Jesus stated - quite plainly - that all of these events MUST come to pass in the future (Matt 24). All the signs today point to this time and hour when the final outworking of godless lawlessness (iniquity) would engulf the entire world (Matt.24:12, 2 Thess. 2:3-12). There is absolutely nothing at present that can hinder this final lawless consumption of the world and the foretold global empire of Lucifer's anti-Christ and operation "666" (2 Thess. 2:7-12, Rev. 13). To believe otherwise is to be "anti-Christ" its self and the height of delusion and folly (1 John 2:19-23).
The Four Horsemen MUST ride... and no present-day "conservative movement" will stop them from their EXPONENTIALLY DESTRUCTIVE global ride and rampage!
Mankind has exhausted ALL of its avenues and efforts and as we have seen first hand here in
It will be just after the Rapture of the Body of Christ (i.e., the Church), that the "Day of the Lord" (the Seven Year Tribulation period) will commence with the opening of the "first seal" by the Lamb of Almighty God and the riding of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will begin; and WOE! WOE! WOW! to the inhabitants of the earth in that day (Rev. 6)!
There is absolutely nothing at present that can hinder this final lawless consumption of global 666.
Almighty God’s Day of wrath is truly at hand (Rev 6-19)! An objective evaluation of the global climate and conditions of our hour truly testifies to this very sobering reality. One must ask himself, “Will I hold on to my delusional subjective earthly perception or will I let go of my subjective establish perspective and have FAITH in Almighty God and His Word?” To comprehend this day and hour one MUST absolutely possess an objective Heavenly and ETERNAL perception of our day and sees the realities of it through a biblical lens. My friend unless you are regenerated by faith in Jesus Christ (born again) as Jesus stated, you can NOT see, yet comprehend the Kingdom of God, let alone the coming Kingdom of Heaven and hour in which they live in. You will remain imprisoned in the delusional fantasy of make-believe and changed in your darkened mind (2 Thess. 2:9-12).
As the great American experiment is coming to a horrific conclusion what hope is there for any American in this present evil world?

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

keep up the great work God Bless!
i can asume many things, i asume that america has become kit backed n chiled out to stand up against the BS n DC. SADLY it was the church' fault mostly to. i dont even hear a peep except on the internet. where are we and our voices heard. america deserves what it is getting and what its about to get. there SURE is alot of happing coming next month. WOW (my opinion either the rapture is next month or, (i believe)if were still here many, i mean MANY WILL HAVE THEIR FAITH AND TRUST TESTED AND I DO MEAN TESTED. how many seniors are GOD' children who would suffer greatly whats coming beyound their control? wouldnt GOD resue them? just a thought. the four horseman that are coming will be like the dumbo ride breaking down at disneyland and thats your worry? i find it amazeing that people would rather burn in hell for evermore rather then admit they did one wrong in their life just once and ask for forgivness and need of a savior and have a fantasic evermore. i need my savior bout 40 times a day. this isnt a time when we weep and wine and cry "were' my comfort zone" but its time for some inner rejoiceing. i dont know bout u but im trebbling with excitement whats coming. HIS kingdom, HIS will, WILL be done! not some OBAMMY n some gov.telling me how to whatever accept. buckle your seat belts and get ready for sept. this is going to be wild. been scanning the internet on this 'comet' or what ever is coming at us. cheek out u tube on comet and bible prop. WOW. so if i dont see u now, see ya going up. oh yeah one more thing. for those of you who dont believe or accept christ i say this wouldnt it be better if you believe now. that way if all this is BS then what the heck we all end up in the same place anyhow. BUT, what is were right? saved your butt from hell. MARANATHA PLEASE LORD JESUS. amen n AMEN!
As a prophecy watcher, it has been very obvious that we are right at the door of the pretrib rapture of the church. All the signs of the time are coming together at this time. The number one sign is Israel becoming a nation after almost 2,000 years. Globalism pushing hard for a world government through the United Nations, Russia (with Iran and Turkey) is one step away (in Syria) from invading Israel, the hard push for a cashless world economy, a world leader with a global surveillance system, and the rest of the signs in Matt. 24.
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