"I have found that many conservatives in the Religious Right are quite willing to compromise Biblical truth in their attempt to make the Bible more relevant and 'palatable.' ”
Such godless and decadent “social squeezing” by the Left in America has been the very catalyst for an “apostate” ecumenical union among the ARR. I have found that many conservatives in the Religious Right are quite willing to compromise Biblical truth in their attempt to make the Bible more relevant and "palatable.” In fact, when push comes to shove, these really DO NOT believe the clear Scriptural teachings regarding salvation and one’s indispensable need for a personal relationship with the Christ of Holy Scripture (Matt. 7:21-23; John 3:36; Jude 1:10). While they are quite dogmatic on the social, moral and fiscal issues in terms of Natural Law, they are NOT so dogmatic about the authority of Almighty God’s Infallible Word (Heb. 10:29; 2 Peter 2:1; 3:16).
What is the Manhattan Declaration?
The Manhattan Declaration was drafted by Dr. Robert George, Dr. Timothy George and Chuck Colson of Breakpoint Ministries. The Manhattan Declaration is a document that is intended to unite ultra-conservative Christians from a variety of backgrounds into one political movement. There has been nearly half a million conservative "Christians" that have signed this document (and counting). The overall goal of this alliance is to fight against the Left's global secular push against those who hold sacred Judean/ Christian values. The heart of this document seeks the sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of one man and one woman, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty. These are indeed noble and virtuous ideals, but what is most tragic about this document is that this ecumenical allegiance of "Christians" brings many different FALSE CHRISTS to the table. When it comes right down to it, these place social and moral issues above SOUND Biblical doctrine and its sole authority in all matters pertaining to life and godliness (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:3; 1 John 1:6). This ecumenical compromise is one of the most subtle errors of our day, and many are being drinking the heretical Kool-Aid and are greatly deceived by the type of alliance it promotes. Many of the Religious Right’s conservative activist groups and publications have also sought to encourage their viewers to sign this ecumenical pact.
What is the Manhattan Declaration?
"When it comes right down to it, these place social and moral issues above SOUND Biblical doctrine and its sole authority in all matters pertaining to life and godliness."
Jesus stated that in the last days many would come in his Name who DID NOT speak for Him (both conservative and liberal voices). He warned that many deceivers are gone out into the world, and the apostles Paul and John - guided by the Holy Spirit - also warned that many would have itching ears and depart from the faith (Matt. 7:21-23; 24:4; Col. 2:8; 2 Tim. 4:3; 2 John 7).
Although the Manhattan Declaration appears to be a good and noble endeavor for the promotion of social and moral conservative reforms, a great evil exists therein. Look at how these petitioners have fashioned it. Instead of simply putting forth a politically conservative ideology, they have identified themselves with their “Christian” denominations and personal, relativistic beliefs about the Bible. In doing so, they have “crossed the line” of Biblical sanctification and opened wide the doors of apostasy and damnable heresies (Matt. 7:15; Gal. 2:4; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Peter 2:1; Jude 1:4).
Although the Manhattan Declaration appears to be a good and noble endeavor for the promotion of social and moral conservative reforms, a great evil exists therein. Look at how these petitioners have fashioned it. Instead of simply putting forth a politically conservative ideology, they have identified themselves with their “Christian” denominations and personal, relativistic beliefs about the Bible. In doing so, they have “crossed the line” of Biblical sanctification and opened wide the doors of apostasy and damnable heresies (Matt. 7:15; Gal. 2:4; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Peter 2:1; Jude 1:4).
"Their common unity and central bond in Natural Law trumps that of the God of Nature (the Creator) and His infallible Word."
With that said, their position states quite emphatically what is their first priority (Matt. 7:16; Luke 6:44). Their common unity and central bond in Natural Law trumps that of the God of Nature (the Creator) and His infallible Word. Make no mistake, adherence to the bases of Natural Law and morality are essential for a healthy society, but these should never be held above the God of Nature and His righteousness (Matt 6:33; 1 Tim. 4:8). One applies only to temporal (time-based) existence, i.e., the “here and now,” and the other lasts throughout all time and eternity (1 John 2:17). In the end, only things wrought in spirit and truth and in Christ will abide forever (1 John 2:17). These two absolutes can never be reversed in order of importance. Natural Law can never supersede God, the Creator of Nature and Nature’s Law. In the end, this reversal will only bring eternal damnation and ruin upon the individual who practices this foolish reasoning and logic (Matt. 7:21-23; 1 John 2:17; Rev. 21:6-8).
In their ignorance and unbelief, these Manhattan Declaration signers have crossed this line and seem to be oblivious to this most pertinent of all realities. They are - perhaps unknowingly - promoting a Conservativism without Christ.
In their ignorance and unbelief, these Manhattan Declaration signers have crossed this line and seem to be oblivious to this most pertinent of all realities. They are - perhaps unknowingly - promoting a Conservativism without Christ.
The “Conservative First” Mentality
(This section is for born again believers only who have placed their faith in God’s Savior and saving grace as Holy Scripture dictates (John 1:12; Acts 16:30-31; Romans 5:1, 10:4; Eph. 2:8-9).

"I cannot tell you how many Believers and Evangelicals today have gotten all caught up in America's departure and have forgotten that the Day of the Lord is at hand!"
I cannot tell you how many Believers and Evangelicals today have gotten all caught up in America's departure and have forgotten that the Day of the Lord is at hand! Oh Beloved, WAKE UP! There is a Great Tribulation coming and a global day of lawlessness on the horizon as our Lord has said (Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19). I say again, WAKE UP, O Ye Sleepers! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand… even at the very doorstep! (Rom. 13:11; Eph. 5:9-17)
Redeeming the Time Wisely For The Lord
Those who have professed a genuine trust in Christ ought to be looking for His soon coming and redeem the time, for the days are indeed evil (Eph. 5:16; 6:13). That alone should be our “great commission” for the advancement of the gospel (good news), its outworking and fulfillment (Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 5:18-20; 2 Tim. 1:9). When we (the Ignorant Fishermen Brigade) attend these Tea Parties, we are not only fighting the secular, socialistic powers in Washington D.C. (which is our duty as American citizens here in time), but we are putting forth God’s Word and getting out His gospel (Mark 16:15-16; 1 Cor. 15:2-4) to our fellow conservatives with the message, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”
Redeeming the Time Wisely For The Lord

"The failing social and moral issues of the day have apparently consumed and caused many Bible Believers and Evangelicals to stumble and fall."
The failing social and moral issues of the day have apparently consumed and caused many Bible Believers and Evangelicals to stumble and fall. They seem to have taken their eyes off of the Savior and the very hour in which we are living. These individuals are dear, sincere people who just need to redirect their course and current position to get their holy calling and priorities right (1 Cor. 2:2; Gal. 6:14). We should not get discouraged, however, if many do not, for the Lord Himself predicted a great spiritual decline in these Last Days when he asked, “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8b). This was a rhetorical question with the implied answer, No.
In these Last Days may we be doing our part for “God and country” while never confusing or compromising the given order. May we be seeking ONLY God’s highest and best for all Americans and the world, which is having a saving relationship to Jesus Christ and the reality of sound Biblical teaching of Holy Scripture (2 Cor. 9:13; Phil. 3:12; 1 Tim. 6:2; 2 Tim. 4:15-16).
In these Last Days may we be doing our part for “God and country” while never confusing or compromising the given order. May we be seeking ONLY God’s highest and best for all Americans and the world, which is having a saving relationship to Jesus Christ and the reality of sound Biblical teaching of Holy Scripture (2 Cor. 9:13; Phil. 3:12; 1 Tim. 6:2; 2 Tim. 4:15-16).
"In these Last Days may we be doing our part for “God and country” while never confusing or compromising the given order."
Wherever we may find ourselves, may our political mantra be: “Servants of Christ FIRST, and a Conservative SECOND.” When we enjoy our healthy standing in Christ and are standing in Him rightly, we will inevitably be a right healthy conservative in everything we do and say (1 Cor. 6:20; 7:31; Col. 1:28; 3:16-17)!
Beloved, The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!
Edited by BEL I.F.
The Gospel of John Challenge
Beloved, The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!
Edited by BEL I.F.
The Gospel of John Challenge
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I usually agree with what you post and believe you are spot on, but this may be one of those agree to disagree times. This may be a case of too little, too late, but how is the declaration different than what you or I would say if challenged on these issues? I also read from the declaration: "We pledge to each other, and to our fellow believers, that no power on earth, be it cultural or political, will intimidate us into silence or acquiescence. It is our duty to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in its fullness, both in season and out of season. May God help us not to fail in that duty." In my view the moral majority has been the silent majority for far too long. The declaration is a way of saying to the world, we will be silent no longer!!
If these men had created a document based solely on fiscal conservatism, then I'd say, sure, it doesn't have Christian overtones, but does have stewardship overtones.
I signed the document because I found it to be very much in the interest of God Fearing Christians to stand up and declare our Christian intentions.
You are confusing religion with Christian Patriotism. Denominations are religions. In such they have their brand of worship. I have witnessed the God I serve work through Catholics, Baptists, He does not seem to put our desire of a brand of worship before HIs desires of natural outcome for His spiritual purpose.
You make anyone a blasphemer who would set aside religion to work with those of shared principles. This is ridiculous.
I believe Mormonism to be a cult. Does that mean I should not work with Mormons to make a better America? You clearly think there is some kind of purity in purpose, that we should lose the fight because we hold beliefs or ideals that simply don't yield a majority opinion.
I will not and have not watered down the Gospel by signing a document that seeks solidarity on the finest moral principles. We once had heaven on earth and were expelled. Speaking to the natural order is not blasphemy sir, it is common sense.
God Bless.
One other note: Thank God that the men that signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution did not share your views on spiritual purity as a sifter of intentions.
We'd have no country.
We are a failed creation. Christ is our only perfecter. If you think we can find some agreement in this realm, I sincerely doubt your logic.
I applaud you for this excellent blog and clear love for our Lord. Sowing division where none exists is much more of a dastardly initiative than anyone that signed the Manhattan Declaration submitted to. It is time for Godly men to act. If feverish, then I lay my sins in His duty on His altar and pray forgiveness.
Pick your battles better.
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