Coming very shortly – after the collapse of America (via the Rapture and our nation’s compounded lawlessness) is a time called the tribulation period (Rev. 6-19). This period is a seven year period in which Almighty God will remove His restraint and allow man to be as unrestrained and unbridled in their lawlessness, violence, godlessness and decadence as they want to be (Dan. 9:27, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 11:3 13:5). He will allow the god of this world (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph.2:2-3) to raise up a man called the beast (i.e., the Anti Christ), who will be the pinnacle of lawless and oppression that this world has ever known (Dan, 7:8,11, 20-26, 11:36-45, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). It will be during this time called “the Day of Wrath” that Almighty God will judge the inhabitants of this world and in the end they will march unto Megiddo to the GREAT Battle of Armageddon to literally seek to fight Almighty God (Ps. 2, Zech. 14:2-4, Rev. 16:13-16, 19:11-21).
It will be at this time that Almighty God will send His glorified Son from Heaven’s glory to judge the world for their EXPONENTIAL lawless rebellion and gross transgressions against the moral and ETERNAL spiritual laws of Almighty God their Creator (Dan. 2:44-45, 7:13-14, Zech.14:1-4, Mal. 3:2-3, Matt. 24: 30, 25:31-45, Rev. 19:11-21). Almighty God the Son, the Messiah of Israel will then establish his 1000 year kingdom on earth in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE and lawlessness will NEVER raise its destructive head again.
The Kingdom of Heaven WILL be established under the Messiah of Israel on earth and it is a LITERAL Kingdom that WILL be established!
In these days of full blown American and Christian apostasy, may we separate ourselves from these two climates and join ourselves unto Almighty God, His NEVER changing Word and His saving grace. If you DO NOT personally know the Savior then may you do so as He has commanded (Acts 16:29-31, 17:30-31, 1 Tim. 2:3-4). If you DO know Him, then may you exercise all of His precious promises and truths that are for you in this fallen world and for all ETERNITY unto our blessed Savior comes to meet us in the air. These days are very disturbing and frightening. When we exercise faith in Almighty God He will calm our hearts and set us free from this world’s oppressive fear and dominating mental tyrannies (Matt. 11:28-30, John 8:32,36, 14:1). My beloved, Rejoice and again I say rejoice! For the Kingdom of Heaven is ta hand!!
Will you help me understand the chronology of events? I am wondering about the 1000 year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ and the new heaven/new earth. Does the 1000 year reign come first? Does the great white throne judgement follow the 1000 year reign? Does the judgement seat of Christ occur before the 1000 year reign or after?
I hope these questions are not burdensome. Thank you!
God bless you!
Not at all and it is my pleasure!!
The Rapture takes place (John 14:3, 1 Thess. 4:16-17, 1 John 3:1-2, Rev. 3:10) and then the BEMA seat of Christ (1 Cor. 3:9-15, 2 Cor. 5:10) This time for the church will be as a moment since we have step out of time and into ETERNITY. As soon as this BEMA period is conclude we will come back with Christ at Armageddon spotless and glorious!! (Rev. 19:11-21).
After the Rapture the 7 year tribulation commences with the signing of the treaty with Israel (Isa. 24:5-6, Dan. 9:27, Matt 24, Rev 6-16) which will conclude with Christ and (our return) -Dan.2:43-44, 7:13-14, Zech. 14:1-4, Rev. 19:11-21). The anti Christ and the false prophet are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. They are the first fruits of Almighty God’s ETERNAL judgment of the lost and lawless (Rev. 19:20) and then Satan and his demonic hordes are cast into the bottomless pit for 1000 years (Rev. 20:1-3).
The 1000 year kingdom will begin just AFTER the sheep and goat Judgments of those who survived the horrifically EXPONENTAL tribulation period (Dan. 12:11-12, Matt. 13:30, 40-44, 47-50, 25:31-46). Then the 1st resurrection of the redeemed (Adam – last martyred tribulation saint) and they shall live in the earth with their new resurrected bodies. (Rev. 20:4,6). Then the wedding supper of the Lamb will begin the 1000 year reign after Christ’s return to earth.( Rev. 19:6-9)
Then at the end of the 1000 year reign (Isa. 11:1-10, Zech 14) the majority of off spring of those who redeemed who shall entered the 1000 year Kingdom (Matt 25:34) will rebel guided by Satan against God at the end and be destroyed. They will rebel against Almighty God in a perfect environment which shows the utter depravity of the heart of man (Rev. 20:7-9).
Those who have not glorified bodies (the inhabitants of the kingdom who have not been resurrected) at the end of the 1000 year reign will then receive them and they will FOREVER ENJOY Almighty God in PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS and Peace (Rev 21-22:15)
The Devil and his angelic hosted then will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Matt. 25:41, Rev. 20:10)
Then Also, at the end of time and the 1000 year reign of Christ all the lost who have been waiting in Sheol (Cain – Kingdom age rebel) will be brought before the GREAT WHITE THRONE for ETERNAL judgment and ETERNAL damnation in the ETERNAL prison of FOREVER… the Lake of Fire (Matt 25:41, Rev. 20:11-15)
The Bible end with the most glorious ETERNAL happy EVER after (Rev. 22:1-5)! All because of the saving grace and mercy of Almighty God and the Lamb!!
Hallelujah!!! And To God be the glory for EVER and EVER Amen!!!
Hope that helped!!
Can you please give me the scriptural verse in the Holy Bible that says the Lord Jesus will save us from the 7 year tribulation.
I have known many to say that our precious saviour Lord Jesus Christ will save us from the wrath which is coming which is the Fathers wrath poured onto the earth in seven bowls.
Also the Bible clearly states that the rising of the dead in Christ and then the living to meet with our savior in the air to be with Him for eternity happens at the sound of the last(7th)trumpet?
This is at the ending of the 6th seal.
Also in 2009 there were 165,000 followers of Jesus Christ killed and I would think alot more since then.
What is keeping our present day murdering of the Christian people, their children seperated from them and murdered right before their eyes, before they themselves are killed, not to you look like the 7 year tribulation. There are Christians being imprisoned because of their faith and love for their Messiah Jesus Christ. Some even being beheaded.
Why is our Christian nation being submerged in satanic desires that are coming from strangers to our country not true Americans why doesn't all this shout "The tribulation has started"?
Is it because the believers in Jesus Christ have not yet been raptured?
Please show me one scriptural verse that says Jesus will save us from the 7 year tribulation.
If you can then I will believe you if you can't then you are a believer of lies and not the lover of truth and you along with all the others that believe as you do WILL BE decieved.
Show me so I will know why you believe as you do.
Thank you David
Peace be unto you
Dear David,
Wow! Just WOW! Thank you for an in-depth answer. I have lots to read and think and pray about. You have helped me on my way.
Blessings in HIM!
Please keep up the good work. Your posts are excellent, and God is using you to further HIS kingdom!
My friend you have to see the Bible from a dispensational point of view… which simple stated is to say let it say what it says…
Dan 9:24- 27 – The 70 Weeks of Daniel
The 70 Weeks of Daniel are 70 weeks of 7 years = 490 years. These weeks were given to Daniel near the end of Israel’s 70 year captivity. Each week is 7 years. After Messiah has entered the City of Jerusalem on Passover on Palm Sunday Dan 9:25 and then CUT OFF God’s time clock for Israel stops and then after 50 day at Pentecost a great mystery is revealed and the Church i.e., the called out assembly is born made up at first of those Jews who received the Messiah and later Gentile who also would believe on the Messiah of Israel (Acts 2 – Rom. 9-11)
When Messiah is cut off (Dan. 9:26) there is only 1 week LEFT (7 years left) thus the 7 year tribulation Rev. 6-16
The 2 Witnesses who come on the stage - AFTER the Rapture of the Church - at the same time the covenant of is SIGNED between Israel and the Anti Christ (Dan. 9:27, Rev. 6:1-2) The 2 Witnesses ministry is for 1260 days or 3 ½ lunar years (Rev11:3)
It is at the end of this 1260 days or 3 ½ year ministry that their murder will take place (Rev. 11:7-8) by the Beast who will reign for 42 months or 1260 days or 3/12 years after the 2 Witnesses 3 ½ year ministry. Also Israel will flee to a place prepared by Almighty God after the Abomination of desolation for …1260 days or 42 months or 3 ½ years. Also in Daniel 12:1 talks about the last 31/2 years of Jacob’ trouble and in (Dan. 12:7) time (1), times (2) and ½ or 3 ½ years
2 Witnesses (Rev. 11:3) 3 ½ years + Anti Christ’s (Rev. 13:5) 3 ½ years = 7 Years (i.e., the Last week of Daniels 70 Weeks of years (490) for Israel.
3 ½ years + 3 ½ years = 7 years
When the Church is gone Israel’s time clock starts again. The tribulation is ALL about getting Israel to a saving relationship to Almighty God and at the end of this 7 years period finally establishing the long awaited Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. That is why the rapture has to take place before this period. God goes back to dealing with Israel. The key to all prophecy is Israel. Tragically the professing “Church” throws out Israel and all her promises and covenants made to her by Almighty God.
A lot here my friend hope it helps.
God speed!
My friend if you know the Lord as your personal Savior then you are apart of His body and you will NOT be here for the Day of Wrath or 7 Year Tribulation (Rev. 6-16).
The world is wicked and violent but this global adversity is baby toys to the EXPONENTIAL time of the Tribulation. Have faith in Almighty God and His Word my friend it will set you free! John 8:32,36!
God Speed and my pleasure and to God be the glory!!!
Phil. 4:4 & Eph. 5:16-17
why are you leading these innocent ones to unscriptural sayings?
This dispensational time you speak of is not scriptural and is not found in the Holy word of our Lord God our Father!
The tribulation has started! I have given you the counting of the Beast and the lawless one and have told you what I have received from the Holy Spirit.
Why do you insist on speaking of satans lies?
You will be deceived for the Father will set forth a strong delusion to allow the ones of unrightousness to believe a lie.
David satan copies everything the Lord God does but he does it in reverse.
Is it so hard to think that the rapture you are referring to is satans plan to destroy the ones who have believed in his lies and not been a lover of the truth of our living Father?
Why do you not answer my writngs when I ask you to respond?
I pray David that your false word reaches no more innocent ones and that you drink milk before you think about eating meat.
Peace be unto you
why are you leading these innocent ones to unscriptural sayings?
This dispensational time you speak of is not scriptural and is not found in the Holy word of our Lord God our Father!
The tribulation has started! I have given you the counting of the Beast and the lawless one and have told you what I have received from the Holy Spirit.
Why do you insist on speaking of satans lies?
You will be deceived for the Father will set forth a strong delusion to allow the ones of unrightousness to believe a lie.
David satan copies everything the Lord God does but he does it in reverse.
Is it so hard to think that the rapture you are referring to is satans plan to destroy the ones who have believed in his lies and not been a lover of the truth of our living Father?
Why do you not answer my writngs when I ask you to respond?
I pray David that your false word reaches no more innocent ones and that you drink milk before you think about eating meat.
Peace be unto you
Larry, You are the deceived my friend and as a little devil trying to oppose God's Teachig. I give countless Bible verses in context whenever I share my biblical position with you or any tragically I never see you give one.
No offence my friend, but if we do not offer you anything here from God's Word then move on. I have and will allowed your opposing comments to be remained posted. There is noting more to say on the matter.
I have shaken the dirt from my feet.
Thank you for this awesome piece. Your posts help me pray and Bless the Lord continously from waking until I shut my eye with sleep.
God Bless your missionary zeal.
Anne your a blessing! God speed my sister!
David, I just read the posts between you and IAMone2. I must say that it seems to that you have stated your position with love and knowledge. I fear that he is so caught up in his "religon" that he may not have a relationship with our Lord!. Keep up the good work. You are a blessing. To God be all the glory!
There are millions of IAMone2 that do not have a clue. First he needs to take away IAm from his id. That belongs to God only. And Dave where did you get his name Larry, i did not see him leave that. Any way i watch the tapistry and wonder of Gods Love daily. As i die daily, i know how the old man must die in order to become closer to God through Jesus. And you will be hated for they hated me first,Jesus says. All i can really add is I beleive what you say as is what i beleive, but even [if] we would go through the tribulation, Truly, really, what is it that we should fear.swm
Jerry and swm,
Well... we talk for a while but he did not have an ear to hear and got quite mad at times. God knows he means well but we have to deal and live in reality and in the sound teachings of God's Word. Not in emotions and feelings. No offense to this man.
He went his way but believe he still comes to the IFB from time to time. Remember him in prayer my dear friends; we have no enemies here (even though we have enemies here) only individuals who need to know the Lord.
God speed! (Eph. 5:16-17)
America fell a long time ago. Somewhere around 1776. The inevitable fruits are just beginning to be recognized by some recently, however pluarlism, the inclusion of all false gods,has always been the foundation. Obama is not the cause, he is only the product.
To IAMone2 and to Rick Frueh, I have to ask this question to the both of you...exactly WHY do you come to blogs like this when the BOTH of you are so adamantly anti Pre_Trib? What do you expect to accomplish by continually attacking the MINORITY, not majority of believers who adhere to Pre-Trib and their belief that we as believers were TOLD to pray that we would be able to escape all that was coming to this planet? Are you guys mascochistic(sp?), are you guilty of your sins or really don't believe that you can be saved? No, NONE of us are better than any Martyr past OR present, and no, I don't know why some people are made Martyrs. I don't know why theres famine, pestilence, wars, or death either. But I DO know that there was going to be a certain generation that was going to be the last one, and I believe its us. What bridegroom would beat the crap out of his fiancee for 7 years and then expect that fiancee to want to be with him FOREVER? Why? To get beat up some more? Thats a show of love? Get real. IAMone2, I don't know what you do for a living, but Rick, I DO know what you do. From you, I would expect more...you're supposed to be preaching the Word of God, which I would think is supposed to give people hope, not a reservation for thr guillotine.
FYI - I am pre-trib.
Thank you for your posts. You are a blessing!
Nancy, Thank you for your nice words!
To God be the glory!
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