Wherever one goes today, multitudes of teens and young children can be seen avidly imitating and idolizing the vast array of musicians and their decadent, chic culture and lifestyle. Television, satellite radio, iPods and the internet have revolutionized and intensified the accessibility to this hypnotic, godless spirit (2 Cor. 4:3-4; Eph. 2:1-2). America’s youth in particular are being intoxicated and brainwashed at an exponential rate with Lucifer’s subtle and godless message of “Do as Thou wilt.”
What is even more tragic is the majority of “out to lunch” parents who are totally oblivious and gullible about the damnable influence this culture and its demonic propaganda has over their children. These are messages of godlessness, anti-authority, licentiousness and promiscuity, immorality, vice, drug use, suicide, anarchy, violence, rape, “godless good,” delusional aspirations and fallen human hopes apart from the Creator in righteousness. These OTL parents are just as delusional and are products themselves of the same brainwashing and narcissistic tactics used by the Devil in the decadent and subjective 60’s music culture.
This narcissistic and emotionally driven mindset, feel-good philosophy, relativistic and non-judgmental ideology of modern American parenthood has spawned a far greater reprobate generation than themselves. The entire world is spiraling out of control, and we (America) are at the very vortex of the spiral. This is why we are now experiencing on a global scale an exponential increase in godlessness and lawlessness that brings with it horrendous consequences (Gal. 6:7-9).
From Rap to Heavy Metal, New Country to R&B, Pop to Grunge - even to the subtle teeny-bopper bubble gum music of today’s godless, pluralistic Disney channel – all genres have one common denominator. That denominator is to conform and fashion the youth of today’s America into godless reprobates wholly given over to their base desires and narcissistic ambitions. Lucifer, the ex-chief musician of Almighty God’s throne room (Ezek. 28:13-19), knows very well what music can do to the fallen nature of humanity left unchecked and unbalanced in light of natural law and the eternal righteous absolutes of Almighty God (Romans 1:18-32; 3:9-23). The hypnotizing lyrics mixed with various blends of percussion, guitar, piano and rhythm brings its listeners into an altered state of consciousness and prepares them to receive Lucifer’s subtle message of “Do as thou wilt.”
The ideas and message that we communicate through our music can speak volumes about who we are really serving in life (Luke 16:13). Because of this, we must take great care to use it in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord.
The admiration and idolatrous worship of these demonic lyric masters (musicians) is all part and parcel of the Evil Master’s master plan, i.e., to deceive, mislead, derail and detour as many souls as possible from coming to a saving relationship of Almighty God in truth and righteousness (John 8:44; 2 Thess. 2:9-12). Because of his primeval rebellion against God, Lucifer hates Adam’s race created in the image of God. From Adam’s race came the woman from whom was born the Savior of the world (Gen. 3:14-15; Gal. 3:16; 4:4; Rev. 12:1-4), who is also the Divine Judge of Lucifer and his rebellious minions - both angelic and human (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10-15).
Does this revelation and evaluation seem far-fetched and “over the top”? Does this sound like “fringe religion” and the height of kookiness? Well then, my friend, you are blinded to the realities of the Great Spiritual War now raging for the heart, souls and minds of mankind (2 Cor. 4:3-4). This spiritual warfare is thousands of years old, though it will soon be coming to a climax at the Battle of Armageddon. Lucifer’s rebellion is an insane and delusional attempt to overthrow Almighty God’s ETERNAL Sovereignty of righteousness for replacement with His own fallen rule and godless tyranny (Isa. 14:12-17; Ezek. 28:13-19; Rev. 12; 20:7-10). He is a hater of all that is life and light (reality), and the lover of all that is death and darkness (John 8:43-44).
Lucifer knows that the vast spectrum of flavors in his hypnotic "goodie bag” crosses all languages, cultures, borders, creeds, and ethnicities. These sensual delights so offered are his attempt to overcome the hurdle put in place by Almighty God at the Tower of Babel to slow down man’s unholy unity AGAINST God and His Righteous absolutes. Music is the universal language of this world and Lucifer, the Supreme Angel of Music, is a master of this. (Note the ending lyrics of this very famous pop song sung by Barry Manilow, “I Write The Songs,” where the singer exclaims, “I AM MUSIC!”) This insane genius knows the game and how to best exploit the weaknesses of his victims (John 8:44).
No single campaign strategy has been more successful in Satan’s war to corrupt mankind than that found in the music industry. Like no other entity, the music industry has single-handedly ravished and re-formatted the condition of our culture and the substance of our society to a godless and decadent wasteland.
Just take a long, hard look at the history of the music industry in America since the Roaring Twenties. Its progression has been exponential, so also has been its wake of devastation on the family, morals, society and our Judeo/ Christian heritage.
Liberated By Christ
As one whom Almighty God has saved out of this insane, decadent culture and lifestyle, I (DJP I.F.) personally know all too well that it is a machine of godlessness, excess and ruin. Oh, how I now sing praise to Almighty God for His grace and mercy to this lost transgressor who was saved from the ETERNAL ruin of his delusion and hypnotic stupor! Praise be to His glorious name forever and ever. Amen.
As the days in which we live get more and more godless, decadent and vile, thank God that He has provided a solution - a Savior - for those who are walking the course of this world in darkness and unbelief (Eph. 2:1-12).
What is even more tragic is the majority of “out to lunch” parents who are totally oblivious and gullible about the damnable influence this culture and its demonic propaganda has over their children. These are messages of godlessness, anti-authority, licentiousness and promiscuity, immorality, vice, drug use, suicide, anarchy, violence, rape, “godless good,” delusional aspirations and fallen human hopes apart from the Creator in righteousness. These OTL parents are just as delusional and are products themselves of the same brainwashing and narcissistic tactics used by the Devil in the decadent and subjective 60’s music culture.
America’s youth in particular are being intoxicated and brainwashed at an exponential rate with Lucifer’s subtle and godless message of "Do as Thou wilt."
This narcissistic and emotionally driven mindset, feel-good philosophy, relativistic and non-judgmental ideology of modern American parenthood has spawned a far greater reprobate generation than themselves. The entire world is spiraling out of control, and we (America) are at the very vortex of the spiral. This is why we are now experiencing on a global scale an exponential increase in godlessness and lawlessness that brings with it horrendous consequences (Gal. 6:7-9).
From Rap to Heavy Metal, New Country to R&B, Pop to Grunge - even to the subtle teeny-bopper bubble gum music of today’s godless, pluralistic Disney channel – all genres have one common denominator. That denominator is to conform and fashion the youth of today’s America into godless reprobates wholly given over to their base desires and narcissistic ambitions. Lucifer, the ex-chief musician of Almighty God’s throne room (Ezek. 28:13-19), knows very well what music can do to the fallen nature of humanity left unchecked and unbalanced in light of natural law and the eternal righteous absolutes of Almighty God (Romans 1:18-32; 3:9-23). The hypnotizing lyrics mixed with various blends of percussion, guitar, piano and rhythm brings its listeners into an altered state of consciousness and prepares them to receive Lucifer’s subtle message of “Do as thou wilt.”
The ideas and message that we communicate through our music can speak volumes about who we are really serving in life (Luke 16:13). Because of this, we must take great care to use it in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord.
The Copy Cats and Monkeys Seers
The youth of any particular generation love to imitate and follow these godless performers in their different eras; they are cleverly marketed and sold as good to the youth of this world. From Benny Goodman and Frank Sinatra to Elvis and the Beatles, from Led Zeppelin to Ozzy Osbourne, Pearl Jam to Marylyn Manson, etc., these have all been used to sell a bill of demonic goods for patterns to live out reprobate (ungodly) lives here in time. There is truly "nothing new under the sun" (i.e., in terms of human nature and imagination, not in a “technological” sense). Whatever your flavor, Lucifer has it for you. This tactic is as old as that used in the Garden of Eden, i.e., to challenge God's word and authority. Countless generations have followed after these damnable hypnotic trends, and the majority has allowed themselves to be led astray. There is something about music that temporarily satisfies the soul (like a drug). Humanity uses music to soothe and nourish their famished souls which were created for Almighty God and His ETERNAL Person. Those who reject their Creator’s mercy and saving grace (Romans 7:24-25) seek to fill this void with idolatry, material possessions, sex, drugs and, yes….Rock-n-roll music culture. It is a way to express themselves and to “lash out” at this fallen world which has them caught in their web.
The Game Plan - Lucifer's Successful War

The Game Plan - Lucifer's Successful War

Lucifer’s rebellion is an insane and delusional attempt to overthrow Almighty God’s Eternal Sovereignty of righteousness for replacement with His own fallen rule and godless tyranny.
Does this revelation and evaluation seem far-fetched and “over the top”? Does this sound like “fringe religion” and the height of kookiness? Well then, my friend, you are blinded to the realities of the Great Spiritual War now raging for the heart, souls and minds of mankind (2 Cor. 4:3-4). This spiritual warfare is thousands of years old, though it will soon be coming to a climax at the Battle of Armageddon. Lucifer’s rebellion is an insane and delusional attempt to overthrow Almighty God’s ETERNAL Sovereignty of righteousness for replacement with His own fallen rule and godless tyranny (Isa. 14:12-17; Ezek. 28:13-19; Rev. 12; 20:7-10). He is a hater of all that is life and light (reality), and the lover of all that is death and darkness (John 8:43-44).

The music industry has single-handedly ravished and re-formatted the condition of our culture and the substance of our society to a godless and decadent wasteland.
No single campaign strategy has been more successful in Satan’s war to corrupt mankind than that found in the music industry. Like no other entity, the music industry has single-handedly ravished and re-formatted the condition of our culture and the substance of our society to a godless and decadent wasteland.
Just take a long, hard look at the history of the music industry in America since the Roaring Twenties. Its progression has been exponential, so also has been its wake of devastation on the family, morals, society and our Judeo/ Christian heritage.
Liberated By Christ

As the days in which we live get more and more godless, decadent and vile, thank God that He has provided a solution - a Savior - for those who are walking the course of this world in darkness and unbelief (Eph. 2:1-12).
Oh, how I now sing praise to Almighty God for His grace and mercy to this lost transgressor who was saved from the ETERNAL ruin of his delusion and hypnotic stupor!
Dear Reader, do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? In these days this is the ONE most pertinent and relevant question that one could ask and give answer to. One’s entire destiny and ETERNAL future depends on it. Things are only getting worse and more desperate, which is setting the stage for the Ultimate Lie and Delusion (Matt. 24:15; Rev. 13). May you place your faith in the God of REALITY and TRUTH so that you will not be part of this damnable illusion. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31), and you will NEVER be the same!
Edited by BEL I.F.
Good Fight Ministries - Documentaries about Rock n Roll bands from a Biblical point of view!
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