One of Connecticut’s most popular conservative radio talk show hosts, Jim Vicevich, uses many different Americana bumper music in his show’s rotation. One song in particular that Jim often uses is a song is called Sinners Welcome. This song starts off with a soft vocal melody:
One more night in the county jail
Ain’t nobody gonna make your bail
Behind these bars you’ll do your time
Got yourself 25 to life.
And the chorus:
Sinners Welcome, No man denied
Sinners Welcome, Save your soul tonight
Sin is the cause, Christ is the cure
Let the blood of the Lamb wash you pure
Sin is the cause, Christ is the cure
Together brothers we shall endure.
Just a simple little lyrical harmony, but one of great ETERNALtruth, value and hope! I truly wonder how many people who have heard this melodic phrase actually comprehend the magnitude and depth of how wonderful the truth that is found in this little melody.
Sinners Welcome. No man denied!
There is great pardon and hope to any of Adam’s fallen race (Romans 5:12,17; Gen. 5:3) who truly seek it from Almighty God! Multitudes can attest to the validity of this great reality and truth. Some of the most self-righteous moralists and vilest offenders have sought and found Almighty God’s pardon and righteousness that is found only in the Person of his Son Jesus Christ, God’s Lamb (1 Peter 1:18-19)! When the broken and contrite heart of an individual looks to Almighty God for grace and mercy, my beloved, he will find it! With bells on! God has never said no to such a one! Never! (See Psalm 51:16, 17; Luke 18:13,14; 23:39-43.)
God’s Word, the Bible, states quite emphatically, whether to the most moral and virtuous or to the most wretched and vile, All have sinned and All need the Savior! No one in the human race is without exception. God’s Word states;
All Have Sinned – All have missed the mark and fallen short of the God’s perfect standard, His glory (Romans 3:23)
All Have Trespassed – All have violated or trespassed against Almighty God’s Eternal Absolutes and Laws, i.e, Spiritual and Natural Moral Laws. (Isaiah 59:2, Eph 1:7, 2:1-10, Col :2:13)
All Have Unrighteous Imperfections – All have that which is flawed, marred, imperfect (incomplete), and lacking due to our fallen human inheritance from Adam that is contrary to God’s perfect design for His creation. (Job 13:23, 14:4, Psalm 51:5, Is 64:6)
All Need God’s Remedy – All need The Blood of the Lamb! The Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:7; 2:23; Col. 1:14,20; 1 Peter 1:2,18,19)
My friend, only in and by the Blood of the Lamb (Christ), can a man or woman be cleansed and be made whole. In the Lamb of God is found Almighty God’s pardon and propitiation to meet God’s righteous demands (Lev 17:11; Romans 10:4; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14, 20; 1 John 2:2).
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s perfect Lamb? Have you been washed in the Blood of the Lamb? Have your trespasses (sins) against the righteousness of Almighty God been completely pardoned and forgiven? If not, trust in Him today. He has never turned away anyone! God’s great desire is to wash you pure. Put your faith and trust in Almighty God’s Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ. He will pardon you and make you whole. Why not trust Him today? Your life will never be the same! Never! And you will never regret making that life-changing decision.
Sin is the cause, Christ is the cure, let the blood of the Lamb wash you pure!(Col 1:14, 20)
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Blood of the Lamb Verses Link
The Blood of the Lamb (Related Post)

1 comment:
What a wonderful article. It is so faithful to the one and only Gospel that saves.
Kudos to the writer!
-Mark M
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