations are the very ones who have been the greatest advocates for civil rights and equality for all. These noble principles are derived from the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
What is most troubling and tragic about all of this is that those that are targeted by the Democratic Left to be slandered and destroyed with the race card and many other baseless destructive accusations are the very ones who have been the greatest advocates for civil rights and equality for all, chiefly the black man. A brief review and historical study of this topic should silence any of conservatisms critics. There exists an overwhelming abundance of evidence to this fact, and history has shown who has always stood on the right side of this issue and who is not. No one can deny that our beloved U.S.A. has as part of its past the blood of African-American slaves on its hands and has committed unspeakably vile atrocities against them, but a close examination of who these oppressors were will reveal that they have a common unity with the Democratic, secular godless Left of today and their continuing oppression of the black man and family. (Read: Uncle Sam's Plantation by Star Parker)
Decades of godless men and Leftist Marxist oppression of the black man has caused them to become callus and has robbed them of ALL PERSONAL responsibility and accountability to society.
We have seen of late – especially throughout President Obama’s Marxist presidency the race card being played by the Left to further their oppression of the black man and to continue the destruction of the black family unit. Welfare, Planned Parenthood, the promotion of lawlessness and damnable lies have been the tools used by the Left throughout history to keep the American black population under the Marxist WHITE liberal jack boot. There has been NO greater sin of slavery’s past in America ’s history then that of the breaking up, destruction and disintegration of the black family unit. No wonder that the black population is ravished beyond imagination, mentally, physically, spiritual and socially. Decades of godless men and Leftist Marxist oppression of the black man has caused them to become callus and has robbed them of ALL PERSONAL responsibility and accountability to society. They have been sold into lawlessness by the Left and have reaped the horrific consequences thereof.
Welfare, Planned Parenthood, the promotion of lawlessness and damnable lies have been the tools used by the Left throughout history to keep the American black population under the Marxist WHITE liberal jack boot.
Tragically, African Americans have been brainwashed by the liberal WHITE Leftist machine for countless decades into thinking that they are victims of life’s twisted lottery and this has made many in black American population callus, bitter, subjective, violent, hateful and enraged, always looking for a scapegoat to seek vengeance on, but tragically never connecting the dots and looking at the TRUE catalyst and slave master of the black man (i.e., the liberal godless white man). Any black man or family today seen identifying themselves with Judeo/Christianity virtues or conservative values are labeled as sell outs and an Uncle Tom. It is these black individuals which have cut the chains of the Leftist White Master and have exercised their God given freedoms only to find liberty, spiritual health, freedom and success in a fallen world. These liberated blacks are envied and despised by the black masses who still choose to remain under the perpetual bondage of the WHITE secularist and liberal (Rom. 1:18-32).
When personal accountability and responsibility is ripped away from any individual it destroys, makes callus and fatally desensitizes their sensibility to their FINAL personal accountability to the Creator in the Day of Judgment. This is the GREATEST EVIL perpetrated by the godless, lawless Left of this nation.

Tragically again, the race card has become the lawless black man's “get out of jail card” for any acts of lawlessness perpetrated on society by its users. The Left has removed ALL personal accountability and responsibility from the American black population for their own evil designs. It has horrifically destroyed their family unit and has made them desensitized and lawless. When personal accountability and responsibility is ripped away from any individual (no matter what color) it destroys, makes callus and fatally desensitizes their sensibility to their FINAL personal accountability to the Creator in the Day of Judgment. This is the GREATEST EVIL perpetrated by the godless, lawless Left of this nation.
When personal accountability and responsibility is ripped away from any individual (no matter what color) it destroys, makes callus and fatally desensitizes them to their FINAL personal accountability to the Creator in the Day of Judgment. This is the GREATEST EVIL perpetrated by the godless, lawless Left of this nation.
My dear friend, the ONLY one anyone can ever blame in the Day of Judgment is themselves. No one can EVER use any of the countless excuses used by the world to excuse one's accountability to their Creator in that Day (Rev. 20:11-15). The race card, victim status etc.. etc...will NOT WORK with Almighty God (Rev. 20:11-15). Almighty God has made FULL provision for FULL deliverance for ALL from the horrific ravishings of this godless evil world (Gal.1:4). Almighty God sent His Son to SAVE (i.e., DELIVER) all (red, yellow, black or white)from the power and consequences of this sin laden evil world. God so LOVED the “World” (red, yellow, black or white) for all are precious in His sight, that He sent His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER (RED,YELLOW, BLACK OR WHITE) should believe in Him should NOT perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE (John 1:12, 3:16-17). Almighty God is NOT a racist and neither are His followers.
The only TRUE friend of the black man and women in this fallen world today is not the WHITE secular liberal Democratic Party; it is not even the conservative Christian though they have always been there for the black population throughout history. It is none other than the One who stretched forth His hands on an old rugged cross 2000 years ago and died in of our (red, yellow, black or white) stead for our transgressions against Almighty God and His RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL ABSOLUTES. He rose from the dead (Acts 2:22-24, 10:41, Rev. 1:18) and is seated at the Right Hand of Almighty God (Psalm 110:1, Luke 22:69, Eph. 1:20), Who will COME AGAIN in glory and judge the living and the dead (Rev. 19:11-21, 20:11-15) and Who will REIGN FOREVERMORE in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rev. 21, 22:1-5).
The only TRUE friend of the black man and women in this fallen world today is none other than the One who stretched forth His hands on an old rugged cross 2000 years ago for the Sins of the world.
My dear black friend or whoever, do not let Satan deceive you and oppress you with his godless leftist minions of lawlessness who only seek your ETERNAL destruction (John 8:44). Almighty God sent His Son for YOU to be delivered out of this oppressive world and has a HIGH and HEAVENLY calling for you in the last days (2 Cor. 5:17-21). I beg you to hear His voice and to be delivered from your trespasses and sins (Matt. 11:28-30). You will NEVER be the same again. As
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Lucifer - The Father of the Slander Tactic
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